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WELCOME TO: BUS2301. KEEP THIS FILE “HANDY” FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. Please keep this PowerPoint file “handy” to refer to in the first few weeks until you become familiar with: How the course schedule works Myitlab Assignment/exam policies Algonquin College Policies and contact info

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  1. WELCOME TO: BUS2301

  2. KEEP THIS FILE “HANDY” FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS • Please keep this PowerPoint file “handy” to refer to in the first few weeks until you become familiar with: • How the course schedule works • Myitlab • Assignment/exam policies • Algonquin College Policies and contact info • Website Info • Etc.

  3. CONTACT INFO: • Your Professor • Jane Doe • 613-727-4723 ext. #### • Rm. # • Office hours • Your email • Course Coordinator • Shirley Haug • haugs@algonquincollege.com • B222b • 613-727-4723 ext. 3304

  4. CSD • Center for Students with Disabilities • Located in C142 • (613) 727-4723 ext.7683 or http://www.algonquincollege.com/studentservices/csd/index.htm • Let your professor know when assessment completed • If you already have been assessed, please see me after class

  5. BUS2301 Package ISBN# 0132498537 Price: $118.30

  6. Why is TECHNOLOGY Important? • Technology is easy and fun! • A Fact of Life—in your day-to-day activities • We live in a global economy • Whatever career you choose: • administration, • technology or • any level of management • REQUIRES THAT YOU CAN USE TECHNOLOGY WELL!!!!


  8. MS OFFICE • The applications have unique functions, yet: • completely integrated with each other and with the Internet • Streamlines HOW people work with information and one another • Simplifiesproductivity • MS OFFICE supplies the tools needed to find: • efficient and • effectivesolutions to business situations.

  9. How “MS Office” Will Help in Some Other Courses

  10. Learning Resources: • Pearson Education MS Office 2007 bundle • Package ISBN: 0132498537 • Comes with: • Myitlab - 3 year access • PHIT TIPS (course cards) for: Vista, Outlook, Excel,PowerPoint, and Word • Price: $118.30 • Must have (or purchase) headphones

  11. OPTIONAL TEXTBOOKS • GO! with VISTA, Comprehensive • #0136140777$100.95 • GO! with OUTLOOK 2007Comprehensive • #0135001242    $79.95 • GO! with EXCEL 2007 Comprehensive • #0132255596$108.95 • GO! with Microsoft PPT 2007 Vol.1 • #0132447983 $84.95 • GO! with Microsoft WORD2007 Comprehensive • #0132327406 $108.95

  12. REWRITES • TIMING IS EVERYTHING – pay attention to the schedule. • All exams must be done within the designated time frames • The REWRITE week is for students who failed/missedan exam ONLY. • Up to 2failed/missed exams (grade of less than 50%) may be rewritten during the scheduled REWRITE week • No other extensions will be allowed – • ie a 3rdfailed exam or missed exam deadline means an immediate "F" on the course. • The maximum grade you can get for a REWRITE exam is 65%

  13. REWRITES cont. • An exam not completed by the deadline specified in the schedule will be considered a “failed exam”. • IF you DO miss an exam early in the course then you can only rewrite 1other exam. • Later exams, especially Excel, & Word are more difficult. • Missed exams should be reserved for situations where you absolutely cannot attend the exam, for medical reasons, OR: • extreme extenuating circumstances.

  14. EVALUATION • PRINT OUT EVERY MODULE EXAM MARK • Put this printout in a SAFE place • This is your BACKUP COPY • If a MARK is incorrect in myitlab and/or Blackboard at a later date, your BACKUP is your PRINT-OUT

  15. EVALUATION • Module 1:  Vista/Outlook Training  02% (either 0% OR 100%) Vista/Outlook "In-class Assignment"            07% Vista/Outlook Final Exam                       10% • Total 19%     Module 2:  Excel Training                                                   03% (either 0% OR 100%) Excel Assignment 1                           04% Excel Assignment 2                          05% Excel Assignment 3                          08% Excel Final Exam                                              15% • Total 35%

