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CCC Long Term Care Funding and Costing Model

abcd. CCC Long Term Care Funding and Costing Model. Alan Stockbridge September 2001. Introduction. Model developed 1998-99 2 parts to the model : Costing model Funding model Projections up to 2030. Aims of Model. To put a cost on the current level of long term care

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CCC Long Term Care Funding and Costing Model

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  1. abcd CCC Long Term Care Funding and Costing Model Alan Stockbridge September 2001

  2. Introduction • Model developed 1998-99 • 2 parts to the model : • Costing model • Funding model • Projections up to 2030

  3. Aims of Model • To put a cost on the current level of long term care • To calculate the split of costs paid for by the state and the person receiving care • To enable the CCC to contribute fully to the public debate once the Royal Commission was published

  4. Costing Model • Number of individuals needing care in a nursing home, residential home and in their own home • Per person total cost of care in each of these environments • Split of these costs into : • Nursing care • Personal care • Living costs

  5. Nursing Homes • Number in nursing home : • OPCS survey of disability in Great Britain • Disability categories 9 and 10 and 50% category 8 • Cost estimate £350 per week • Split of costs from sample nursing home

  6. Residential Home • Number in residential homes : OPCS disability categories 1-7 plus 50% category 8 • Cost estimate £250 per week • Split of costs estimated from Laing and Buisson and Joseph Rowntree Foundation Inquiry

  7. Domiciliary Care D • OPCS number of lives with disabilities in domiciliary environment split by severity categories • Cost estimated as • hours care per week x cost of care • NHS care counted as nursing care • Private, local authority and informal care counted as personal care

  8. Domiciliary Care - Numbers (000’s over age 60 needing care) DOMICILIARY CARE

  9. Informal Care • Cost of informal care estimated as cost of home help at £4 an hour • Number of hours care needed estimated by severity category: • 1 - 3 10 hours per week • 4 - 7 30 hours per week • 8 - 10 30 hours per week • Subjective assumptions

  10. Project Number - Needing Care Total

  11. Estimated Total Costs - Care In 2000

  12. Split of Care Costs

  13. Funding Model • Individual funding : • income • financial assets • housing equity • Government funding : • attendants allowance • personal allowance • means test allowance

  14. Estimated Split of Funding

  15. Sensitivity to Assumptions • Model only as good as the assumptions it is based on • More up to date information available? • Impact of future trends • Sensitivity analysis

  16. Reduction in Informal Care • Total informal care costs estimated at £19bn. • Impact of a 10% shift from a domiciliary environment to care homes • nursing home costs increase by 30% • residential home costs increase by 155% • total care costs increase by 12%

  17. Increase in Care Costs • A 5% increase in the cost of providing domiciliary care increases total care costs by 3.8% • A 5% increase in both nursing home and residential home costs only increases total care costs by 1%

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