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The experiment. at the LHC. Stato dell’esperimento Attivita` di Pisa/Siena Composizione Gruppo Richieste 2014 Nicola Turini on behalf of the TOTEM PISA/SIENA Group.
The experiment at the LHC • Stato dell’esperimento • Attivita` di Pisa/Siena • Composizione Gruppo • Richieste 2014 • Nicola Turini • on behalf of the • TOTEM PISA/SIENA Group
TOTEM misura la sTOT (pp) a LHC misurando rate elastico e inelastico e sfruttandoilTeoremaOttico(in run speciali con otticadedicata): Misurata sTOT @ 7 & 8 TeV con errore 2-3% ρ parameter usually from Compete fit, first TOTEM measurement CHALLENGE TOTEM has interface to CMS and LHC Protons are transported in LHC beam-pipe from IP 5 to the Roman Pot stations Roman Pot: detector enters inside the LHC beam tube • T1 & T2 integrated in CMS • Roman Pot integrated in LHC T15 planes of CSC Chambers (wire & cathode strips T210 planes of GEM Chambers (pads&strips)
Misura dell’interferenza adronica-Coulombiana a 8 TeV: Proton-proton elastic scattering: TOTEM-Preliminary TOTEM-Preliminary Dedicated b*=1 Km run |tmin|=6*10-4 GeV2 Coulomb Hadronic 1. Measure dsEL/dt at the smallest possible proton-|t| (where the Coulomb interaction can be probed). 2. Fit the data with many theoretical models: evaluate the agreement, extract physics parameters (r from arg FH), further improve the sTOT measurement. EL Models used for the hadronic amplitude:
Extraction of r andsTOTbyfitting the Hadronic-Coulomb interference region: r • Fit procedure tested with • several MC phenomenological • models, using realistic statistics. • Hadronic modulus can be fitted • using at least 2 parameters. • Error bars include: TOTEM-Preliminary TOTEM cross-sections at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV, compared to the other LHC experiments and previous measurements. sTOT(mb) Green line + band: 8 TeV sTOT measurement (b*=90m, Lumi-independent) TOTEM-Preliminary
Comparison of rwith models and measurements at lower energy TOTEM-Preliminary TOTEM-Preliminary TOTEM
Many physics analysis well advanced in TOTEM: • Study of the Hadronic/Coulomb interference, measurement of rat 8 TeV • Measurement of the soft single diffractive cross section in the range • 3.4<MSD<1100 GeV at 7 TeV • Measurement of the double diffractive cross section at 7 TeV (3.4<MDD<8 GeV) • Measurement of the forward charged particle dN/dh distribution with T2 at • 8 TeV (CMS+TOTEM analysis) for different inelastic event categories • Other combined analysis with CMS are ongoing (soft CD and CD with dijets, SD & dijets, pA....)
Commissioning, allineamento, analisidati di T2 Measurement of the forward charged particle pseudorapidity density in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the TOTEM experiment, EPL 98 (2012) 31002 CERN-PH-EP-2012-106; Autori: Mirko Berretti (tesi dottorato), Giuseppe Latino Nuova analisi CMS+TOTEM a 8 TeV • Both CMS and TOTEM analysis obtained triggering with T2, on the same events. • Same CMS-TOTEM event • selection (at least a track • reconstructed in T2) • Use of the vertex information from CMS to reduce the pile-up correction • Measurements are • representative for an inelastic • event sample with at least a • primary charged particle with • PT>40 MeV/c produced in the • range 5.3<|h|<6.5. Corrections and correlated systematics between CMS and TOTEM are under study
Contributo TOTEM Pisa/Siena Responsabilita` del gruppo:(fino al 13/06/2013) Chairman Collaboration Board: Angelo Scribano Deputy Spokesperson: Stefano Lami Responsabile Trigger: Nicola Turini Responsabile T2: Eraldo Oliveri R&D Rivelatori GEM Progetto e realizzazione Elettronica T2 Installazione e messa a punto T2 Sviluppo Algoritmi di Ricostruzione
Variazioni nel Management • Nuovo Coordinatore Nazionale di TOTEM Italia: Emilio Radicioni (BA) • Nuovo Responsabile locale TOTEM Pisa/Siena: Nicola Turini (SI) • Nuovo Deputy Spokesperson di TOTEM: Nicola Turini (SI)
