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Color Key: White indicates natural events or processes. Yellow indicates technological developments. Blue indicates cultural developments. Red indicates political/military developments .
Color Key: White indicates natural events or processes. Yellow indicates technological developments. Blue indicates cultural developments. Red indicates political/military developments. If categories overlap, the color that seems most appropriate and/or best distinguishes it from other items is used. All dates are BCE. The earlier the date, the more open to dispute it is. Hopefully this gives some idea of the sequence of developments in our past. c.2 million Stone tools Likely controlled use of fire c.300,000 Earliest Religion c.300,000- 50,00 Homo Sapiens Sapiens c.100,000 Art c.30,000 c.12,000 End of last Ice Age c.8000 Domest. of sheep Agriculture c.8000 Domest. of Pigs c.7000 Domest. of Cattle c.6500 Irrigation c.5800 Smelting Copper c.4000 c.4000-3500 Cities in Mesopotamia Pictographic writing c.3500 1st Hydraulic Civ’s c.3000- 2500 c.3000 Warfare c.3000 Ideographic writing c.3000 Bronze tech. Domest. of horses Ziggurats, 1st monumental architecture c.3000 c.2900 Great Pyramid c.2800 Rebus writing c.2100 1st written literature, Epic of Gilgamesh, c.2000 c.1000 Iron tech. Phonetic Alphabet c.1050
Sumerian city-states c.3000-2350 Indus River Civ. c.2850-2150 Old Kgd Egypt c.2500-1700 c.2350-2250 3rdDyn. of Ur Akkadian Emp. c.2100-2000 Middle Kgd Egypt c.2850-2150 Babylonian Emp. c.1750-1600 New Kgd. Egypt c.1570-1085 c.1531-1155 Kassite Emp. Aryans enter India c.1500 Height of Hittite Empire c.1430-1180 c.1313 Traditional rabbinic date for Exodus Sea Peoples->Period of turmoil -> End of Bronze Age c.1200 Phoenicians Spread of iron tech. c.1200 Egypt’s final decline c.1200-539 c. 1085-525 Phoenician alphabet c.1050 Kgd of Israel 1030-931 911-612 Assyrian Emp. c.814 Assyrians conquer N. Kgd of Israel Phoenicians found Carthage. 722 Chaldean Emp. Phoenicians circumnavigate Africa 612-539 Babylonians sack Jerusalem c.600 586 c.550-330 Pre-classical Maya Persian Empire c.250 BC (BCE) AD (CE) c.250-900 Classical Maya Post-classical Meso-America c.900-1521 1428-1521 Aztecs Inca civ. In Peru c.1100-1536
MINOAN CIV. c.1900-1425 MYCENAEAN CIV c.1600-1100 1184 DARK AGE c.1100-800 “Fall of Troy” ARCHAIC AGE c. 800-500 c.750-550 Homer Age of colonization c.700 Thales of Miletus c.624-546 c.650 Hoplite Phalanx Age of tyrants c.650-500 Coinage c.600 Lycurgan reforms in Sparta c.600 508 Cleisthenes’ democ. Reforms at Athens Persian Wars 510-478 c.500-323 CLASSICAL ERA 478-465 Delian League-> Ath. Emp. Socrates 460-430 Pericles & Athens’ Golden Age Plato 470-399 428-347 Aristotle 384-322 Parthenon Aeschylus 447-432 Sophocles Euripides 525-456 496-406 480-406 Aristophanes 448-380 Peloponnesian War “King’s Peace” 431-404 Philip of Macedon conquers Greece 387 338 Alexander the Great’s reign Alexandria 336-323 330 HELLENISTIC ERA 323-31 323-c.275 Menander & New Comedy 342-291 Wars of Alexander’s successors Epicurus 341-270 334-262 Eratosthenes Stoicism Rome annexes Greece 276-194 146 Rome annexes Egypt 31
