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ALEX SAENZ. ECOR. ECORIEGIONS OF TEXAS. PINEYWOODS. 50˚ and for July its 75˚, and 75 inches of rain. The latitude of Piney Woods is 32.062N. The longitude is -89.992W. It is in the Central Standard time zone. Elevation is 489 feet. TRANS-PECOS.

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  2. PINEYWOODS 50˚ and for July its 75˚, and 75 inches of rain. The latitude of Piney Woods is 32.062N. The longitude is -89.992W. It is in the Central Standard time zone. Elevation is 489 feet.

  3. TRANS-PECOS Extreme western Texas and the Stockton Plateau and the Sand Hills near the southeast comer of New Mexico is perhaps the most complex of all the regions. 45˚ and for July 90˚ ,less than 10 in of rain.

  4. POST OAK SAVANNAH 45˚ in Jan and 75˚ in Jul The original savannahs in the northern part of the Oak-Prairie region were characterized by native grasses such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, and brownseedpaspalum with scattered clumps of trees. Post oak trees dominated, but other species included blackjack oak, water oak,

  5. BLACKLAND PINE 45˚ in Jan and 70˚ in Jul. Gently rolling to nearly level and well dissected for rapid surface drainage.

  6. HIGH PLAINS 35˚ in Jan and 100˚ in Jul, and 20 in of rainfall. The High Plains are a subregion of the Great Plains, but also partly in the Midwest states of America.

  7. SOUTH TEXAS PLAINS 60˚ in Jan and 80˚ in Jul, and 30 in of rainfall. Also known as the Rio Grande Plains or Tamaulipan Brushlands, consists of about 20,000,000 acres.

  8. EDWARDS PLATEU 45˚ in Jan, 80˚ in Jul ,and 30 inches of rainfall. Comprises an area of West Central Texas commonly known as the “hill country.” It is bounded on the east and south by the Balcones Fault.

  9. ROLLING PLAINS 50˚ in Jan , 85˚ in Jul, and 25 inches of rainfall. The southern end of the Great Plains of the central United States.

  10. CROSS TIMBURS 45˚ in Jan, 80˚ in Jul, 35 inches of rainfall. Best described as a mix of the Western Cross Timbers and the Oak Woodlands.

  11. GULF COAST PRAIRES AND MARSHES 55˚ in Jan, 75˚ in Jul, and 35 inches of rainfall. A nearly level, slowly drained plain less than 150 feet in elevation, dissected by streams and rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.

  12. THE END

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