  16. Module 3: • PowerPoint Training                                         02% (either 0% OR 100%) • PowerPoint "In-Class" Assignment                07% • PowerPoint Final Exam                                   10% • Total 19%                                       • Module 4: • Word Training                                                03% (either 0% OR 100%)  • Word Assignment 1                         05% • Word Assignment 2                         07% • Word Final Exam                                     12% • Total 27%    • Note: A student will get full Training Marks as long as a minimum of 80% of the training has been completed prior to the scheduled exam date. • A student must pass ALL the exams to pass the course. You must also have an overall mark of 50% or better to pass the course. • REWRITES: Only up to 2 rewrites are permitted, and only on failed/missed exams. The maximum mark a student can achieve on a rewrite is 65%.

  17. EVALUATION cont. • In order to be successful in this course, students are expected to spend a minimum of three (3) hours per week on out-of-class assignments and doing their training. 

  18. EVALUATION cont. • Students must pass each of the 4 exams with a grade of 50% or better to pass the course. • In addition students must have a minimumoverall GRADE of50% • The final grade is not an average of the 4 examsand therefore if a student fails 1 of the 4 exams, then the student fails the course. A student may only miss an exam for medical reasons, or extreme extenuating circumstances. 

  19. EVALUATION cont. To Summarize • To pass the course a student must end the course with an overall GRADE of 50%or better, • AND must pass each of the 4 exams with a grade of 50% or better. • This means that a student who ends the course with a failing grade on even one exam, fails the course.

  20. Assignment Policy • ATTENDANCE will be taken • You must be IN CLASS in order to get a mark for the assignment • PROVIDED THAT you are in class you may complete the assignment at home • Assignments are due at Midnight, the night before the class it’s due. • If you submit an assignment late you will lose 20% of the mark per day after the due date. • IF YOU MISS THE CLASS, YOU WILL RECEIVE A “0” IN THAT ASSIGNMENT • (as per outlined in “The School of Business Procedures.pdf”)

  21. ASSIGNMENTS-BE CAREFUL WHEN DOWNLOADING “CHEATING” possibilities • BE CAREFUL when you are DOWNLOADING your assignment files.  If you accidentally SAVE to the C:\ drive, in the lab, then logoff—you will lose your files.  Some students have done this, and then asked another student for their file. •  In this situation, you may be legitimately doing your own work, but due to the fact that you have used the basic, unedited version from another student, your assignment will be flagged with a “POTENTIAL INTEGRITY VIOLATION”,(cheating).

  22. ASSIGNMENTS—READ INSTRUCTIONS VERY, VERY CAREFULLY!! • You have to be very, very careful with ALL the components in myitlab.  The software is extremely specific—it IS case-sensitive, and if you add a space where there shouldn’t be (or vice versa), or forget to include a punctuation mark (or vice versa), myitlabwill mark it wrong.  • When you do your assignments, you must read the instructions extremely carefully, not “skimming over” any of the instructions, just in case you miss a tiny requirement. 

  23. PRINT OUT ASSIGNMENT MARKS • Please make sure that as soon asyou get your MARK  for ANYassignment, that you do the following: • DO NOT CLOSE the dialog box with your mark on it--before doing the following: 1.       Hit your PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard 2.       Open MS WORD 3.       PASTE 4.       Enlarge the “screen capture”, so that it’s readable 5.       PRINT out your MARK, AND SAVE the file 6.       You may now close the dialog box. • There have been some students who have gotten their mark, but when they close the dialog box with the mark on it-- they receive a “0” in their GRADEBOOK. (This is the mark that Isee). This “print out” will be your backup copy—put it in a safe place, until the endof the semester.

  24. Classroom Management • ALGONQUIN STUDENT ID CARDS will be checked for ALL exams

  25. “School of Business Procedures Document.pdf”-Section “C” • Use of Laptops and other Electronic Devices

  26. Cheating • Cheating is grounds for dismissal • To write any exam, you need to produce a ALGONQUIN COLLEGESTUDENT ID CARD. • The purpose of the training is to teach you what you don’t know, so you can pass your final. • If someone else does your training/work for you, you will not be in a position to pass the final exam.

