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ARIES 2009. Welcome to the training module for theARIES 2009 crash reporting system update.ARIES 2009 contains numerous enhancements that will require all users to complete a software upgrade to the new version.. 2. ARIES 2009. Importance of Crash reporting and participation in the ARIES electronic system to law enforcement agencies and to policy makers:Data IntegrityDirectly and indirectly impacts traffic safety funds.
2. ARIES 2009 Welcome to the training module for the
ARIES 2009 crash reporting system update.
ARIES 2009 contains numerous enhancements that will require all users to complete a software upgrade to the new version. 2
3. ARIES 2009 Importance of Crash reporting and participation in the ARIES electronic system to law enforcement agencies and to policy makers:
Data Integrity
Directly and indirectly impacts traffic safety funds
4. ARIES 2009 3. Provides Data to INDOT and local highway departments
4. Finally: IT�S THE LAW !!!!!
Indiana Statute
IC 9-26-2-2
Sec. 2. A law enforcement officer shall forward a written report of each accident investigated under section 1 of this chapter to the state police department within twenty-four (24) hours after completing the investigation
5. ARIES 2009 IC 9-26-3-2
Sec. 2. An accident report required to be made in writing must be made on the appropriate form approved by the state police department and must contain all of the required information unless the information is not available.
IC 9-26-3-5
Sec. 5. The state police department shall tabulate and may analyze all accident reports and shall publish annually or at more frequent intervals statistical information based on the reports as to the number and circumstances of traffic accidents.
IC 9-30-7-3
Sec. 3. (a). A law enforcement officer shall offer a portable breath test or chemical test to any person who the officer has reason to believe operated a vehicle that was involved in a fatal crash or a crash involving serious bodily injury. 5
The Traffic Records Coordinating Committee approved several enhancements that will included in
ARIES 2009.
The basis of these changes came from officer input, research associates, NHTSA Assessments, and the FMCSA.
7. 7 ARIES 2009 ARIES 2009 Timeline
Commencing October 1, 2009, deployment of the program commences statewide to all agencies.
Open Portal Solutions Inc. providing help desk for assistance in deployment.
Contact OPS at number below prior to implementing ARIES 2009
TX # 317-215-8300
8. 8 ARIES 2009 Law Enforcement agencies will be required to change to ARIES 2009 by April 1, 2010.
This is due to:
Number of data elements in report has increased compared to previous version and paper report.
Quick Capture component allows for quick clearance from scene.
ARIES version will become a priority for agencies to be 2009 compliant by April 1, 2010.
9. 9 ARIES 2009 Numerous Additions and Changes have occurred
Bar Code Scanning in front end of Program
Internet based supplemental reporting system
Addition of �Sequence of Events�
Restrict Primary Cause eligibility (Alcohol, Drugs, Etc.)
Other changes listed throughout this presentation
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15. 15 ARIES 2009
16. 16 ARIES 2009
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21. ARIES 2009 Once the report has been downloaded using the Download Supplement tool, the officer can then open it in the ARIES wizard and make the necessary changes.
� Once finished, the officer can then send the report back through their normal process of submitting reports. 21
22. ARIES 2009 22
23. 23 Previous version of ARIES did not allow the
selection of pedestrian and or non-motorized cyclist in the unit level: ARIES 2009
24. ARIES 2009 Addition as to why a vehicle is towed added.
25. 25 ARIES 2009 Sequence of events added to the report. Up to 4 events can be selected.
26. 26 ARIES 2009 A �Yes or No� indicator for �Taken for immediate medical attention� being added.
This will provide better reporting on incapacitating vs. non-incapacitating for reporting purposes.
27. ARIES 2009 Primary Factors: allows for certain elements to be selected as a primary factor in the report. Such factors as alcohol and illegal drugs can only be selected as a contributing factor. As of 09/30/09
2009 Total Collisions found: 135,139
Alcohol Listed as Primary Factor: 2,340 - 1.73%
Collisions w/fatality: 17
Illegal Drugs listed as Primary Factor: 113 - 0.83%
Collisions w/fatality: 1 27
28. ARIES 2009 28
29. ARIES 2009 Use of �OTHER� as Primary Cause
2009 Total Collisions found: 16,691 or 12.35%
Collisions w/injury: 2,596
Collisions w/fatality: 52
Collisions w/property damage: 14,043
Total injuries: 3,428
Total fatalities: 60
DATA AS OF 09/30/2009, 135,139 CRASHES 29
30. ARIES 2009 30
31. ARIES 2009 A Crash is to be investigated, not reported
Please use your investigative skills
Investigate each crash as if it were a family member or close friend.
32. ARIES 2009 �2009/2010 Project Other�
The purpose of this project is to reduce the number of occurrences that �OTHER� is used as a primary cause for a crash.
Present rate 2009 to date is 12%
3% or less 32
33. Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) is a federal program under NHTSA producing statistical data from fatal crash reports to be used extensively for highway safety research and directly impacts highway safety funding.�
Besides monitoring the submission of fatal crash reports and alcohol and drug results, the FARS program gathers preliminary information on fatal crashes within 24 hours.� The FARS desk has prepared a special FARS Report that is available to facilitate this.�
Your departments assistance is appreciated!!!
34. ARIES 2009 ARIES 2009 Training
This training module for the ARIES 2009 is to be used as a train the trainer guide to show users the basic changes that have occurred in the application. The on-line ARIES 2009 application information can be found at :
Aries download website
Traffic Records Section
35. 35 ARIES 2009 If your agency has suggestions on the improvement of the ARIES crash reporting system contact:
Lt. Jerry Berkey jberkey@isp.in.gov
Nils King nking@cji.in.gov