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University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Abbott Visit

University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Abbott Visit. College of Engineering Ramón E. Vásquez-Espinosa Dean February 26, 2003. Agenda. General Information PR, UPR, UPRM UPRM College of Engineering Departments and Programs. Puerto Rico. Commonwealth of the United States.

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University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Abbott Visit

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  1. University of Puerto Rico at MayagüezAbbott Visit College of Engineering Ramón E. Vásquez-Espinosa Dean February 26, 2003

  2. Agenda • General Information • PR, UPR, UPRM • UPRM College of Engineering • Departments and Programs

  3. Puerto Rico Commonwealth of the United States Strategic location in the Caribbean Population: 3.8 million • Economic activity • Manufacturing • Services • Tourism

  4. The University of Puerto Rico Created by the PR Legislative Assembly on March 12, 1903 Public institution 11 Campuses More than 70,000 students

  5. UPR MayagüezLand Grant Institution - 1911 • Colleges • Agriculture (1911) • Engineering (1913) • Arts & Sciences (1943) • Business Administration (1970) • Student Body • Undergraduate students • 11,167 • 72% qualify for financial aid • Graduate students • ~ 1,000 • Faculty • 739 • 38% female • 57% PhD’s • 43% full professors • 64% tenured • 12 credit-hours full load • Administration • 1,800

  6. Organizational ChartCollege of Engineering (CoE)

  7. Vision(CoE Strategic Plan – Oct. 13, 1998) "Our promise is to prepare the best professionals in engineering and related areas, and to be the principal center for research, information, and service for technological development in Puerto Rico, the United States, the Caribbean and Central and South America."

  8. Mission( CoE Strategic Plan – Oct. 13, 1998 revised on May 8, 2001) Provide Puerto Rico, our neighbors, and the rest of the world with professionals having a strong education in engineering and related areas, with rich environmental, ethical, cultural, and social sensitivities; with capacity for critical thinking and for becoming leaders in their fields. It is also our mission to conduct research, expand and disseminate knowledge, promote an entrepreneurial spirit, provide service to the community, and pursue the innovation and application of technology for the benefit of our global society, with particular emphasis on Puerto Rico.

  9. The College of Engineering Six ABET accredited BS degree programs • 695 BS degrees/year • 34% female 4483 Undergrads 36% female 40% of campus 167 full time faculty 14% female 14 in pipeline for Ph.D. Ave. 620, 690 CEEB Graduation rate 76%

  10. Our Program Strengths 5-Year Programs Bilingual Education Strong COOP Program (27%) ME, ChE (45%) QEM Exemplary Program Award Washington, DC (2002) • Breadth and Depth • Opportunities for • Internships • Undergraduate Research • Exchange Programs One of the highest female enrollments within U.S.A. (36%) Approx. 115 companies and many Graduate Schools annually for recruitment

  11. Coop Program Growth

  12. Sponsors Abbott National Security Agency Banco Popular de PR PR Cement Eastman Pratt and Whitney IBM Texas Instruments Lilly Caribe Tren Urbano (Siemens) Merck Sharp and Dohme Up John NASA US Corps of Engineers

  13. Does it delay Graduation? José Vázquez Méndez – MSDQ Barceloneta, PR • Statistics collected for ABET show no delay in getting degree

  14. Where do we Rank Nationally • According to the ASEE 2001 profiles

  15. Engr. BS Degrees Awarded by School

  16. BS Degrees Awarded – 15th (695) • BS D A to Women – 4th (238) • % of BS D A to Women – 9th (34.2%) • BS D A to Hispanics (also TT faculty) – 1st • BS ChE – 10th (88) • BS CE – 5th (143) • BS ECE – 24th (197) • BS ME – 17th (137) • Undergraduate Enrollment – 12th (4,483) • Ratio BS DA to faculty – 2nd (5.43) • Rose-Hulman – 11th (4.19) • Michigan State – 12th (4.13)