  27. DUE DATES-EXAMS • VISTA/OUTLOOK: WEEK4 • Sept.  27-Oct. 01 • Excel: WEEK8 • Oct. 25-29 • PowerPoint : WEEK10 • Nov.08-12 • Word : WEEK13 • Nov. 29-Dec. 03 • REWRITES:  WEEK14 • Dec. 06-10

  28. DUE DATES-ASSIGNMENTSATTENDANCE will be taken—You must be IN CLASS in order to get a MARK for your Assignment • VISTA • Assignment: WEEK3 • Sept. 20-24 • DO NOT SUBMIT • VISTA/OUTLOOK: • Assignment: WEEK4 • Sept. 27-Oct.01 • EXCEL: • Assignment 1: WEEK6 • Oct. 12-15 (Oct 11th-”Thanksgiving”) • Assignment 2: WEEK7 • Oct. 18-22 • Assignment 3: WEEK8 • Oct. 25-29

  29. DUE DATES-ASSIGNMENTS cont. • POWERPOINT: • Assignment: WEEK 10 • Nov. 08-12 • WORD: • Assignment 1: WEEK12 • Nov. 22-26 • Assignment 2: WEEK13 • Nov. 29-Dec. 03


  31. myitlab: Per Module • TRAINING • COMPLETE ALL the required training at least once, twice or more is recommended • You must do ALL of your training in order to get your TRAINING MARKS. • Must be completed before the scheduled exam date • Training may be done at home, or • in an “Open Access Lab”, provided myitlabis installed on the computer

  32. myitlab: Per Module cont. • FINAL EXAM • ALL exams are completed on site at ALGONQUIN COLLEGE IN DESIGNATED LABS. • You must achieve a minimum of 50% in an exam order to pass a module You must achieve a minimum of 50% in EVERY module AND exam in order to pass the COURSE . The final grade is not an average of the 4 modules and therefore if a student fails 1 of the 4 modules, then the student fails the course.

  33. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DOING TRAINING & EXAM MARKS Those who did 100% of their TRAINING got highmarksin their Final Exam Those who did NOT do their TRAINING got lower marks in their Final Exam

  34. myitlab: a Folder for each Module/Program • When you go into myitlab, you will see a folder for each of the modules: • Then, when you click on the specificfolder you will see: • TRAINING • EXAM • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

  35. ADDITIONAL RESOURCESVIDEO WORKSHOPS When you go to : ADDITIONAL RESOURCES, you will see a number of videos which cover specific “Skill Sets” For example with EXCEL:

  36. MOS CERTIFICATION • Microsoft Office Specialist • “Performance based” exams 45- 60 minutes each • Globally recognized certification • There is a folder in myitlab(at the bottom) for all the questions you would have to do in a real MOS exam • You will have 3 year access to these exams!! • This is fantastic simulation testing to prepare you for the actual MOS test • In the real MICROSOFT test to become an expert you don’t get 2nd chances etc.

  37. myitlab Logistics • When doing an exam you must click on the: button to exit. • Can do a task5 times, then it’s wrong • myitlabtracks how many attempts you have left • Can navigateto another question by hitting • If a question does not appear to be working OR if you get to a question & you do not have 5 attempts: • Hit your button at the bottom-rightof the window

  38. myitlab Logistics cont. • You can skip and go back to questions by clicking on: and

  39. myitlabTRAINING • If you are doing your Training, you do not have to complete it in 1 setting, but can click on: • And then resume your Training session at a later date • will show you step-by-step how to perform the skill • will also show you step-by-step BUT: you will need to perform each action along with the prompts • You can increase or decrease your font size of your instructions by clicking on these buttons:

  40. TIPS/TRICKS cont. • Be exacting in myitlab • Every period, comma, or typing error can cause you to fail that question! • questions in “myitlab” are “case sensitive” • You MUST read and re-read the instructions, carefully before completing all questions.

