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再生能源躉購電價與競標機制的整合. 許志義. Source:Renewables 2011,Global Status Report,REN 21,P15. 臺灣再生能源電能躉購費率. 註* :1kW 以上未達 10kW 太陽光電 99 年公告再生能源躉購費率另提供 5 萬元 /Kw 設備補助, 100 年則不另提供 5 萬元 /Kw 設備補助。
再生能源躉購電價與競標機制的整合 許志義
臺灣再生能源電能躉購費率 註* :1kW以上未達10kW太陽光電99年公告再生能源躉購費率另提供5萬元/Kw設備補助,100年則不另提供5萬元/Kw設備補助。 註* * :依規定須加裝LVRT者,則費率為2.6574元/度。 Source:經濟部能源局
FIT與競標制度(1/2) • 對IPP來說,大型發電技術應適用FIT:
FIT與競標制度(2/2) • 制度可能影響小型分散式發電技術推廣,影響裝設意願及連帶產業效益,從而無法發揮”聚沙成塔”效果。
RAM( Renewable Auction Mechanism) • The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted unanimouslyin December ,2010 California Renewable Auction Mechanism(RAM),which is a new mechanism to require IOUs to purchase electricity from various renewable technologies with capacity smaller than 20MW. • Three largest IOUs in California (SCE,PG&Eand SDG&E) would participate in a pilot program to hold two auctions biannually and the bid will be awarded starting from the lowest cost and viable programs until capacity per auction was filled with total program capacity 761 MW in 2 years. The first auction will be hold in the fourth quarter 2011. Source: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/NEWS_RELEASE/141590.htmvisit 2011/08/28 CPUC Resolution 4414
RAM Program Overview Source: DSIRE website http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/incentive.cfm?Incentive_Code=CA244F&RE=1&EE=1 visit 2011/08/27
RAM Key Program Elements(1/2) Source: Summarized from CPUC Resolution 4414(2011);G&E advise letters,SDG&Eadvise letters(2011),SCE advise letters(2011)
RAM Key Program Elements(2/2) Source: CPUC Resolution 4414,PG&E advise letters,SDG&E advise letters,SCE advise letters
Differences between RAM and FIT • Under RAM,electricity generated from the same technology could receive different prices while under FIT, they would be purchased with the same price. • Three IOUs participating in this pilot program (SCE,PG&E,SDG&E) could reject uncompetitive price or bids susceptible of market manipulation。 • Unsubscribed or subscribed amount dropped out of the program would be left for the next auction. Source: Advise letters from PG&E ,P3.
Similarities between RAM and FIT • Purchase price could be adjusted by TOD(Time of Delivery) under RAM:sellers will be paid the contract price multiplied by applicable TOD factor in each hour. Source: Advise letters from PG&E.
FIT,RPS和RAM制度比較 Source:王勤銓(2011),國際再生能源推廣制度發展及電能躉購制度,臺灣經濟研究月刊第34卷第7期,p49。 Decision 10-12-048,
結論 • 再生能源躉購制度vs.競標機制: • 再生能源發展初期,基於政策鼓勵,各國多以FIT躉購制度給予投資者保障。 • 隨著再生能源技術進步,發電成本下降,有能力投資者日益增多,RAM競標制度相應而生。 • RAM制度因設有收購上限可避免FIT『爆量』情況之發生,且可降低政府管制行政之交易成本。 • 加州RAM競標制度先導計畫(Pilot Program)值得密切關注。 • RPS制度vs.RAM制度: • 再生能源收購價格透過市場機制決定,政府干預程度遠低於FIT制度。 • RAM能針對尖離峰不同再生能源發電技術分別進行 • SCE already had 19.4% of electricity generated from renewables in 2011 which is the largest share among 3000 utilities in the U.S. • Hawaii’s HECOplanned to achieve 25%, 40% electricity generated from renewables in 2020 and 2030 respectively. • Estimated 300 MW new, firm generating capacity would be needed for HECO to replace lost capacity from 4 generating units to be retired in next 10 years and growing load demand with solicitation for proposals planned in 2011. Source:http://www.heco.com/portal/site/heco/menuitem.508576f78baa14340b4c0610c510b1ca/?vgnextoid=ba878345e6a15110VgnVCM1000005c011bacRCRD&vgnextchannel=3220894ba55bb210VgnVCM1000005c011bacRCRD&vgnextfmt=default