Rome founded “753” c.650 Etruscans rule Rome Romans conquer Veii Rome free of Etruscans “509” Gauls sack Rome 396 387 Samnite Wars 343-290 Manipular reform of army Appian Way & 1st Roman aqueduct c.315 c.312 Pyrrhic War & final domination of Italy 280-275 Punic Wars -> Rome dominates W. Medit. 264-200 c.240 Rome rules E. Med. Roman Theater 200-133 Influx of Greek culture 200-133 Gracchi reformsera of turmoil Marius’ milit. Reforms- 133-121 107 Cicero Soc. War It’s gain citizenship 106-43 Gladiatorial games 105 Sulla wins 1st Roman civil war Spartacus’ slave revolt 91-88 Caesar conquers Gaul 83-82 73-71 58-50 Caesar wins 2nd Roman civil War 49-45 Caesar killed3rd Civil War 44 Augustus est. PaxRomana Octavian wins 4th civil war vs. Ant. & Cleop. 31 27 Vergil’s Aeneid 19 BC (BCE) AD (CE) Empire reaches greatest extent under Trajan 117 Pantheon 126 Epidemic & invasionsend Pax Rom. 160s All freemen given Citizenship 212 Diocletian restores orderempire survives 200 yrs Anarchy nearly destroys emp. 235-84 285-305 Constantine legalizes Christianity 313 Battle of Adrianople 378 Goths sack Rome 410 Attila diesUnleashes former subjects vs. Rome 453 480 Julius Nepos, last emp. of West, dies in exile
St. Paul’s ministry The Great persecutions c.35-67 Constantine’s edict of toleration 303-13 313 Council of Nicaea 325 Ulfilas converts Goths to Arian Chr. c.310-83 Chr. the Emp’s official religion 380 410 Goths sack Rome St. Patrick’s mission to Ireland St. Augustine writes City of God 413-26 432 Clovis & Franks convert to Catholic Chr. 496 Odovacer deposes Romulus Augustulus Clovis expands Frankish kgd. 476 482-511 Ostrogoths conquer Italy 490-3 St. Benedict founds Monte Cassino c.529 Justinian’s conquest of Italy. 535-554 Lombards invade Italy-> not reunified until 1871 568 Aethelbert of Kent converts to Chr. 601 Stirrup introd. in W. Eur. 600s St. Boniface’s mission to Central Eur. 718 733 Battle of Tours Papal States created 756 Charlemagne’s conq. & forced conversion of Saxony 772-804 793 Vikings sack Mon. of Lindisfarne c.800 Book of Kells & Carolingian Ren Charlemagne crowned emperor 800 Tr. of Verdun splits Frank. Emp-> Fr. & Ger. 843 c.800- 1000 Anarchy & invasions across W. Eur.-> Rise of feudalism Monast. of Cluny starts reform movement 911 961 Otto I of Ger. crowned Holy Roman Emp.
Constantinople founded 330 Justinian’s reign 527-65 Hagia Sophia 532 Bubonic Plague Life of Mohammed 542 570-632 Hegira 622 Definitive written version of Quran 650 4 Orthodox Caliphs Arab conquests 632-61 632-c.800 661-750 Sunni-Shi’ite split Umayyad Dyn 680 727-842 750 Iconoclasm Umayyad Dyn. in Spain 756 Abbasid Dynasty Baghdad founded 762 Bulgars convert to Chr. 863 al-Rhazi, Arab physician 865-923 Macedonian Dyn-> Height of Byz. Emp.. 867-1025 Russia converts to Chr. 988 IbnSina, Arab physician Schism b/w Roman & Grk Churches 980-1037 1054 Battle of Manzikert->Byz. decline & rise of Seljuk Turks 1071 1048 -1131 Crusaders sack Const. Omar Khayyam IbnRushd, philos. 1126-98 1204 Mongols dest. Kiev Mongols crush Seljuks-> Rise of Ottomans 1237 1243 1332- 1406 IbnKhaldun, philos. & historian Ottomans expand into Europe 1345 Ivan III drives Mongols from Muscovy 1390 1453 Ottomans take Constantinople 1492 Moors driven from Spain 1526 Ottomans conquer Hungary Ivan IV of Russia 1533-84 Battle of Zenta-> Ottoman decline 1697
