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Program Information and Requirements. 2018-19. Welcome: Introducing the Hart @ Home Program.
Welcome: Introducing the Hart @ Home Program • The purpose of this introduction is to provide a broad overview of our program requirements. Your Supervising Teacher will cover this in greater detail at your first meeting, which will take place this week.
Quick STARTReference GUIDE • Orientation information is available online, so you can review it in the comfort of your own home. • Sit back, relax and embrace your new learning environment. • To access the information online, you can visit our website: • www.learningposthighschool.com • Click on “Academics” • Next, click on “Quick Reference Guide”.
General Housekeeping • Student Walk-on Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm (please make sure all students are picked up by 3:00pm). After 3:00pm, students will be asked to either wait outside, or in the District Office lobby. • Scheduled Appointments – one-on-one meetings with teacher should be scheduled ahead of time. • Meetings with Supervising Teacher every 20 days. Please be respectful of teachers’ time. If you are running late or unable to come, please call ahead. • Late-Start Mondays – every Monday we will be open from 11am-3pm. The staff takes advantage of this time for staff meetings & professional development. • As a general rule of thumb, please plan to work one hour per day, per class.
Attendance / PE Log • Parent will fill in the upper section, as well as the subjects studied on each of the available school dates. • If a student is sick or unavailable on a school day, but makes up the work on a weekend, it is ok to post the work on a weekday. • Parent MUST sign the document and the date must match the last school date on the form. • E-Signatures (typewritten) are NOT acceptable, however, we can accept a scanned copy of a “wet” signature (until you can come in) • The Supervising Teacher will fill out the # days claimed & sign it. • Students are expected to do coursework every day. If attendance forms are not submitted in a timely manner, your student will be in jeopardy of being considered “truant”. • If you misplace your forms, you can either re-print them from the website, or stop by our office and we will provide you with a new one. • We have a very limited window with which to turn in our state attendance reports, so we appreciate you giving this your prompt attention. • Attendance is due BY the last date on each monthly form. SAMPLE
Contract and Grading Policies I agree to follow the rules… • When you have your first meeting with your Supervising Teacher, you will need to sign a contract. This is a required document for all students who are engaged in our program. Items covered in the agreement include: • Duration of Agreement • Objectives, Methods of study, Methods of evaluation and resources. • Scheduled Instructor / Student Meetings • Equitable provision of resources & services / voluntary statement • Conditions of Enrollment • Academic Integrity • Consequences if violations occur. Please note that each teacher has a specific set of grading policies. Please make sure that you spend time with each teacher to learn what his/her policies are regarding: Homework due dates, late assignments, quiz-re-sets, extra credit, moving ahead in a subject. A recap is included in your check-in packet.
Academic Integrity Any online program presents a temptation for students to take short cuts or copy information from an online source. The following actions are deemed violations of Academic Integrity and/or board policy: • If a student takes credit for work that is not their own or allows someone else to copy his/her work. • If a student looks at another student’s paper or sends or receives test data during, before or after a test. • If a student uses materials on a test or quiz that has not been approved. • If a student plagiarizes someone’s work, whether it is another student’s or reference material. • If a student collaborates either verbally or via shared data on a test, including accessing other websites and/or search engines during the completion of a test. • Students will receive ONE warning if plagiarism occurs, and a zero on the assignment will be given. If it occurs a second time, it will be noted on the student’s permanent record and the student will jeopardize his/her placement in our program Oh no! Don’t let this be you!
Homework/Turning in Assignments • Assignments should be turned in as they are completed. Please do not “save up” assignments to turn in all at once. Staple all pages together. • Homework must be submitted via Apex. IF a file is too large to be sent through Apex, you may either email it as a .pdf or bring it in to place in your teacher’s box. Be sure to staple all pages together if bringing in. • The first page of each assignmentmust have a HEADER which includes the following information. Points might be deducted if any of this information is missing: • Student Name • Date • Class Name • Assignment Number • Special note for MATH: Unit tests must have all unit check-ups attached. • When corresponding with Hart @ Home, students are REQUIREDto use their HART DISTRICT G-MAIL ACCOUNT. This is the students 8-digit ID number, followed by: @my.hartdistrict.org. Please be sure that students get into the habit of checking this email address frequently – it is the primary way that teachers and students communicate.
COMMUnication A very important component for a successful experience at Hart @ Home is to please keep the lines of communication open. • If you have extenuating circumstances that are preventing a deadline from being met, contact your teacher AHEAD OF TIME to see if you can work something out. With advance notice, our teachers are very willing and able to work with you! • If you are struggling through a difficult passage, our teachers can offer valuable assistance. Please do not hesitate to schedule a time with your teacher when needed. • Please be in the habit of checking your APEX ANNOUNCEMENTS for time sensitiveinformation.
