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The Journey of the Writer. By Professor Evanowski. Level One: Scribbles. Level Two: Letters as Words. TBWT P. Level Three: Words (may have wrong letters). DA BOY WNT TO DA PURC. Level Four: Sentences (may be a list or pattern). The boy went to the park The boy went to the beach
The Journey of the Writer By Professor Evanowski
Level Two: Letters as Words TBWT P
Level Three: Words(may have wrong letters) DA BOY WNT TO DA PURC
Level Four: Sentences(may be a list or pattern) The boy went to the park The boy went to the beach The boy went to skool The boy went to my hows
Level Five: Simple Story There once was a boy. He went to the park. He played soccer. He had fun.
Level Six: Story with Details/Action Many years ago, there was a boy named Sammy. He saw aliens from Mars. He said whoa, are you aliens? They said yeah. He said cool. They said we want your brain. He said not cool. They had 8 eyeballs and were green. The end.
Level Seven: Story with Plot(Beginning, Middle, End) Many years ago, there was a boy named Sammy. He was nine years old. He lived in a small house on a busy street. All the houses on his street had bars on the windows and ferocious dogs in the back yard. One day He saw aliens from Mars. They had 8 eyeballs and werer green. He said whoa, are you aliens? They said yeah. He said cool. They said we want your brain. He said not cool. He decided to run away. They zapped him but they missed. They hit McDonald’s instead and turned it into green slop. They flew away, mad. Nobody ate at McDonald’s anymore. Suddenly everyone got healthy and strong. Nobody was sick. They all thanked Sammy and the aliens. The end.
Level Eight: Story with Paragraphs! Many years ago, there was a boy named Sammy. He was nine years old. He lived in a small house on a busy street. All the houses on his street had bars on the windows and dogs in the back yard. One day he saw aliens from Mars. They had 8 eyeballs and were green. They tried to get him. Sammy ran away. The aliens chased him. He hid in a dumpster. He escaped. When Sammy got home, his mom said, “Ooee, what stinks?” She looked around, confused. “Me,” said Sammy, sighing. He told her what had happened. She believed him right away. “Oh,” said his mom. “Aliens? That stinks.”
Level Nine: Story with Paragraphs, Plot and Details!!! On a hot day in August, many years ago, a boy named Sammy sat by the window of his house. He looked out through the rusty black bars at the cars zipping by in a blur. He could hear his neighbor’s pitbull, Zook, barking next door. He would sometimes bark for hours. A few houses away, an old but feisty german shepard, named Max, barked back. Sammy wondered if summer was ever going to end. Two more weeks ‘til school started and he was going out of his mind. If only his friend Erik hadn’t moved away. They would be outside right now, even in the hottest sun, throwing their football back and forth. Sammy was a better quarterback but Erik had the magic hands. Suddenly Sammy heard a screech and focused his eyes on a red spaceship landing in the street in front of his house. There was a flash of light. Sammy’s mouth opened. A door in the spaceship slip straight up. Out walked a green alien with 8 eyes. Four eyes focused on Sammy while the other four kept looking around the neighborhood. Suddenly it raised a big, crooked green finger, pointed at Sammy and spoke, “Earthling, do you have any peanutbutter?” Sammy gulped and nodded. Sammy and the peanutbutter alien became the best of friends. It turned out they both love skateboarding, detective books and dancing. The alien was a little weird, but Sammy just told people he was his cousin. Sammy never was bored again.