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High-Resolution Convective Modeling using WRF Coupled to NASA's Land Information System (LIS)

High-Resolution Convective Modeling using WRF Coupled to NASA's Land Information System (LIS). Christa D. Peters-Lidard (PI) Hydrological Sciences Branch NASA/GSFC, Code 614.3 Christa.Peters@nasa.gov Wei-Kuo Tao (Co-I) Paul R. Houser (Co-I). Sujay V. Kumar

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High-Resolution Convective Modeling using WRF Coupled to NASA's Land Information System (LIS)

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  1. High-Resolution Convective Modeling using WRF Coupled to NASA's Land Information System (LIS) • Christa D. Peters-Lidard (PI) • Hydrological Sciences Branch • NASA/GSFC, Code 614.3 Christa.Peters@nasa.gov • Wei-Kuo Tao (Co-I)Paul R. Houser (Co-I) • Sujay V. Kumar • Joseph L. EastmanStephen E. LangYudong TianXiping Zeng

  2. Outline • LIS Background • LIS-WRF Coupling Design • Computational Aspects • Science Aspects • Future Directions

  3. Background: LIS Team and Collaborators C. D. Peters-Lidard1, P. R. Houser1, S. V. Kumar1, Y. Tian1, J. Geiger1, S. Olden1, L. Lighty1, J. L. Eastman1, J. Sheffield2, E. F. Wood2, P. Dirmeyer3, B. Doty3, J. Adams3,K. Mitchell4, J. Meng1,4,H. Wei4 1NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center Hydrological Sciences Branch, Code 974, Greenbelt, MD 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 3Center for Ocean Land Atmosphere Studies (COLA) Calverton, MD 4NCEP Environmental Modeling Center NOAA/NWS, Camp Springs, MD Code and Documentation at http://lis.gsfc.nasa.gov

  4. soils Lat/lon UTM land cover SSIB CLM GEOS CMORPH LAI Gaussian HySSIB Noah CMAP GDAS Mosaic VIC Persiann AGRM Huffman NLDAS ECMWF Background: LIS “Plugin” Design LIS driver domain-plugin lsm-plugin Forcing-plugin parameter-plugin elevation

  5. WRF GCE GrADS/DODS Server Background: LIS Execution Modes LIS Coupled Uncoupled Station Data ESMF Global, Regional (Re-)Analyses or Forecasts LSM Ensemble Noah, CLM2, Mosaic, HYSSiB, VIC ESMF Satellite Products

  6. CONUS Average Europe Average LIS Background: Initial Benchmarking at NCEPAverage Diurnal Cycles, March 2003 Sensible Heat Sensible Heat Latent Heat Latent Heat Net Radiation Net Radiation Ground Heat Ground Heat • LIS with experimental mode of GFS on the gaussian horizontal grid of T62 • Forcing: NCEP Global Reanalysis II, AGRMET radiation and CMAP precipitation. • 30% more efficient in computing time

  7. WRF-LIS: WRF Version http://www.wrf-model.org • WRF V2.0 Release (May 18, 2004; V2.0.2 October, 2004, • V2.0.3.1 December 2004) • What is in WRF V2.0? • Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamical core: • Eulerian mass coordinate • One-way and two-way nesting • New physics options, including : • Noah Land Surface Model (LSM), • Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) LSM, • Ysu Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL), and • Grell-Devenyi ensemble cumulus scheme • ESMF time manager • Enhanced I/O options • Enhanced Runtime System Library (RSL) • New Standard Initialization (SI) V2.0 • WRF 3-Dimensional Variational Assimilation • (3DVAR) V2.0 Key project requirement Not actually ESMF, but a recoded F90 version of ESMF!! Built on Message Passing Interface

  8. Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) Model

  9. The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble Model http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/912/code912/model.html GCE V1.0 Release (June, 2004) What is in GCE V1.0? Place Land Surface Model (LSM) Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallelization Cyclic lateral boundary conditions GCE V2.0 Release(Expected July, 2005) What will be in GCE V2.0? Place and all LIS LSMs ESMF Virtual Machine-based MPI parallelism Cyclic and open boundary conditions 2D vs. 3D Project advancement Project advancements Key project requirement