  17. Among PR Colleges • Applications – 1st • Admission Requirements – 1st • Applicants that Qualify – 1st • Admissions – 1st Get the biggest fraction of the best HS graduates COE Cohort Graduation Rate: 1983 1991 53% 76% UPR System – 46% USA – 53%

  18. Current Degree Programs • Electrical B.S., M.E., M.S., Ph.D.* • Computer B.S., M.E., M.S., Ph.D. • Civil B.S., M.E., M.S., Ph.D. • Industrial B.S., M.E., M.S. • Mechanical B.S., M.E., M.S., Ph.D.* • Chemical B.S., M.E., M.S., Ph.D. *In the near future

  19. Indicators of Change in the College of Engineering in R & D • Publications in peer reviewed journals have increased from 41 publications in 1997 to 129 for 2001 • External funding for research has increased from $7.4 M in 1997 to over $10.4 M in 2001 • FTE professors dedicated to research has increased from 21 in 1997 to 39 in 2000 • Undergraduate students involved in research has increased from 444 in 1997 to 880 in 2000 • 1997 Young Presidential Investigator Award • 1997 Early Faculty Career Development Award (3) • 2000 Early Faculty Career Development Award (2) • First Second-Phase SBIR Grant • First GOALI Grant • Graduate enrollment has increased from 266 in 1997 to 301 in 2001

  20. Federal Agencies NSF NOAA DOE NASA DOD NIH Private companies INTEL Hewlett-Packard Procter & Gamble Texas Instruments Raytheon Motorola Sponsors

  21. MOUs • Colleges & Universities • Examples: Agreements with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), University of Missouri & the University of Georgia Research Foundation • Industry & Government • Examples: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,US Army Research & Development Center, Intel Corporation, Federal Highway Administration • Joint R&D/Ventures • Examples: VERNET Software & Multimedia Design & Development Center (ViTEC umbrella), PR Electric Power Authority, Raytheon & Westinghouse.

  22. International activities • Curriculum development focused on student learning outcomes & ABET 2000 accreditation strategies • For the last 7 years have worked in strong collaboration with industry on innovations in engineering & science/math education that responds to stakeholders needs, integrating practice based activities, with funds from NSF, NASA & industry (Microsoft, Raytheon). • Microsoft Latin American Collaboration • UPRM has become a strategic partner • Learning Factory Workshops in • Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico • Member of Microsoft’s Latin American Advisory Board • MOUs with Dominican Rep., Colombia, Perú, China, Mexico, and others

  23. ICEE 2005 2006 Puerto Rico General Chair Dr. Ramón E. Vásquez Co-Chair Prof. Lueny Morell

  24. College of Engineering: Cornerstone of the Puerto Rico Science & Technology Policy:“The Technoeconomic Corridor” • Goal • Increase PR’s GNP related to S&T from 5% to 34% by the year 2010 • Strategy • Promote synergy & collaboration between the academic, governmental, industrial & financial sectors • Thrust areas • Pharmaceuticals • Manufacturing • Communications and information technology • Biotechnology

  25. Outreach • Web Page • Open House • Pre-Engineering Summer Camps • Faculty Participation in Career Days and Science Fairs

  26. External  Internal Transition

  27. SEED Office Systemfor theEvaluationof Education Continuous Quality Improvement Workshops & Retreats Assessment Institutional Research of CoE Accreditations (ABET, Middle States, Council of Higher Education)

  28. IMPROVEMENTS College-wide/Departmental Processes Workshops, Retreats and Advisory Board meetings Surveys Publications Regular Analysis of course evaluations Improved websites Regular Analysis of FE Exam Results Special funds for improving labs and facilities

  29. http://ing.uprm.edu

  30. Where Do We Go From Here? SHARE the experience with other programs on campus SEED ENSURE the sustainability of CQI Initiatives ENSURE the necessary resources (time, commitment, and operational funds) DIVULGE the experience gained for Middle States and CHE accreditations