Dual Enrollment Students who have dual enrollment may take up to two classes at his/her residence comprehensive site, based on availability. • Students are expected to attend classes at the comprehensive site every day. • If you have not already checked-in with your comprehensive site, please do so before the start of classes. • Students at Hart @ Home are entitled to enjoy all the extracurricular activities at the residence school, including any dances, prom, clubs, etc. • Your Hart @ Home ID card will be required to allow on/off privileges at the school site. • If a student wishes to participate in ASB sponsored events at the residence school, he/she will need to purchase an ASB card through their site. • SENIORS should stop by the counseling office to pick up the Senior Bulletins which outline all the activities planned for seniors. • Anything related to dual enrollment should be coordinated via your Hart @ Home Counselor, Ms. Jillian Edmonson.
TESTING Each year, Jr. High and High School students are required to participate in state mandated testing. The required state tests are administered in the spring, and include the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). During the month of APRIL 2019, we will be testing almost every day through the month. At Hart @ Home, the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Digital Assessment (English, Math Science) will require a total of 4 or 5 individual sessions from students in grades 7, 8, 11 and 12. PE Testing is administered in February for grades 7 and 9 only. AP Tests (Advanced Placement) Tests are administered in May. Students who pass the AP test in their chosen subject may receive college credits for these classes. The tests are typically paid for in the early part of the calendar year. Final Exams are supervised by staff members and MUST be taken in our classrooms. They will occur in December and May and are for grades 9-12, plus any Jr. High students in Algebra, Geometry or Spanish. • Please note that students with dual enrollment will take all state tests with Hart @ Home.
SCIENCE LABS There are approximately 3-4 Science Labs that students must attend, per semester, if they are taking Biology, Chemistry, Physics or AP Environmental Science. This is an A-G Requirement. • Labs are held on the COC (Valencia) Campus at varying times from 3:30pm-6:30pm, Boykin Hall, Room 208. • Students can be dropped off or can park in the parking lot. • Parking permits are required at a cost of $3.00 (exact change in cash only). Permits may be purchased at a parking kiosk conveniently located in each of the parking lots on campus.
Foreign Language Labs • Students taking Spanish are required to physically come in to our classrooms to do their spoken assignments with the teacher. They may not be able to move forward until they complete these assignments. • This allows any mistakes to be corrected early on, and provides an opportunity for the teacher to make sure the student understands the material. • Spoken assignments have a written component that should be prepared ahead of time. • The teacher can provide helpful instruction and supplemental materials that may be of great benefit to your student. • One-on-one instruction provides your student with the tools he/she needs to be successful in learning a new language.
A.S.B. (Associated student Body) Learning Post / Hart @ Home, operates an ASB (Associated Student Body) Club which is student-driven and offers a variety of opportunities for student participation. Students who enroll in ASB do so because they recognize that there is more to being successful in school than simply doing schoolwork. Some benefits of ASB are: Students are able to contribute to creating a positive atmosphere where students feel wanted & accepted. Officers and frequent participants can earn class credit.
C.S.F.California Scholarship Federation CSF is an organization which recognizes students in the state of California who achieve high standards in academics, community service and citizenship. Dues are $10 per semester for qualified high school students, and $5 for qualified Jr. High students. Please see Mrs. Craig for additional details. Students who qualify must join during the announced enrollment drive.
Academic Counseling Our knowledgeable counseling staff is here to serve your needs as it relates to creating a successful path for your high school years, as well as college and career planning. Ms. Edmonson will work with your student to ensure he/she is on track for graduation and/or A-G compliant. She will assist your student through the fascinating world of Naviance, a success system that is designed to help students and parents plan for college and build a successful career path.
Business Office • We are here to assist you with any of your miscellaneous needs, such as: • Entertainment Work Permit Applications – We can fill out the school portion of your application for students who are in good standing in terms of academics and behavior. If a student has grades lower than a “C”, we are not able to sign off on permit requests until grades are brought up. • Copies of Transcripts – We can officiate or print transcripts for you • Regular Work Permit – These permit applications are issued only on “The Post” campus, through Paula Davidson. • Enrollment Documentation / Withdrawal Instructions – Please visit our office staff if you need assistance in either of these areas. • Website Updates, Calendared Items, General Information • Student Handbook is available through our website – click on “Students”, then “Student Handbook”.
APEX Your curriculum is delivered through Apex, our online provider. By now, you should have watched the tutorial. If not, please be sure to view it prior to your first meeting with your Supervising Teacher. It is approximately 45 minutes long. Visit our website: www.LearningPostHighSchool.com and click on “Academics”, then “Apex Tutorial”. Your Quick-Start Reference Guide includes a brief set of instructions to refer to when you begin.
Thank you Thank you for choosing Hart @ Home as your premiere educational provider. There is a learning-curve when it comes to learning online. Take advantage of the support we offer and you will be A-OK! We want to help you to be successful, so please do not be shy. Our teacher’s don’t bite and are very personable. They are willing to share their wisdom to all who will listen.