c.1500 -1200 Vedic era Upanishads c.1200-500 Rice agr. & iron tech c.1000 c.700-300 Era of 16 Great Realms c.559-527 Gautama Buddha Mahavira & Jainism Theraveda-Mahayana split in Buddhism c.563-483 c.500-400 327 c.300 Alexander of Mac. invades India 321-184 Ramayana & Mahabharata Mauryan Emp. c.300CBC- 1279 CE Chola Emp. In S. India Indo-GrkKgd. I80 BC- 10 CE c.100 Gandharan art c.120 BC- 50 CE Indo-Scythians BC (BCE) AD (CE) BhagavadGita& Rise of VaishnaviteHinduism Gupta Emp. 319-500 c.300 Rajputkgd’s Zero & Place value digits c.400 500-1200 711 Sultanate of Delhi 1206- c.1500 Arabs enter India Mughal Emp. 1526- c.1700 TajMahal 1632-53 Br. E. Indies Comp. enters India 1601 B. of Plassey 1757 1st Gov. General, Warren Hastings 1778 1779 India’s 1st newspaper 1853 1st passenger train in India 1857 Great India Mutiny-> Br. Takes control from BEIC 1907 Tata Iron & Steel Co. Gandhi leads ind. movement 1920s Indian indep; India-Pakistan split-> 1st Kashmir war 1947
Bronze tech. c.2200 SHANG DYNASTY 1500–1028 Oracle bone script c.1200 ZHOU DYNASTY 1028–256 Confucius b.604? Lao Tze 551–479 Age of Warring States Iron plow c.500 481-221 QIN DYNASTY 221-206 Great Wall 220 Burning of the Classics 213 HAN DYNASTY 206–220 CE Confucianism adopted at court 140 Wheelbarrow c.30 BC (BCE) AD (CE) 1st Buddhist temple in China 68 c.100 Paper c.105 184 Stern rudder Yellow Turban Rev JIN DYNASTY 265–420 1st accurate depiction of stirrups 322 SUI DYNASTY 581–618 Civil service exams 605 Grand Canal 609 TANG DYNASTY 618–907 Gunpowder invented c.850 SONG DYNASTY 960–1279 c.1000 Navig. compass 1041 Bi Sheng’s movable type Su Song’s Mech. clock tower 1094 1233-79 Mongols conquer China YUAN DYNASTY 1279–1368 Red Turban Rebelllion 1351-68 MING DYNASTY 1368–1644 1405-34 Zheng He’s voyages 1516 1st contact w/Portuguese QING DYNASTY 1644–1911
660-585 Trad. dates for reign of JimmuTenno, Japan’s 1st emp., Yayoi Culture -> Rice agr, iron, weaving 250 BC- 300 CE BC (BCE) AD (CE) Yamato Culture -> Horseback riding Buddhism introduced from Korea c.300-710 552 645 Emperor Kotoku’sTaika reforms to centralize Japan like China 710-94 Nara serves as Japan’s 1st perm. capital HEIAN PERIOD 794-1185 815 c.1000 Tale of Genji Tea introduced to Japan Genpei War 1180-85 KAMAKURA SHOGUNATE 1185-1333 1191 Zen introduced to Japan 1274 & 1281 Emperor Go-Daigo ‘s revolt Mongol invasions 1333-36 1338-1573 ASHIKAGA SHOGUNATE Warring States (Sengoku) Period 1465-1573 Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) Mid 1400s Sen no Rikyū, developer of Tea Ceremony 1522-1591 Oda Nobunaga starts unification 1573-1582 HideyoshiToyotomi unifies rest of Japan 1582-98 Tokugawa Ieyasu establishes stable shogunate 1598-1603 1603-1868 TOKUGAWA SHOGUNATE 1760-1849 Hokusai Japan forced to open to the world 1854 MEIJI PERIOD OF MODERNIZATION 1868-1912
