3. Acrylic Acid Monomers
4. Polymerisation of Acrylic Acid Monomers
5. Polymers based on Acrylic Acid
6. Application of polymers
10. Alkali Swellable Emulsion - Principle of Operation
13. Alkali Swellable Emulsion - Viscosity vs. pH
15. Benefit of Associative Polymers
17. Applications for Anionic RHEOVIS Polymers Associative polymers recommended in formulations having:
high level of electrolyte (e.g. anionic surfactants) and/or high pH
Non-associative polymer recommended in formulations having:
- low level of electrolyte and/or neutral pH
To find the most suitable polymer it is recommended to test
all three anionic polymers RHEOVIS ATA, ATX and ATN
for a specific detergent formulation.
18. Incorporation of Anionic RHEOVIS Polymers Post-addition is the easier way
Good stirring required (100-200 rpm / avoid high shear rates)
Pre-dilution required only if pH of the solution > 12
Adjust the pH of the formulation after addition of the polymer
Incorporation levels: 0.5% to 5% polymer as supplied
19. Laundry Detergent
20. Laundry Detergent
21. Hand Dishwashing Detergent Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 7.0 %
Sodium Myreth Sulfate 7.0 %
Lauryl Polyglycoside 4.0 %
Betaine 1.1 %
Ethanol 5.0 %
Water 72.9 %
(pH adjusted to 8.0)
22. Hand Dishwashing Detergent
23. Hard Surface Cleaner
24. Hard Surface Cleaner
27. Swelling of LDP in Water
28. RHEOVIS CDP & CDE – Practical advices Pre- and post-addition possible
Homogenize/stir the polymer dispersion before use
Incorporate slowly the polymer under stirring
Thickening performance depends on the formulation
Suited for batch and continuous production processes
Avoid high shear rates
30. Beads Polymer
31. Incorporation levels of Cationic RHEOVIS Polymers Rinse Conditioners
0.1 to 0.5% polymer as supplied
Acid Cleaners
0.5 to 5.0% polymer as supplied
32. RHEOVIS CSP – Practical advices Pre- and post-addition possible in acid cleaners
Pre-addition in softener formulations - after the cationic surfactant
Avoid high shear rates
Pre-mixing in surfactant improves polymer‘s solubility
Spread / Incorporate slowly the polymer under stirring
1- Add polymer to the vortex of the formulation, vigorously stirred.
2- Wet the polymer with a water-miscible solvent (ethanol) before addition into water (recommended in Lab. tests)
3- Use an Eductor
33. RHEOVIS CSP – Eductor in Production
34. DHTDMAC Fabric Rinse Conditioner
35. DHTDMAC Fabric Rinse Conditioner
38. Improved Storage Stability with RHEOVIS CSP
39. Acidic Bathroom Cleaner
40. Acidic Bathroom Cleaner
41. RHEOVIS CDP & CDE – Main Benefits
Effective at low concentration
Improves the aesthetic appearance of your formulation
Compatible with cationic and nonionic surfactants
Compatible with almost all acids
Opacifying properties
„Easy-to-use“ liquid form
42. RHEOVIS CSP – Main Benefits Shows excellent thickening performances and stabilizing properties in fabric rinse conditioners
Enables transparent formulations
Effective at low concentration
Compatible with common raw materials used in Home & Fabric Care formulations (e.g. nonionic surfactants, solvents, acids)
Non-dusting & free flowing polymer
43. Conclusion
46. RHEOVIS® Inside
47. RHEOVIS® Inside
48. RHEOVIS® Inside
49. RHEOVIS® Inside