  31. Who have strong relationship with the CoE (Champions) • INTEL • Hewlett-Packard PR • Procter & Gamble • Texas Instruments • Raytheon • Motorola • Boeing • NASA • Microsoft • Verizon • Solectron • Bumble Bee • Lucent Technologies • Sloan Foundation • NACME? • SHPE • Abbott >> Abbott

  32. How had they helped the CoE • Workshops • Mock Visits (ABET) • Equipment Donation • Advisory Boards • Laboratory Donation • IAP (EE) • Coop Program • Training at Industry • Undergraduate • Graduate • Faculty • Internships • Undergraduate • Graduate • Faculty • Scholarships • SMT Line Donation • Including Tech Support • NSA Donations • Conferences Participation • Student Organizations

  33. Chemical Engineering Dept. University of Puerto Rico • Director: • Dr. David Suleiman • E-mail: d_suleiman@rumac.uprm.edu • Telephone (787)832-4040 Ext. 2592 • Degrees Offered: • B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering • M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering • Undergraduate Students: • Total 730 • Females 60% • Graduate Students: • Total 15 PhD / 23 MSc • Females 50% • Faculty: • 23 Full Time • 1 Visiting • Academic Rank: 91% Ph.D. • External Funds: • ~$5.7M (2001-2002) shared • Top 10 largest Chemical Engineering department in the US (100 – 125 graduates / year) • Largest Hispanic graduating department in the US • Largest Female graduating department in the US (60 / year)

  34. Recent Milestones • ABET Re-Accreditation • 2002 National AIChE Meeting • Record of students & professors participation • Record of awards (15/36 Student Poster Session) • Hospitality Suite (Hiring, Recruiting, Promotion) • 2002 Regional AIChE Meeting • Major Improvements in Physical Facilities

  35. Areas of Growth • Faculty • 4 Faculty hires in last 2 years • 4 Positions presently available • 1 Positions within next 1-2 years • 8 new Faculty within 5 year. Critical Growth & Direction • Research • PhD Program (2000) • Record number of proposals (~$10M/24 in Fall 2002) • Infrastructure Expansion ($8M) • Techno-Economic Corridor - PR • Global Presence • Over 110 Companies visiting our campus annually • Research Publications / Presentations • National & International Meetings

  36. Research Areas:Biochemical & Biomedical • Structured Modeling of Bacterial, Fungal, and Yeast Cultures. • Cofermentation of Lignocellulosic Hydrolyzates for the Production of Bioethanol-NREL. • Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications (i.e., drug delivery systems, biosensors, diagnostics, catheters). • Immobilized Enzyme Reactor for the Production of Ethanol from Starch. Confocal laser scanning microscopy image of marker transport in tissue culture

  37. Research Areas: Nanotechnology • Nanomaterials with Enhanced Catalytic Performance for Environmental and Alternative Fuel Applications • Metallic Nanoparticles for Nanosensors, Catalysts, and Optoelectronic Materials • Magnetic Nanoparticles for Nanosensors, Drug Delivery, Separations, and High-Density Recording Media • Interactions of Nanostructures Within Biological Tissues TEM image of SiO2-TiO2 nanoparticles

  38. Research Areas:Environmental Engineering • Arc Plasma Technology to Treat Harmful Substances. • Novel Matrixes for Protecting Water Resources from Noxious Organic Wastes. • Photocatalysis for Detoxification of VOCs.

  39. Research Areas:Pharmaceutical Applications • Drying Models in Fluidized Bed Dryers. • Optimum End Points in Pharmaceutical Formulations. • Smart Fiber Optics-Coupled Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical Cleaning Validation. • Replacing of Current Solvents with Safer, Cleaner and more “Effective” Ones-Green Chemistry. • Controlling Particle Size Distribution on a Pharmacological Process.

