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Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/ Learning Objectives & the Course Outline

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/ Learning Objectives & the Course Outline. Kim Anderson Course Evaluation Subcommittee Chair Spring 2009. The course outline already contains a compilation of learning statements. .

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Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/ Learning Objectives & the Course Outline

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  1. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/Learning Objectives & theCourse Outline Kim Anderson Course Evaluation Subcommittee Chair Spring 2009

  2. The course outline already contains a compilation of learning statements. • Must refine these statements into two categories—student learning outcomes and learning objectives. • ACCJC Warning

  3. SLO/objective similarities Student learning statements can be both broad, more global outcomes and narrow, more specific objectives. Both types are acceptable and have these things in common: 1. They refer to what students should be able to do or know after they have completed the course; 2. They use active verbs that reflect how the learning could be observed or measured; 3. They emphasize the higher levels of critical thinking involved in the course (local standard is to reflect an overall emphasis at the critical thinking level); 4. They are supported by the content of the course and the kinds of assignments students complete.

  4. SLOs Broad student learning outcomes are defined as statements of the overarching knowledge, skills, abilities, or values students should acquire in a course. • demonstrate core student understanding and application of a subject. • often subsumes multiple narrow objectives. • allows direct assessment (within the class and for the required assessment process). • anticipates the application of learning outside of the classroom or in future educational contexts. • will typically have two (2) to five (5) broad student learning outcomes.

  5. SLO Samples Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Interpret symptoms and select appropriate intervention to manage patient fear, anxiety, and/or pain in a clinical setting. 2. Analyze and apply biological and environmental principles to explain cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development of the individual from the pre-natal period through childhood and adolescence. 3. Describe and apply the research methods used to study child and adolescent psychology. 4. Synthesize professional typography skills using a personal computer to create effective design projects. 5. Demonstrate technical proficiency in maintenance of turbine engines. 6. Read and analyze selected works from the major literary genres: fiction, poetry and drama. 7. Demonstrate speaking skills to effectively and confidently deliver a 5-minute oral presentation in an organized setting. 8. Write an essay with correct form and format in a variety of rhetorical modes. 9. Perform technical exercises with his/her designated instrument with competence. 10. Install and configure the networking components of an operating system. 11. Explain the components of a play and the purposes they serve (e.g., soliloquy, chorus, dramatic irony). 12. Assess the biographical and historical influences on the creation of a piece of literature. 13. Distinguish key characteristics across developmental realms associated with various ages and stages of human growth & development. 14. Wire components to control a motor to a given schematic diagram. 15. Calculate probabilities using fundamental laws.

  6. Learning Objectives Narrow learning objectives are defined as the more specific aspects of subject matter (skills or applications of knowledge) that students are expected to master at the completion of a course. • represent valuable skills, tools, or content that enables a student to engage in a particular subject. • assists the student to build toward and support their achievement of the broader course student learning outcomes. • often several narrow objectives will relate to a single broad student learning outcome. • typically transfer-level courses average about ten (10), but some vocational courses may list more.

  7. Objective Samples Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Select and evaluate source materials and incorporate them correctly into written work. 2. Organize sentences logically and coherently. 3. Perform operations on polynomial expressions. 4. Develop a coherent thesis statement and support it with details and evidence. 5. Examine cultural context in interpreting works of literature. 6. State various strategies for reducing apprehension and fear in a patient. 7. List anxiety control procedures. 8. Discuss the manufacturing of fibers, yarns, and fabrics. 9. Analyze tissue samples utilizing appropriate laboratory equipment. 10. Evaluate the causes of World War II.

  8. Illustration of how several Learning Objectives relate to a Student Learning Outcome Student Learning Outcome •Write an essay with correct form and format in a variety of rhetorical modes. Learning Objectives •Select and evaluate source materials and incorporate them correctly into written work. •Organize sentences logically and coherently. •Develop a coherent thesis statement and support it with details and evidence.

  9. Refinement Process • Review the current listing of learning statements on a course outline. • Depending on what you find you will need to do one of the following: • Find all needed outcomes in the listing. • Find some outcomes in the listing and must create one or more in addition. • Find no outcomes in the listing and must create all new SLOs for the course.

  10. All there - existing Current Math 28 Outcomes 1. Recognize patterns, both numeric and geometric. 2. List strategies for problem solving. 3. Identify the four-step problem solving process. 4. Apply the four-step problem solving process to solve representative K-8 math problems. 5. Assess the appropriateness of solutions. 6. Define sets and their operations. 7. Diagram set operations using Venn Diagrams. 8. Sort objects based on attributes. 9. Define and identify functions. 10. Identify a variety of numeration systems from ancient to modern times. 11. Compare and contrast numeration systems. 12. Define the operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 13. Illustrate the models of operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 14. Employ a variety of algorithms to perform operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 15. Identify and apply properties of real numbers. 16. Categorize numbers as to whether they are prime, composite, or neither. 17. Define and use the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. 18. Demonstrate a variety of methods to find the least common multiple and greatest common divisor of numbers. 19. Compare and contrast rational and irrational numbers. 20. Define ratio and proportion. 21. Design and solve proportion problems. 22. Define percent. 23. Set up and solve percent problems.

