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“Giving No Place to the Devil” in Evangelism. This week we’re talking about “giving no place to the devil” in our lives. Tonight, we are going to consider the area of evangelism.
“Giving No Place to the Devil” in Evangelism This week we’re talking about “giving no place to the devil” in our lives. Tonight, we are going to consider the area of evangelism. As Christians, we have been called to bring people out of the bondage of sin through the gospel of Christ (2 Tim. 2:24-26). When faced with this grave challenge, we often feel overwhelmed with the responsibility so much that we desire someone else fulfill it.
Our weaknesses and fears leave the door wide open to “give place to the devil”. Throughout God’s word we’re told “do not fear” and “be strong and courageous”. Let us learn from God’s word (Rom. 15:4) so that we might overcome our shortcomings. For a few moments, let’s look back at Moses, who in response to God’s call to bring His people out of Egyptian bondage said…
Excuse #1- “Who am I?” (Ex. 3:11) Moses had been a man of power & deeds at 40, but now he’s 80 & a lowly shepherd. (Acts 7:22-25; Ex. 3:1; 7:7) Just as God promised to be with Moses, Jesus would be with His obedient disciples. (Exodus 3:12; Matt. 28:19-20) The uneducated and untrained disciples were transformed from fearful failures into fearless men (Mark 14:50,72; 16:10ff; Acts 4:13; 8:4). If you feel inadequate, God can make you sufficient for serving him (2 Cor. 3:5-6).
#2- “What Shall I Say?” (Ex. 3:13) God told Moses what to say, and through the word, the Lord tells us what to preach so that people will be saved. (Ex. 3:14-17; Mark 16:15-16) We must have the conviction to study the Scriptures, learn from Jesus, and imitate Him (John 6:44-45; 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:14-15) Pray for open doors for the gospel and wisdom to speak with clarity and grace (Col. 4:2-6). You can invite others to come and learn about Jesus in this gospel meeting. (John 1:39, 46; 4:29)
#3 “What if they don’t believe me?” (Ex. 4:1) Moses was afraid people wouldn’t listen, and too often, so are we. God provided many convincing proofs to produce faith in him (Ex. 4:2-9). The Lord worked with the disciples by confirming the word by signs (Mark 16:20). We don’t need a miracle to have faith since we have the evidence of eyewitness testimony and fulfilled prophecy in the Scriptures. (Jn. 20:27-31; Ro. 10:17; He. 11:1; 2 Pt. 1:19; Lk. 24:25f)
#4- “I am of slow of speech & slow of tongue” (Ex. 4:10) Moses used this excuse two more times after the Israelites rejected him and Pharaoh had made them work harder. Moses even blamed God (Ex. 5:21-23; 6:9-12; 6:30). God reminded Moses that He made his mouth and gave him assurance (Ex. 4:11-12). How many times have we said that ‘we aren’t eloquent’, ‘we’re too sinful’, ‘we’ve been rejected’, ‘we’ve suffered’, and blamed God? God is able to use man’s weakness to His glory. (2 Cor. 10:10; 1 Cor. 1:26ff; 2:1-5; 3:6-8)
“Please send someone else” (Ex. 4:10) The excuses were just a cover up to hide the truth that Moses didn’t really want to go. God was very angry but sent Aaron with Moses to speak to Pharaoh (Ex. 4:11f; 7:1-2). If we are honest, sometimes we make excuses as to why we can’t do what God wants us to do & ask to send someone else. Realizing the terror of the Lord in the Judgment Day, we should persuade men to obey or we demonstrate that we are ashamed of Him. (2 Cor. 5:10-11; Mk. 8:38; Rev. 21:8).
Instead of giving place to the devil by saying “send somebody else” we need to “be who God wants us to be”. How do we do that? Let’s consider Isaiah. In Isaiah 6, he recounts the vision of God calling him. He could have made excuses that he was too young or it was going to be too difficult, but he had the conviction to do God’s will. Let’s look at his attitude (Isa. 6:5-8). He recognized the sin in his life, and once it was purged answered God’s call with….
“Here am I. Send me!” Our responsibility is not to think about whether they are worthy or consider their lifestyle but simply plant, water, and pray that the gospel might be received with good and honest hearts. God has promised to give the increase, and He will (1 Cor. 3:4-6; Lk. 8:15). God has promised to be with us (Rom. 8:31), He has taught us what to say (Mark 16:16), He has given His word to cast down all false arguments (2 Cor. 10:3-6), and eternal life if we obey Him (Heb. 5:8-9).
Like Isaiah, we must recognize and remove any sin in our lives. We don’t have a Seraphim to come put a hot coal on our mouth to purge our iniquities, but we have the plan of salvation through the blood of Christ. You must hear the gospel (Rom. 10:17). You must believe and confess that Jesus is God’s Son (John 8:24; Matt. 10:32). You must repent of your sins (Luke 13:3). You must be immersed in water for the remission of your sins (John 3:5; Acts 2:38).
“Send somebody else?” And “give place to the devil? God forbid. We need to say- “Here am I. Send me” What about you? God has called you to service! Will you answer His call?