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Vocabulary from “Robbie” by Isaac Asimov. From the Short Story Collection: I, Robot. c omplacence (noun). Definitions: A false sense of security; Satisfaction with things “as is.” Other forms: (adj.) complacent; ( n .) complacency
Vocabulary from “Robbie”by Isaac Asimov From the Short Story Collection: I, Robot
complacence(noun) Definitions: • A false sense of security; • Satisfaction with things “as is.” Other forms: (adj.) complacent; (n.) complacency The government’s complacence regarding off-shore oil drilling has resulted in many environmental disasters.
composure(noun) Definition: A calm state of mind; poise Other form: (adj.) composed It was difficult for me to maintain composure during my first public speech to a group of over 1,000 people.
contradiction(noun) Definition: Anassertion of an opposing position Other form: (adj.) contradictory His speech contained many contradictions, and we have no idea of what he really stands for.
disheveled(adjective) Definition: Messy or unkempt appearance So I wouldn’t miss the bus, I ran out the front door with the worst case of bed head; I remained disheveled until I could hit the boy’s lav in order to put myself together.
emphatic(adjective) Definition: Bold; forceful; with insistence or emphasis Other form: (adv.) emphatically Our teacher was emphatic when she said that if we didn’t do our homework, we would never pass her geometry class. We emphatically nodded our heads to let her know we understood!
futile(adjective) Definition: Ineffective; useless; incapable of having success Other form: (n.) futility We felt our chances of winning the game were futile as we eyed the other team’s six foot plus basketball players.
impending(adjective) Definition: About to happen; imminent I was very worried about my impending court date where I would be a witness for a robbery at a convenience store near my house. Would I be able to maintain my composure during the questioning? I had only five more days to go over what I would say.
infinite(adjective) Definition: Unlimited; immeasurable; without end Other forms: (n.) infinity; (adj.) infinitely Is outer space infinite? What could be out there in infinity?
incessant(adjective) Definition: continuing without interruption or end Other form: (adv.) incessantly My sister Sharon’s incessant chatter during our road trip was making us all crazy. How can anyone talk so much?
incoherent(adjective) Definition: unable to be understood, especially speech The state trooper noticed that the driver’s speech was nearly incoherent, so she suspected that he might be intoxicated. She had him step out of the car to give him a sobriety test.
inevitable(adjective) Definition: cannot be avoided; obvious or certain Other form: (adv.) inevitably Since we are mortal, death is an inevitable part of our lives. Let’s make each day worthwhile!
intermittent(adjective) Definition: alternately stopping and starting again Other form: (adv.) intermittently I was so annoyed my friend would intermittently text her other friends while we were out to dinner together. How rude!
irrefutable(adjective) Definition: Unable to be disproved Other form: (adv.) irrefutably During murder trials, DNA evidence is considered irrefutable proof that the accused is either guilty or innocent.
ponderous(adjective) Definitions: • Heavy or massive; • Awkward or unwieldy Other form: (adv.) ponderously Last night the president gave a ponderous speech about ending the wars we are currently in. He used so many big words, I have no idea what he was trying to convey! He takes ponderous steps!
prosaic(adjective) Definition: Commonplace; dull; unimaginative Other form: (adv.) prosaically Do all English teachers give the prosaic assignment of writing about what you did over the summer? Instead, how about writing a composition about if we were a color, what color would we be and why?
scrupulous(adjective) Definition: Precise; careful; having high regard for what is right Other form: (adv.) scrupulously My dad keeps his workshop scrupulous—there’s a place for everything, and everything needs to be in its place!
skeptical(adjective) Definition: Having or showing doubt Other form: (adv.) skeptically I was skeptical when my friend Ben was convincing me to approach the bear. “Get closer,” he urged. “It’s friendly!”
smug(adjective) Definition: Feeling confidently superior Other forms: (n.) smugness; (adv.) smugly My brother looked smug when we began to race downhill on our snowboards. Just because he’d been practicing longer than I, he was certain he’d win. He did! A smug pug!
ultimatum(noun) Definition: A final, uncompromising command or set of conditions My parents gave me a deadly ultimatum: either improve my grades or I’d have to babysit my little brother Timmy every weekend for a month.
undaunted(adjective) Definition: Incapable of being discouraged; without fear Other form: (adv.) undauntedly Undaunted, Ms. Hart got closer to the moose to get a perfect picture.