c.950-1250 MEDIEVAL WARM PERIOD Med. Agr. Rev. c.800-1000 Schism b/w Greed & Latin Churches 1054 College of Cardinals 1059 1066 Normans conquer Eng. c.1080 Start adapting waterwheel to other indus. uses Genoa & Pisa crush piracy in N. Afr. 1087 Peter Abelard 1079-1142 1075-1122 Investiture struggle c.1100 1095-1270 Crusades Courtly love movement Venice Arsenal-> Assembly. line prod. of ships c.1104 Rise of universities 1100s Norman ruler Roger II crowned King of Sicily 1130 Start of Gothic arch. Ital. city-states defeat Ger. Emp. Frederick I at Legnano 1135 1176 1198-1216 Innocent III -> Height of Church power Battle of Bouvines 1214 1215 Magna Charta 1181-1226 St. Thomas Aquinas St. Francis of Assisi 1225-74 1202 Arabic numerals introd. into Eur. 1228-50 Struggle b/w popes & Ger. Emp. Frederick II c.1250 -1850 LITTLE ICE AGE 1315-7 Great Famine 1309-76 Babylonian Captivity of Church 1302-1526 Peasant & urban revolts Dante’s Divine Comedy 1308=21 1337-1453 Hundred Years War Golden Bull -> Elective mon. in Ger. 1347-50 Black Death 1356 1378-1415 Hussite Wars 1419-34 Great Schism Joan of Arc 1429 Louis XI 1461-83
1267-1337 Giotto Petrarch 1304-74 100 Yrs War 1337-1453 Black Death 1347-50 Jan van Eyck 1390-1441 Brunelleschi's perspective c.1425 Sta. Maria del Fiore 1436 Lorenzo de Medici 1449-92 Hieronymous Bosch 1450-1516 1451 Printing Press Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 Fall of Constantinople 1453 Wars of the Roses 1455-85 1466-1536 Erasmus of Rotterdam c.1475 Oil-based paints reach Italy 1475-1564 Michelangelo Unification of Spain 1492 French invade Italy 1494 The Last Supper 1495-8 Marriage alliance of Spain & Austria Hapsburg Emp. 1496 1501 1st pocketbook Mona Lisa 1503-06 Sistine Chapel 1508-12 Machiavelli’s The Prince 1513 Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1525-69 1541-1614 El Greco End of the Italian Wars 1559 William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Phoenicians circumnavigate Africa, but thanks to Herodotus, no one believes them c.600 BC Greek mathematician, Eratosthenes correctly calculates earth’s circumference. Luckily, no one believes it could be that big. c.240 BC Ptolemy’s Geography introduces latitudinal & longitudinal coordinates c.150 CE Chinese navigational compass c.1000 Ptolemy’s Geog. reaches Eur. c.1400 Prince Henry of Portugal starts sending exped’s down Afr. Coast. c.1430 Gil Eanes finally sails past Cape Bojador (“Gates of Hell”),-> other Portug. explorers dare to continue exploring Afr’s coast. 1434 Diego Cao explores 1500 miles of Afr’s coast 1484 Diaz rounds Cape of Good Hope 1488 Columbus reaches America 1492 Tr. of Tordesillas divides world b/w Sp. & Port. 1494 Da Gama sails round Africa to India 1498 Balboa & Serraodiscover Pacific from opposite ends & call it the “Pacific Sea” since the planet can’t be big enough to hold an entire ocean. 1513 1519-21 Magellan’s expedition accidentally circles globe thinking the Pacific Sea a faster way to Asia than going around Africa. They’re wrong, so people assume no one will ever try THAT again. Cortez conquers the Aztecs Portugal Spain 1519-22 Pizarro conquers the Incas 1532-34 Various Eng. & Fr. Explorers seek NW Passage to Asia, but N. America won’t get out of their way. 1497- 1610 Drake is the 2nd to circle the globe, but only b/c the Sp. navy is chasing him & he has no way back. 1577-80 Dutch explorer, Oliver van Noortperforms the first intentional circumnavigation of globe 1599- 1601 Dutch discover Australia, but decide it’s not worth colonizing 1606 Nathaniel Palmer reaches Antarctica 1824
