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Research productivity and citation patterns of librarians in Tanzania: A scientometric analysis

Research productivity and citation patterns of librarians in Tanzania: A scientometric analysis. Alfred Said Sife (PhD) Senior Librarian, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. Edda Tandi Lwoga (PhD)

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Research productivity and citation patterns of librarians in Tanzania: A scientometric analysis

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  1. Research productivity and citation patterns of librarians in Tanzania: A scientometric analysis Alfred Said Sife (PhD) Senior Librarian,Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Edda Tandi Lwoga (PhD) Senior Librarian,Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania

  2. Motivation, problem area Scientometrics

  3. Research Objectives • To determine publication & citation patterns of librarians • To identify highly cited papers and track their citation life cycle • To determine the authorship pattern among librarians • To determine the productivity of individual authors

  4. Research approach, Methodology

  5. Research approach, Methodology • Retrieved statistics include

  6. Study results Year-wise Distribution of Publications Total number of publications - 434 Average per year - 14.5 High number of publications - 2008 (n=43) - 2010 (n=34)

  7. Authorship Pattern of Publications - About 43% of the publications were single-authored - Degree of collaboration was 0.57

  8. Rank-list of most productive authors • Number of publications per author • The top ten ranked librarians contributed more than half (53.2%) of • all publications • Lwoga • Nawe • Dulle • Kiondo • Sife

  9. Number of citations per author • Ranking • Lwoga • Sife • Nawe • Dulle • Kiondo

  10. Average papers per author • Ranking • Nawe • Lwoga • Manda • Kiondo • Msuya

  11. Average citations per year • Lwoga • Sife • Dulle • Lwehabura • Matovelo

  12. H-Index & G-Index H-index – measures the number of publications and the number of citations per publications, whereby the most highly cited articles contribute to the h-index • H-Index • Lwoga, • Dulle • 2. Kiondo, • Lwehabura • Nawe • Mcharazo • G- Index • Lwoga • Sife • Nawe, • Dulle • Lwehabura G- index - measures the distribution of citations received by a given researcher's publication

  13. Overall ranking of the most productive authors • Lwoga • Sife • Nawe • Dulle • Kiondo • 5. Lwehabura

  14. Journal preference of researchers • University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal was the only Tanzanian journal with a substantial number of articles (n=75)

  15. Discussion of major findings

  16. Conclusions & Recommendations • Scientometrics studies are important in informing LIS education, curriculum development, research and management of library services • Recommendations • Many factors should be considered in combination when evaluating the research performance of librarians and other scholars; should not consider the number of publications alone • Publish in journals that are widely visible (e-journals & open access) • Increase level of teamwork in research & publication • Encourage mentorship between senior & junior library staff • Encourage students to publish with members of academic staff • Establish Tanzanian online journals in library science • Put more emphasis on teaching bibliometrics/scientometrics in LIS schools because few studies have been conducted in Tanzania • Libraries should conduct bibliometrics/scientometrics of their institutions

  17. Study limitations • The paper only focused on online publications that were retrieved by PoP through Google Scholar • Papers that were published between 1984 and 2013

  18. Thank you for your attention! Dr Alfred Said Sife (sifesas@yahoo.com) Dr Edda Tandi Lwoga (tlwoga@ gmail.com)

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