  11. All there - revised Current Math 28 Outcomes 1. Recognize patterns, both numeric and geometric. 2. List strategies for problem solving. 3. Identify the four-step problem solving process. 4. Apply the four-step problem solving process to solve representative K-8 math problems. (Move and reword) 5. Assess the appropriateness of solutions. 6. Define sets and their operations. 7. Diagram set operations using Venn Diagrams. 8. Sort objects based on attributes. 9. Define and identify functions. 10. Identify a variety of numeration systems from ancient to modern times. 11. Compare and contrast numeration systems. (Move) 12. Define the operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 13. Illustrate the models of operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 14. Employ a variety of algorithms to perform operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. (Move) 15. Identify and apply properties of real numbers. 16. Categorize numbers as to whether they are prime, composite, or neither. 17. Define and use the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. 18. Demonstrate a variety of methods to find the least common multiple and greatest common divisor of numbers. (Move and reword) 19. Compare and contrast rational and irrational numbers. 20. Define ratio and proportion. 21. Design and solve proportion problems. 22. Define percent. 23. Set up and solve percent problems.

  12. All there - finished New Math 28 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Solve representative K-8 math problems by applying the four-step problem solving process. 2. Compare and contrast numeration systems. 3. Employ a variety of algorithms to perform operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 4. Find the least common multiple and greatest common divisor of numbers. New Math 28 Learning Objectives Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Recognize patterns, both numeric and geometric. 2. List strategies for problem solving. 3. Identify the four-step problem solving process. 4. Assess the appropriateness of solutions. 5. Define sets and their operations. 6. Diagram set operations using Venn Diagrams. 7. Sort objects based on attributes. 8. Define and identify functions. 9. Identify a variety of numeration systems from ancient to modern times. 10. Define the operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 11. Illustrate the models of operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and decimals. 12. Identify and apply properties of real numbers. 13. Categorize numbers as to whether they are prime, composite, or neither. 14. Define and use the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. 15. Compare and contrast rational and irrational numbers. 16. Define ratio and proportion. 17. Design and solve proportion problems. 18. Define percent. 19. Set up and solve percent problems.

  13. Some there - existing Current Dance 41/3 Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the professional protocol from the rehearsal studio to the stage performance. 2. Develop a professional dancer’s work ethic that include responsibility in remembering, reviewing and ultimately mastering all assigned choreographic materials. 3. Apply performance skills including stage presence, confidence and interpretation. 4. Apply the rules of conduct in the professional theatre. 5. Analyze the artistic decisions involved in the creation of dance from the audition process to performance. 6. Examine the dancer's collaborative and creative process in working toward a common goal and the interdependence of all involved in achieving that goal. 7. Practice and hone dance skills including components of strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. 8. Create dance phrases with guidance from and in collaboration with the choreographer. 9. Discuss the importance of the preparation of the body and mind for performance and apply the principles through physical warm-up, mental rehearsal and meditation. 10. Synthesize corrections and critiques to improve their performance. 11. Assess and evaluate their performance by writing and reflecting. 12. Demonstrate a respect and a practical understanding for all the technical aspects of theatre involved in carrying out a dance concert.

  14. Some there - revised Current Dance 41/3 Outcomes (Some student learning outcomes found but must create some more) 1. Demonstrate the professional protocol from the rehearsal studio to the stage performance. 2. Develop a professional dancer’s work ethic that include responsibility in remembering, reviewing and ultimately mastering all assigned choreographic materials. 3. Apply performance skills including stage presence, confidence and interpretation. 4. Apply the rules of conduct in the professional theatre. 5. Analyze the artistic decisions involved in the creation of dance from the audition process to performance. (Move) 6. Examine the dancer's collaborative and creative process in working toward a common goal and the interdependence of all involved in achieving that goal. 7. Practice and produce dance skills including components of strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. 8. Create dance phrases with guidance from and in collaboration with the choreographer. 9. Discuss the importance of the preparation of the body and mind for performance and apply the principles through physical warm-up, mental rehearsal and meditation. 10. Synthesize corrections and critiques to improve their performance. 11. Assess and evaluate their performance by writing and reflecting. (Move and reword) 12. Recognize and produce all of the technical aspects of theatre involved in carrying out a dance concert. Add a new outcome: Perform choreographed movements of flexibility, strength, coordination, and rhythmic ability to execute the technical skills necessary to dance with musicality and precision.