Luther posts the 95 Theses 1517 Zwingli starts Swiss Ref. 1518 Diet of Worms 1521 Luther’s transl. of New Testament 1523 German Peasants’ Revolt 1524-5 Henry VIII’s final break with Rome 1534 Anabaptist rising in Munster 1534 Society of Jesus (Jesuits) ordained 1540 Council of Trent 1545-63 Peace of Augsburg; Haps. Emp. split b/w Span. & Austr. branches 1555-6 1562-98 French Wars of Religion 1566- 1648 Dutch revolt vs. Spain Eng. defeats Spanish Armada 1588 Henry IV’s Edict of Nantes grants relig. toleration in France 1598 1618-48 30 Years War 1642-48 English Civil Wars Treaty of Westphalia ending 30 Yrs. War & Treaty of Munster granting Dutch indep. 1648 Charles I of England beheaded 1649 Oliver Cromwell’s dictatorship 1652-58
“Time of Troubles” in Russia 1598-1613 1598-1680 Bernini Frederick-William the Great Elector of Prussia’s reign 1640-88 English Civil Wars 1642-48 Caravaggio 1571-1610 Cardinal Mazarin’s regency for Louis XIV begins 1643 Dutch indep. & end of 30 Yrs. War 1648 Fronde vs. Mazarin’s rule 1648-53 Charles I of England beheaded 1649 Rembrandt 1606-69 Cromwell’s dictatorship 1652-58 1st Anglo-Dutch Naval War 1652-4 N. War b/w Sweden, Poland, & Prussia 1655-60 1632-75 Jan Vermeer Louis XIV begins active rule & Stuart monarchy restored in Eng. 1661 Plague hits London 1665 Great London Fire 1666 2nd Anglo-Dutch Naval War 1665-7 3rd Anglo-Dutch Naval War (ends 1674) & Dutch War w/Louis XIV 1672-8 William III of Holland marries Mary Stuart 1674 Louis XIV makes Versailles his official residence 1682 Turks besiege Vienna-> War of Holy League 1683 Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes- 1685 Glorious Rev. in Britain 1688 Nine Years War 1688-97 Peter I’s Great Embassy to the West 1697 War of the Spanish Succession 1700-13 Great N. War b/w Rus. & Swed 1700-21 Death of Louis XIV 1715 Peter the Great dies 1725
Invention of microscope c.1590 Galileo’s telescope 1608 Harvey’s De Motu Cordison circulatory system 1622 Galileo’s Dialogue on the Great World Systems 1632 1651 John Hobbes’ Leviathan Glorious Revolution 1688 Newton’s Principia Mathematica 1687 John Locke’s Two Treatises on Government 1690 Frederick the Great of Prussia’s reign 1740-88 War of Austrian Succession 1740-48 Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws 1748 Diderot’s Encyclopedia 1751-65 Seven Years War 1756-63 Voltaire publishes Candide in reaction to Lisbon earthquake 1759 Rousseau’s Social Contract on liberty & Emile on education 1762 Catherine the Great’s reign 1762-96 American Revolution 1775-83 Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations 1776 Partitions of Poland 1773-95 Joseph II of Austria’s reign 1780-90 David’s Oath of the Horatii marks start of Neo-Neoclassicism 1784 French Rev. 1789
