1. What should asuccessful VGLA portfoliocontain?
2. 10/7/2011
3. 10/7/2011 VGLA Worksheet
4. 10/7/2011 Types of Evidence A collection may consist of any of the following types of evidence:
Work sample
Anecdotal Record
5. 10/7/2011 DIS stickers VGLA/VSEP DIS
Content Area: Mathematics
SOL: 8.14
Bullet: c
Inferred: Demonstrated
6. 10/7/2011 Contents of a VGLASubmission
7. 10/7/2011 Compiling the Portfolio:
All evidence needs to be organized in a 3 ring binder(s).
An identification sheet with student name, school and subject area must be inserted in the front pocket.
A VGLA Affidavit of Student Performance that is signed and demonstrates the student’s sole ownership/authorship will be the first page of the portfolio.
Loose articles must be placed in a pouch and secured in the binder so that they aren’t lost in transportation.
8. 10/7/2011 Each portfolio must be organized in the same order as the VGLA worksheet.
All pieces of evidence must have a completed DIS sticker in order to be scored.
Use either bright colored paper in page protectors or dividers to separate the Reporting Categories or SOLs.
As you assemble the portfolio, place yourself in the position of the scoring team. Would the scoring team understand the organization of the portfolio or the purpose of a particular piece of evidence?
9. 10/7/2011 Noteworthy! Evidence must demonstrate knowledge and/or skills in the SOL addressed. Read the SOL carefully noting the verb used in the SOL. What is the student supposed to be able to do?
Students should submit evidence for ALL of the SOL assessed from the test blueprints. Look over the VGLA worksheet. If evidence is not submitted it will receive a “O” for that SOL.
Evidence may prove more than one SOL. Make copies of the piece of evidence and place in the appropriate location with a new DIS sticker.
Group work should not be submitted unless the student achieved individual success with a particular SOL. This student needs to be identified for the scorers.
10. 10/7/2011 Common Mistakes: Evidence not submitted for a particular SOL. The student will be scored a “O”.
The number of multiple choice items should be limited.
Evidence needs to be graded/checked for accuracy. A letter/numeral score does not need to be evident but work should be checked.
Homework and work copied from the board should not be included as pieces of evidence.
Evidence must have a proper DIS sticker. Any piece of evidence without a accurate DIS sticker will not be scored.
11. 10/7/2011
12. 10/7/2011 School based Assessment Teams Recommended for Schools to implement. Purpose: To provide technical assistance to teachers collecting evidence for the VGLA and to monitor the development of VGLA and VAAP collections of evidence
Team: The team should consist of 2-5 building level staff at each school (Administrators, special education teachers, general educators). This team will oversee and regularly monitor the development of collections of evidence for the VGLA and VAAP. They will complete and submit monitoring documents to principals or STC.
13. 10/7/2011 2006-2007
VGLA & VAAP Participation
14. 10/7/2011 TOTAL ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENTSas of 3/10/07
VAAP: 132
VGLA: 297
15. 10/7/2011 Due Dates Writing portfolios
Friday, April 6, 2007
Ell Reading portfolios
Monday, May 7, 2007
Non-writing portfolios
Monday, May 14, 2007
VAAP portfolios:
Monday, April 30, 2007
*School Test Coordinators (ICs & Asst. Princ.) are to be the only persons transporting the portfolios. They are “secure” documents and need to be delivered on time to be scored.
16. 10/7/2011
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