  15. Some there - finished Dance 41/3 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Analyze the artistic decisions involved in the creation of dance from the audition process to performance.  2. Assess and evaluate their own and a peer’s dance performance as to the aesthetic and technical aspects. 3. Perform choreographed movements of flexibility, strength, coordination, and rhythmic ability to execute the technical skills necessary to dance with musicality and precision. Dance 41/3 Learning Objectives Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the professional protocol from the rehearsal studio to the stage performance. 2. Develop a professional dancer’s work ethic that include responsibility in remembering, reviewing and ultimately mastering all assigned choreographic materials. 3. Apply the rules of conduct in the professional theatre. 4. Analyze the artistic decisions involved in the creation of dance from the audition process to performance. 5. Examine the dancer's collaborative and creative process in working toward a common goal and the interdependence of all involved in achieving that goal. 6. Practice and produce dance skills including components of strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. 7. Create dance phrases with guidance from and in collaboration with the choreographer. 8. Discuss the importance of the preparation of the body and mind for performance and apply the principles through physical warm-up, mental rehearsal and meditation. 9. Synthesize corrections and critiques to improve their performance. 10. Recognize and produce all of the technical aspects of theatre involved in carrying out a dance concert.

  16. None there - existing Current English 1 Outcomes 1. Establish and maintain a clear controlling idea (a thesis) in a documented essay of at least 1,500 words with significant and substantive content that is based on college-level reading materials. 2. Develop an essay that uses convincing evidence in a sequence of effective and organized paragraphs with a clear and apparent logical progression to illustrate a larger idea. 3. Use various strategies to generate, evaluate, and synthesize ideas from reading materials for a range of writing tasks that recognize the complexity within issues. 4. Employ the paragraph effectively, maintaining coherence within and between paragraphs and utilizing logical transitions. 5. Use the library and Internet as tools to find college-level reading materials. Comprehend and evaluate such texts. Incorporate these readings as concrete and credible support for a position. Acknowledge evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 6. Apply MLA format to cite sources within an essay. 7. Revise an essay successfully through a succession of drafts. 8. Employ a variety of strategies to open and close essays.

  17. None there - revised Current English 1 Outcomes (No student learning outcomes found so must create them) 1. Establish and maintain a clear controlling idea (a thesis) in a documented essay of at least 1,500 words with significant and substantive content that is based on college-level reading materials. 2. Develop an essay that uses convincing evidence in a sequence of effective and organized paragraphs with a clear and apparent logical progression to illustrate a larger idea. 3. Use various strategies to generate, evaluate, and synthesize ideas from reading materials for a range of writing tasks that recognize the complexity within issues. 4. Employ the paragraph effectively, maintaining coherence within and between paragraphs and utilizing logical transitions. 5. Use the library and Internet as tools to find college-level reading materials. Comprehend and evaluate such texts. Incorporate these readings as concrete and credible support for a position. Acknowledge evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 6. Apply MLA format to cite sources within an essay. 7. Revise an essay successfully through a succession of drafts. 8. Employ a variety of strategies to open and close essays. Add an additional objective to coincide with all new student learning outcomes: 9. Analyze and discriminate among various rhetorical purposes, authorial biases, and genres. Create new student learning outcomes: 1. Critically read and analyze college-level texts. 2. Write freshman composition-level academic prose with a clear purpose and effective, logical, and relevant support. 3. Locate, evaluate, and organize research material from a variety of sources and incorporate this material into an argument or analysis. 4. Compose essays that adopt freshman composition level-appropriate standards of academic discourse and rhetoric.

  18. None there - finished English 1 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Critically read and analyze college-level texts. 2. Write freshman composition-level academic prose with a clear purpose and effective, logical, and relevant support. 3. Locate, evaluate, and organize research material from a variety of sources and incorporate this material into an argument or analysis. 4. Compose essays that adopt freshman composition level-appropriate standards of academic discourse and rhetoric. English 1 Learning Objectives Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Establish and maintain a clear controlling idea (a thesis) in a documented essay of at least 1,500 words with significant and substantive content that is based on college-level reading materials. 2. Develop an essay that uses convincing evidence in a sequence of effective and organized paragraphs with a clear and apparent logical progression to illustrate a larger idea. 3. Use various strategies to generate, evaluate, and synthesize ideas from reading materials for a range of writing tasks that recognize the complexity within issues. 4. Employ the paragraph effectively, maintaining coherence within and between paragraphs and utilizing logical transitions. 5. Use the library and Internet as tools to find college-level reading materials. Comprehend and evaluate such texts. Incorporate these readings as concrete and credible support for a position. Acknowledge evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 6. Apply MLA format to cite sources within an essay. 7. Revise an essay successfully through a succession of drafts. 8. Employ a variety of strategies to open and close essays. 9. Analyze and discriminate among various rhetorical purposes, authorial biases, and genres.

  19. SLO/Objective Activity • Your turn to try. • Educate yourself and your colleagues as to this requirement. Peer reviewers are available to help. • Complete a SLO/Objective Worksheet for each course outline assigned by your department head. • Have the work checked by your department's peer reviewer. • Submit each SLO/Objective Worksheet to slo@lbcc.edu by assigned due date. • Each department must complete this conversion of the outcomes page for all course outlines as soon as possible.

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