Start of French Rev. Neoclassical Art c.1780 1789 Moderate Const. Monarchy 1790 Internal problems mount 1791 Start of quarter century of wars; Mon. overthrown 1st Rep. 1792 1793-4 “Whiff of Grapeshot” Rise of Nap. Reign of Terror 1795 1799 Napoleon overthrows 1st Rep. Napoleon declares 1st Emp. 1804 Height of Nap’s emp 1807 Nap’s final defeat Cong. of Vienna-> Bourbon Mon. restored 1808-15 c.1815 Romantic art movement Rev. in Spain Latin Am. Rev’s 1820 Greek Rev 1821 July Rev. in Paris 1830 Russ. crushes Polish revolt 1830 Belgian Rev.Indep. 1830 Reform Bill in Britain 1832 Rev’s of 1848 1848 Louis Napoleon overthrows 2nd Rep. & declares 2nd Emp. 1851 Start of Realist movement in art c.1850 1851-70 Louis Nap’s econ. reforms- politically conscious Mid. Cl. 3rd Rep. in Fr. Stable Dem. 1871
Abraham Darby smelts iron with coke 1709 1712 Newcomen steam pump 1733 flying shuttle Spinning jenny 1765 Water frame, 1st water-powered textile machine 1769 Watt’s steam engine 1775 Sun & Planet gear 1783 Cotton gin 1793 Jenner’s inoculation vs. smallpox 1793 Trevithick’s steam locomotive 1801 Fulton‘s steamboat 1807 1830 Liverpool & Manchester RR 1831 Faraday discovers electro-magnet current Morse telegraph; 1st commercial use in 1844 1837 1st ocean going steamship 1837 1st photograph 1826 Bessemer process -> Steel 1854 Pasteur postulates germ theory Trans-Atlantic telegraph cable 1864 1869 Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements Suez Canal & Transcont. RR in US 1869 1869 Lister applies germ theory to surgery 1870s Typewriter 1873 telephone 1876 light bulb phonograph 1877 1878 1884 1st skyscraper (10 stories) Rabies vaccine 1885 Movies 1885 Automobile 1885 X-rays 1895 1st trans-Atl. radio transmission 1901 Powered flight 1903 Ford assembly line to mass produce cars 1908 Panama Canal 1914
1st Opium War TaipingRebellion2nd Opium War Revs across Eur. 1848 1839-58 1853-6 Crimean War Great Indian Mutiny-> Br. takes over India Japan forced to open to the world 1854 1857 Kgd of Italy formed 1861 Serfdom abolished in Russia 1861 Salon des Refuses 1865 Austro-Pruss. War 1867 Meiji Restoration -> Japan’s modernization 1868 1870-1 Unif. of Germany 1873 Impressionists’ first exhibition 1873-82 Br buys Eg’s shares in Suez CanalOccup. Eg Anglo-Zulu War 1879 Renoir’s “Boating Party” 1881 Berlin Conf. to regulate compet. for Afr. colonies 1884 Fr. conq. Indochina 1859-85 1885 Leopold II’s “Congo Free State” Van Gogh’s “Starry Night over Rhone” 1888 Sino-Jap. War Sp.-Am. War 1894-5 1898 1898 Brit. takes Sudan Boxer Rebellion in China 1899 1899- 1902 Russo-Japan. War Boer War-> Brit. Control of S. Afr. 1903-5 Entente Cordiale b/w Fr. & Br. 1904 1905 Rev. of 1905 in Russia Abstract art Chinese Republic founded c.1900 Start of WWI 1912 1914
1916-22 1st use of public address system Mass politics of 20th century 1908 1914-8 WWI Women win the vote in Br. & in U.S. 3 yrs later 1917 Dadaism 1916 Zipper 1917 1917 Russian Rev. & Civil War 1919 Tr. of Versailles 1919 Bauhaus 1st commercial radio broadcast Surrealism 1920 1920s Mussolini seizes power Hyperinflation destabilizes Germany 1922 1923 Stalin’s 1st 5-yr Plan 1927 Art Deco 1920s 1927 TV & movies w/sound Penicillin 1928 Start of Depression 1929 Dust Bowl 1930s Japan seizes Manchuria 1931 Nazis take power 1933 Nuremberg Laws vs. Jews in Ger. 1935 Mussolini invades Ethiopia Swing music 1935 1930s Stalin’s purges 1936-8 Span. Civil War Jap. invades China WWII in Asia 1936-9 1937 Ballpoint pen 1938 Nazi aggression increases 1938 WWII in Eur. 1939 1st reg. TV broadcasting 1940 Hitler invades Russia 1941 Hitler begins the Holocaust 1941 1941 Japan attacks U.S. Yalta Conf. 1945 End of WWII in Eur. 1945 US drops A-bombs on Japan Nuremburg Trials 1945 1945