  10. The Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)http://www.esmf.ucar.edu NASA GSFC PSAS Climate MITgcm GFDL FMS Suite Weather NCAR/LANL CCSM NCEP Forecast Data Assimilation NSIPP Seasonal Forecast C. DeLuca/NCAR, J. Anderson/NCAR, V. Balaji/GFDL, B. Boville/NCAR, N. Collins/NCAR, T. Craig/NCAR, C. Cruz/GSFC, A. da Silva/GSFC, R. Hallberg/GFDL, C. Hill/MIT, M. Iredell/NCEP, R. Jacob/ANL, P. Jones/LANL, B. Kauffman/NCAR, J. Larson/ANL, J. Michalakes/NCAR, E. Schwab/NCAR, S. Smithline/GFDL, Q. Stout/U Mich, M. Suarez/GSFC, A. Trayanov/GSFC, S. Vasquez/NCAR, J. Wolfe/NCAR, W. Yang/NCEP, M. Young/NCEP and L. Zaslavsky/GSFC

  11. ESMF Status http://www.esmf.ucar.edu

  12. Component Coupling: e.g., LIS-GCE ESMF Conceptual Design Component Coupling: e.g., LIS-WRF Model Sub-component Components Layer: Gridded Components Coupler Components ESMF Superstructure ESMF Superstructure Model Component Model Layer ESMF Infrastructure ESMF Infrastructure Fields and Grids Layer Low Level Utilities External Libraries BLAS, MPI, NetCDF, … BLAS, MPI, NetCDF, … ESMF coupling schematic

  13. LIS-GCE and LIS-WRF coupling LIS-WRF LIS-GCE

  14. Evaluation Case Study:International H2O Project (IHOP), May-June 2002 Central US, Southern Great Plains

  15. IHOP “Golden Day” Synthetic Case GOES Imagery & Sounding Data June 6, 2002 13:55 UTC GOES=Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite x

  16. Synthetic Case Experimental Design Soil Moisture Condition Vegetation Condition

  17. Comparison of Input Radiation Synthetic Case Evaluation

  18. Synthetic Case Evaluation Comparison of Energy Terms and Balance for Grasswet Case

  19. Synthetic Case Evaluation Factor Separation: Impact of Wet Soil and Grass Relative to Bare, Dry

  20. Impact of LSM on Uncoupled Performance Compute nodes used: 128

  21. Impact of ESMF on Coupled Performance Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) Goddard Cumulus Ensemble Model (GCE) Key conclusion: ESMF-compliant coupling adds minimal computational overhead relative to native models

  22. WRF/LIS and WRF/GCEPerformance scaling for the coupled systems

  23. Scientific Evaluation: June 12 “Real” Case Overview of LIS Spinup Impact on WRF+LIS Precipitation 24 hour accumulated precipitation with default soil initialization 24 hour accumulated precipitation with LIS 7.5 year spinup soil initialization

  24. Scientific Evaluation: June 12 Case Radar Derived Precipitation vs. Modeled Precipitation (mm) 6GMT June13th, 2002 Observed Radar Derived Surface Precipitation (Source: NOAA/NCEP) Modeled WRF+LIS Precipitation using LIS initial surface conditions

  25. Scientific Evaluation: June 12 Case Observed: Radar+Gauge WRF/LIS Modeled using Radar+Gauge precipitation for LIS uncoupled Spinup WRF/LIS Modeled using NOAA Model precipitation (GDAS) for LIS uncoupled Spinup WRF/LIS Modeled using WRF Standard Initialiation (WRFSI) w/o LIS spinup GDAS=Global Data Assimilation System (NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP))

  26. Project Highlights and Future Plans • ESMF-Compliant Coupling of WRF-LIS • LISv4.0 has been coupled to WRFv. using ESMF v.2.1.0rp2 and a subcomponent coupling design • Coupling needs to be generalized to handle: multiple nests, projections and grids; multiple PBLs; and LSMs other than Noah and CLM2. • Recognition • LIS selected as co-winner of NASA 2005 Software of the Year Award • Benchmarking on Columbia • We have been allocated 150,000 hours on NASA’s SGI Altix Supercomputer Columbia for benchmarking and additional scaling studies for the LIS/WRF and LIS/GCE coupled systems.

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