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WI Dairy Goat Cost of Production Sample Study

WI Dairy Goat Cost of Production Sample Study. Carl Rainey DATCP 608-224-5139 carl.rainey@datcp.state.wi.us www.datcp.state.wi.us. Sample Study. 144 farms registered in WI Deleted farms with < 3 years history Surveyed farmers - summer 2005 Selected 14 farmers from 10 counties

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WI Dairy Goat Cost of Production Sample Study

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  1. WI Dairy Goat Cost of ProductionSample Study Carl Rainey DATCP 608-224-5139 carl.rainey@datcp.state.wi.us www.datcp.state.wi.us Lenders Conference

  2. Sample Study • 144 farms registered in WI • Deleted farms with < 3 years history • Surveyed farmers - summer 2005 • Selected 14 farmers from 10 counties • Financial data for year 2004 • Report provides sample farm averages • Complete data – not always available Lenders Conference

  3. Lenders Conference

  4. Financial Results Lenders Conference

  5. Lenders Conference

  6. Lenders Conference

  7. Sample Balance Sheet Lenders Conference

  8. Shows a hypothetical price range for wholesale milk to obtain levels of profitability based on sample Net Incomes for the 14 farms in 2004. This information does not take into account possible efficiencies at the dairy farms, or other sources of income from the farm. Lenders Conference

  9. Possible Farm Performance Lenders Conference

  10. Realistic ? Farm Performance Lenders Conference

  11. Best Farm Performance Lenders Conference

  12. Conclusion • Average dairy goat farms not able to exist long-term under current conditions • Some farmers know how to produce efficiently in some areas • Knowledge transfer greatly needed – dairy goat farms would continue to exist without increased pay price • Some actions in place to assist this effort – more is needed! Lenders Conference

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