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Building Salesforce Fields Manually? Perform all Field Operations in Few Clicks

Are you still performing field operations manually? How do you update hundreds of fields at scale? Learn how #BOFC, the worldu2019s #1 Salesforce metadata application can reduce time spent on Salesforce field operations. Visit - https://bofc.io/category/bulk-field-operation

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Building Salesforce Fields Manually? Perform all Field Operations in Few Clicks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I Building Salesforce Fields Manually BULK OBJECT FIELD CREATOR


  3. III Introduction Perform all Field Operations in Few Clicks Are you always engaged in creating, cloning, updating, deleting & exporting those thousands of fields in your Salesforce org manually? We understand your pain. After all, who likes wasting time on monotonous & tedious tasks. Let’s make it simpler & quicker for you. Try BOFC, the world’s #1 Salesforce metadata application that’s designed to save the time of Salesforce admins/developers & facilitate insightful decision making.

  4. CREATE BULK FIELDS IV Add New Fields Import Existing Fields From Another Org Simply drag & drop your XLS/XLSX/CSV file from your system onto the dashboard & get rid of those multiple steps. Import custom fields for any object type directly from an external org using BOFC. Also, there’s no limitation to the field type, as you can add multiple types in one go.

  5. UPDATE BULK FIELDS V Custom fields in Salesforce comprise multiple attributes like description, length, label & help text, etc., which admins/developers need to regularly update based on the requirement. If they follow the Salesforce standard process, it will require them to open & update every field one by one. This turns out to be a tedious & monotonous process. With BOFC, you can update multiple fields directly in your Salesforce org with just a few clicks. You can also download fields XLS > Modify the field attributes > upload the updated XLS sheet to the BOFC Field Updation page to update all the selected fields.

  6. VI Again, when it comes to deleting custom/standard fields using the Salesforce process, it calls for opening & deleting every field one by one. This task can drive anyone insane when dealing with 100s or 1000s of them. DELETE BULK FIELDS With BOFC, no matter if the number of fields is more, you can simply filter & select multiple fields to delete them in one go. This reduces the time taken to perform such tasks by many folds. BULK OBJECT FIELD CREATOR

  7. CLONE BULK FIELDS VII Do you need to clone fields within Salesforce org or externally? Many Salesforce admins/developers have shared the problem in cloning fields from one object to the other within the same org or amongst unlinked Salesforce orgs. Such a task required them to copy every field one by one to the desired location. This is undoubtedly a time taking & monotonous task. BOFC allows users to clone multiple fields within a Salesforce org and also from one org to the other in one go with just a few clicks.

  8. VIII Are you always exporting fields manually to keep records or make reports? Or have you been avoiding this task for the insane amount of time it consumes? EXPORT MULTIPLE FIELDS We believe that neither of these is good for you. Yes, exporting fields manually using the Salesforce standard process will require you to copy every object’s field individually, which is time taking. However, using BOFC, you can save yourself from all that monotonous & tedious work. It allows you to export (in one click in XLS format). BULK OBJECT FIELD CREATOR

  9. FIELD VISIBILITY ON MULTIPLE PAGE LAYOUTS IX One of BOFC users, Barbara, came up with this pain point: “Is there a way to add onto a report or excel whether or not a field is currently active on a page layout (and if yes, which page layout)?”. Our team proactively came up with the solution, allowing BOFC users to identify field usage. They can easily create a matrix report with a single click. The report tells about the field usage for multiple objects in multiple layouts in an easy-to-understand format.

  10. Connect Socially X BULK OBJECT FIELD CREATOR FACEBOOK LINKEDIN YOUTUBE TWITTER @salesforce-bofc- bulk-object-field- creator @BulkObjectFieldC reator @BulkObjectField Creator/ @SalesforceBOFC

  11. XI GET IN TOUCH EMAIL ADDRESS support@tech9logy.com WEBSITE https://www.bofc.io PHONE NUMBER 9953170767

  12. XII Thank You

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