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AAVS. Middleware Security Group Bob Cowles CERN – September 14, 2005. Proxy Certificates. Self-signed by an end-entity – not normally acceptable RFC 3820 defines motivation and usage Private key not protected except by file system security No CRL. Compromise Mitigations.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AAVS Middleware Security Group Bob Cowles CERN – September 14, 2005

  2. Proxy Certificates • Self-signed by an end-entity – not normally acceptable • RFC 3820 defines motivation and usage • Private key not protected except by file system security • No CRL

  3. Compromise Mitigations • Only a single user • Limited lifetime • Does not compromise the original end-entity certificate • Can be restricted in usage

  4. Drawbacks Actual Use • Lifetime may not be very limited • No real agreement on renewal process • Little use of limiting capabilities

  5. Moving Ahead Renewal • Can enforce limited lifetime constraint • If application error, things don’t work and the bug gets fixed • However • Proxy still exposed for inappropriate use until it expires • Significant resources can e consumed that are wasted

  6. Moving Ahead Revocation • Can use OCSP for “lighter weight” and more timely revocation • Allows for more prompt revocation of compromised proxys • However • Application may not be able to get information from server • Increased complexity of certificate validation

  7. Moving Ahead • Path forward is not clear • Will need to use experience • Need to maintain flexibility • Need to increase security of checks from compromise • If we have strong auth structure, do we even care about revoking authentication?

  8. AAVS • AA Validation Service • Start with standard API of library routines for applications to call • Move as quickly as possible to external service • Eases load on application developers • More flexibility as new requirements are discovered

  9. CommentsDiscussion?

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