MCESA – REIL Program Project Overview ADE and MCESA will design, develop and deploy Data Management System (DMS) otherwise known as the REIL-ized Decision Support System (RDSS) for linking teacher and principal assignment data to student achievement data. (A.C.A. 2, 8, 9) (0) The RDSS will link performance of student achievement data to each eligible teacher’s and principal’s performance incentive to payroll and human resource system. (A.C.A. 6, 8) (0)(0) The RDSS will also provide an Identity Management Solution that rigorously validates the user’s credentials and ensures the user is exposed to data and functionality that they are authorized to view. (A.C.A 1, 2, 5) (0) The RDSS will capture and allow easy analysis of formative and summative assessments by item and strand. (A.C.A. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) (0) The RDSS will house a scalable, sustainable, and agile student assessment delivery system. (A.C.A. 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 12) (0) This system will capture teacher and principal professional development data. (A.C.A. 8) (0) (0) (0) The RDSS will provide portals and other gateways that provide system administrators, teachers and principals the requisite level of transparency necessary to review accuracy of their specific information. (A.C.A. 1, 2, 5, 9) (0) Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risks
Observation Data Capture Tool (ODCT) Project Overview The purpose of the Observation Tool is to provide a standardized input solution to gather evaluators’ feedback and store it in a data repository to be primarily used to calculate 50% of the REIL score, as well as to provide raw data for other reporting and analysis. This will begin the process of automating what is now a manual paper-based feedback process. Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risk of not approving
Video Bank • Project Overview • The purpose of the Video Bank is to enable evaluators of teachers to view videos exemplifying how a teacher would perform in a given subject, grade and proficiency • Provide video instruction with mini-quiz type capabilities • Meta-data tagging of videos for search and indexing • Uploading of custom videos with ability to vet through with MCESA focus group(s) • Capability of Hi/Low bandwidth videos / playback • Provide more in-depth video training along with assessment • 3 Levels of Videos: Basic Training Videos, Evaluation Rubric • Videos, Computer Based Training Video’s (CBT) • Ability to interface with other modules within the RDSS Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risk/Mitigation
Data Management Solution (formerly ETL/SOA) • Project Overview • A data solution that will extract, transform and load the various data elements from the LEA, ADE and MCESA databases, data sources. As well as multiple sub-projects that fit into the data management role (see below) • Student State Assessments (AIMS) (ADE) • Student District Assessments (District Benchmarks) (Custom Assessments – developed by REIL) (MCESA) • Student Information: Enrollment, Attendance, Demographics, Program Participation (ADE & MCESA) • Course/Class Data: Course Catalog, Class Rosters (ADE) • Student Transcripts: Course enrollment, Attendance, Grades (ADE) • HR/Payroll Data (LEA) • SIS: Genesis & School Master (LEA) • SOA/ETL • Client Interface • Maintenance Screens • Role Management (Identity Management) Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risk/Mitigation
RDSS • Project Overview • A system that links student achievement data to teacher and principal payroll and human resource systems: • RDSS or Data Management System (DMS) brings together multiple district systems, including educational services, business services, and human resources, in order to support educator development, reward accomplishments, and inform retention and tenure decisions for the purpose of improved student learning. Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risk/Mitigation
Assessments Project Overview A scalable, sustainable and agile student assessment delivery (customizable) system- This system should allow test data validation and auditing capabilities by focus groups that are assigned by customer. The system should allow testing items for both non-secure and secure items; the system should allow traditionally non-tested areas to be customized by Item and Strand. The system should allow tests to be created by subject, grade, and course. The system should also allow K-12 test ranges to be archived and retrievable within the system for printing and review purposes. Key Milestones Key Accomplishments Risk/Mitigation