  40. Research Areas:Renewable Energy • Generation of Hydrogen by Catalytic Reforming of Biomass-derived Hydrocarbons in Liquid H2O • Fuel Cells (new materials, overcoming thermodynamic & mass transfer limitations). • Used Cooking Oil Conversion to Biodiesel-DOE. • Natural Gas Generation & Applications. • Recycling/Reusing Used Motor Oils. • Energy Sugar Cane Conversion to Bioethanol.

  41. Research Areas:Thermodynamics & Separations • Specialty Separations & Reactions with Supercritical Fluids. • Removal of Salts from Urine for Life Support System-NASA. • Nucleation & Growth Kinetics in Gold Precipitation-DuPont. • Stability Calculations/Applications for Non-equilibrium Separation Processes. • Adsorption Calculations Using Monte Carlo Molecular Simulations.

  42. Summary • Presently • Top ABET accredited BS program, leader in numerous areas • Best students from Puerto Rico • Well trained faculty • Started the transition from a Teaching-oriented to a Teaching-Research-oriented institution (without sacrificing our Teaching strength) • Future • Research growth in areas of: local, national and global perspectives • Hiring of Faculty • Expansion of Facilities • Recruitment of PhD Students & Increasing our Undergraduate Research Programs • Top producer of Hispanic ChEs PhD by 2007 • Strategic partnerships with industry, academia, national labs, and government (local & national)

  43. UPR-MAYAGUEZ Mechanical Engineering Director: Dr. Jorge E. González E-mail: chairman@me.uprm.edu Telephone (787)832-4040 Ext. 3719 Degrees: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering* Undergraduate Students: Total 850 Females 21% Graduate Students: Total 50 Females 17% Faculty: 20 Full Time 2 Adjuncts 1 Visiting Academic Rank: All/w Ph.D. External Funds: $2M (2001-2002)

  44. Design & Manufacturing CAM/Artificial Intelligence/Virtual Reality Rapid Prototyping/Design for Environment Gear and Cam Systems Materials Science Plastics/Composite Materials/Mechanical Metallurgy Fracture Mechanics/Fatigue/Corrosion Teaching & Research Areas • Thermal Sciences • Solar Energy • Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics • Experimental Two-Phase Flows (Sprays) • Rarefield and Plasma Flows • Machine Sciences • Structural Dynamics/Vibrations/ Controls • Damage Detection

  45. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Five patents have been granted (or pending) to Department Faculty • New Equipment for disable people (2) • Vibration/control using SMA in buildings (1) • Solar Air Conditioning Systems (2) • First Recipients in PR of NSF GOALI & STTR (I&II) • One NSF CAREER Award • Two Outstanding Technical Papers • Two Course/Research Quality Books in Materials Sciences • Best Freshman Class Ever – 2001, 2002 • Being Selected as One Competing School for the Solar Decathlon • Recognized as one of the best SAE Student Chapters • Dramatic Sustain Increase in External Funding

  46. FACILITIES • Climate Modeling Research Center • Computer Aided Design Lab • Manufacturing and Prototype Lab • Materials Sciences Lab • Mechanical Systems Response Research Lab • PCB Manufacturing Line • Special Projects Laboratory • Solar Testing • Spray Characterization Lab

  47. Special R&D Lab & Projects • Solar powered Vehicles • Sunrayce 1990, 1993, 1995 • World Solar Challenge 1993 • Solar Powered boat • SolarSplash 94 (top honors) • Japan 95 • Propane Powered Vehicle • Propane Challenge 95 • Formula SAE ‘91-2000 • Design / Mfg 94 • SAE MiniBaja 94-2000 • Women Eng. Challenge Award D. Serrano, F. Just

  48. Mechanical Systems Response Research Laboratory • Five UPRM Faculty Research Team • Research Areas Include Vibration Control/Response Damage Detection Sensor Development Neural Networks • Sponsors DOD, NSF, AMI-Microsensors, United Technologies

  49. ME in the Future

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