  41. TIPS/TRICKS cont. • DO NOT GO “CLICK CRAZY”. TAKE YOUR TIME!! • SOMETIMES myitlabWILL HESITATE AFTER A STUDENT ANSWERS A QUESTION. • DO NOT TOUCH YOUR MOUSE OR KEYBOARD OR DOUBLE-CLICK, in this situation!! • myitlab is processing the action. myitlab will go to the next question, ONLY: • AFTER A QUESTION IS CORRECTLY ANSWERED, OR: • AFTER THE 5th attempt to 1 question has been completed • You will ALWAYS require a password to write any evaluation, given to you by your INSTRUCTOR. • TESTS CAN ONLY BE WRITTEN IN THE SUPERVISED CLASSROOMS.

  42. DO NOT REGISTER myitlabON YOUR OWN • We will be registering you in the myitlab database in your next class.  • You can not participate in this class unless you are registered in the myitlab database: • Please bring your myitlab access code & "Algonquin College Student ID card" to class.   • You can not get registered in myitlab unless you bring these 2 items.

  43. INSTALLING myitlabAT HOME • When using myitlab, at home, you must have “FLASH PLAYER” (version 9) installed on you home computer/laptop • myitlab does not work unless “FLASH PLAYER”is installed BEFORE you install myitlab • myitlab will only work with “INTERNET EXPLORER 8 (or 7)”.  • Please use this link (will only work in “Slide Show” view) to adjust your desktop PC or laptop to run myitlab correctly

  44. TECH SUPPORT-MYITLAB 1.       Web site: http://247pearsoned.custhelp.com 2.       Email: 24/7 availability 3.      Chat: button at top of webpage 4. Phone: 1-800-677-6337 • Monday-Friday, 8:00 NOON-8PM EDT HAVE THE FOLLOWING INFO AVAILABLE: 1.     Product: myitlab 2.     Your: Username/password 3.     Course ID: • i.e. SEC XXX: CRSABDW-XXXXXX • If applicable—the location of the specific file you are looking at

  45. You can generate and then print out a “Certificate” for each of your exams, with your mark on it--to put in your portfolio • Click on the GRADEStab • Hover your mouse over the specific module folder • Click on the drop-down arrow, and select: GENERATE CERTIFICATE

  46. Student Portal • http://www.algonquincollege.com/main/currentStudents/index.htm • One stop access to • Blackboard • Live@AC • ACSIS • Other information, eg student success specialists, etc • Bookmark/Favorite this site

  47. E-MAILING ME • Use Algonquin email: Live@AC • EACH time you e-mail me, the following must be in: • the BODY OF THE E-MAIL: • Your FIRST and LAST NAME • the SUBJECT LINE OF THE E-MAIL: • Your SECTION NUMBER • ONLY 1 SPACEbetweenthe word: "section" and your actual: SECTION NUMBER • A descriptive subject • You must use your ALGONQUIN COLLEGE e-mail address • This is Algonquin College policy • Any other e-mail addresses will not be accepted eg. Hotmail, etc.

  48. E-MAILING ME • Your Algonquin College e-mail address is yourusername@algonquinlive.com • the e-mail addresses of any of your professors is: • The 1st6 letters of their LAST name, plus • The 1stletter of their FIRST name • Eg. Name: Susan Alastair E-mail: alastas@algonquincollege.com • Do not contact your professor about email problems- • Instead-contact ITS: • - 5555@algonquincollege.com • 613 7272-4723 ext. 5555

  49. Live@EDU.com • Microsoft OUTLOOK (web application)

  50. “SKYDRIVE” • “Cloud based” service provided by Microsoft • Live@AC • The MORE button— • yourown personal space on SKYDRIVE • 25 GB of storage space • You will have the “Live accounts” forever!! (become alumni) • Access,edit & share documents from virtually anywhere- • PC, mobile phone & web browser • COLLABORATIVE, SIMULTANEOUS • 1 file that ALL people (that you have given the “rights to”) can open SIMULTANEOUSLY

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