1945 ENIAC Computer Greek Civil War 1946 Automatic washing machine “Iron Curtain” speech 1947 Jackie Robinson Kinsey Report Window A/C Indian Indep. Transistor Suburbs 1948 Long-playing Record McDonalds Berlin Airlift 1949 Israel Marshall Plan (1949-51) NATO Mao takes over China 1950 Korean War (1950-3) McCarthyism 1951 Univac- 1st commercial computer Videotape recorder invented 1952 1st H-bomb test pocket-sized transistor radio DNA’s double helix disc. 1953 Jonas Salk’s cure for polio Stalin dies 1st color TV broadcast CIA overthrows Iran’s govt. 1954 Elvis CIA overthrows Guatemalan govt. Brown v. Bd. Of Educ. 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott “Housewife Syndrome” Warsaw Pact 1956 Interstate Highway Act Howl Hungarian uprising 1957 Sputnik On the Road published
Stereophonic sound 1958 Mao’s Great Leap Forward Khrushchev visits U.S. 1959 U2 incident 1960 African nations Gagarin orbits earth 1961 Birth control pill Berlin Wall Sino-Soviet Split “Tsar Bomb” 1962 Telstar Cuban Missile Crisis 1963 1964 JFK killed Civil Rights Bill Khrushchev deposed 1965 Beatle-mania U.S. troops to Vietnam Mod fashions Dylan goes electric Malcolm X killed Counter culture Watts Riots Mao’s Cult. Rev. 1966 1967 6-day War Sgt. Pepper 1968 Black Power MLK killed Tet Offensive Women’s Lib protest at Miss Am. pageant RFK killed “Prague Spring” Democr. Convention Genocide in Biafra 1969 Woodstock Stonewall riots Cuyahoga R. Fire MIRVs Apollo XI 1970 1st Earth Day No fault divorce PLO plane hijackings 1971 Kent State All in the Family Microchip 1972 Ms Magazine Title IX Nixon goes to China Detente
1973 CIA coup in Chile US pulls out of Vietnam Yom Kippur War -> Oil embargo Pant suits 1st Cell phone 1974 Watergate-> Nixon resigns Roe v. Wade 1975 Apollo-Soyuz mission “Killing Fields” in Cambodia Fall of Saigon Helsinki Accord Metric Conversion Act 1976 Disco Mao dies Format wars for Home VCR Apple IIC Space Invaders 1978 Deng Xiaoping’s reforms Camp David Accord 1979 Cassette Walkman Hip Hop Fighting b/w Viet. & China Iranian Rev. USSR invades Afghanistan 1980 Iran-Iraq War 1981 AIDS epidemic Falklands War 1st woman on Supr. Ct. 1982 1983 Compact Disc Apple Macintosh 1984 Reagan proposes SDI 1985 Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered Gorbachev 1986 Iran-Contra Scandal Chernobyl meltdown 1987 INF Treaty Intifada uprising 1988 1st genetically eng. animal patented Prozac 1989 Warsaw Pact collapses Tiananmen Square 1990 Gulf War USSR collapses 1991 Internet
1945 Yalta Conference February 2643399 1940s dances Germany surrenders May 8 U.N. Charter June 26 ENIAC Computer Potsdam Conference July Hiroshima & Nagasaki Aug 6 & 9 Japan Surrenders Sept. 2 Postwar fashions 50511002 1946 Nuremburg Trials 1945-6 Modern Suburbs 50339090 South-East Asia 1946-57 FC140A Automatic Washing Machines 1947 Marshall Plan Indian Indep. FC140B Polaroid Instant camera Greek Civil War 1945-49 1948 Israel’s Statehood FC.146A Long-playing Records Berlin Airlift 1948-49 1949