Attività 2013 • Consolidamento di T2 durante Long Shutdown 2013-14: • Nuova 11-esima carta, tecnologia standard, con nuova transmitter board da sistemare vicino allo shielding di T2, al contrario dell’attuale rack + lontano che ha necessitato un groviglio di cavi (responsabili di ~8% dead DAQ/trigger signals) • Nuovo partitore HV • R&D sul timing sia per T2 che per RPs • Necessaria identificazione TOF dei vertici di CMS per poter prendere dati ad alta luminosita`/pile-up • Confronto Cherenkov Quartz + APD <-> Scintillatore + SiPM • Risoluzione necessaria < 20ps
Upgrade project • Thursday 13th June has been presented in the LHCC c.s. a proposal for an upgrade project In general, Pomeron-Pomeron interactions should be compared with pp interactions in all aspects over the complete energy range up to 1TeV. This includes jet and multi-jet production, transverse energy and multiplicity distributions, as well as search for missing energy or new particles. In this respect, it is important to note that the measurement of the two protons (their transverse momentum and momentum loss) significantly constrains the particle distribution expected in the central region. As an example, the total 2transverse momentum of the two protons should balance the transverse momentum of the system seen in CMS and the diffractive mass should be constrained in a rapidity region defined by the rapidity gaps predicted by the momentum loss of each proton. Since the diffractive mass is well localized in the rapidity space and particles should not enter into the calculated rapidity gaps missing energy can be determined not only transversely but also longitudinally.
MainItems • 147m Pots relocated in 210m • 1 station tilted by 8 deg for 3d tracking in multi particle • Collimator in front Q6 for quadrupole protection This part has been already approved by CERN _________________________ • 2 new horizontal pots for timing detectors • New pots design for RF impedance • Time reference >5ps res. • New daq and trigger Particle multiplicy m=30
Richieste INFN per servizi locali • Nessuna richiesta per Officina Meccanica • Probabile supporto ingegneristico per le nuove Pots. • Supporto per costruzione di un eventuale dimostrator per trigger, DAQ e time reference. • ~ 2 MU, Gherarducci + Tazzioli • ~ 2.5 MU F. Spinella, G. Magazzu? • Supporto per installazione della nuova elettronica di letturaT2:
ComposizioneGruppo 6.0 FTE Ricercatori 0.70 FTE Tecnologi
Backup Stefano Lami
Soft Single Diffractive cross section (7 TeV) Low mass SD: Tracks in the T2 hemisphere opposite to the proton (2 *10-7 <x< 0.025) Very High mass SD: Tracks in the same T2 hemisphere of the proton (x > 2.5%) x=Dp/p • SD events triggered with T2, only 1 proton required in RP • M obtained from the rapidity gap estimation based on charged track h in T1 and T2: • Dh=-ln(M2/s). This allows a better xresolution (s(x)/x~1) for low-medium mass. • SD experimentally classified into 4 categories, based on the rapidity gap: • Inelastic+beam halo background estimated from data, used mirrored events (wrt the proton)
Soft Single Diffractive cross section (7 TeV) ds/dt ~ C·e-Bt Low Mass M=3.4 - 7 GeV Corrections included: -Trigger efficiency -Reconstruction efficiency -Proton acceptance -Background subtraction -Extrapolation to t=0 Missing corrections: x resolution & beam divergence effects Estimated uncertainty B ~ 15% ; s ~ 20% T2T1CMST1 T2 B= 10.1 GeV-2 mb/GeV2 TOTEM PRELIMINARY s |t|>0≈ 1.8 mb Medium Mass M=7 - 350 GeV T2T1CMST1 T2 B= 8.5 GeV-2 TOTEM PRELIMINARY mb/GeV2 s |t|>0≈ 3.3 mb Very Preliminary: sSD= 6.5 ± 1.3 mb (3.4<MSD<1100 GeV) High Mass M=0.35 - 1.1 TeV T2T1CMS T1 T2 B= 6.8 GeV-2 Very High masses measurement ongoing TOTEM PRELIMINARY mb/GeV2 s |t|>0≈ 1.4 mb 7