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The Cell Phone Habitat Lab Construction. Problem?. Choice B
Problem? Choice B Bacteria is spread easily and we can not see it. We know that bacteria can make us sick. While talking on the phone, touching cell phones and being in contact with others, germs are everywhere. However, certain locations on the phone may be “dirtier” than others . Choice A Bacteria is spread easily and we can not see it. We know that bacteria can make us sick. While talking on the phone, touching cell phones and being in contact with others, spreading germs is inevitable. However we may be able to take precautionary measures to reduce the spread of bacteria. Question? Choice A How effective is cleaning a cell phone with rubbing alcohol? Choice B Which location on the cell phone is most prone to bacterial growth? You may use this problem/question or form your own.
Background Information You will research about the habitat common bacteria require for growth and reproduction. This includes temperature, moisture, nutrition. Depending on your choice, A or B, research properties and purpose of alcohol. Research the materials cell phones are made up of. Choice A -What do bacteria require to grow? -What are the properties of alcohol? -What is the purpose of alcohol? -Is there any specific growth requirements? Choice B -What do bacteria require to grow? -What material make up cell phones? -What needs to be on the phone for bacterial growth? -Is there any specific growth requirements?
Hypothesis State your expected result after completing research. You may guess today, but revise after you have researched tonight for homework. If___________________ then _______________.
Materials Choice A • Dirty cell phone (1 per person) • Alcohol pad • Sterile cotton swabs • Beaker of water • Petri dish with nutrient rich agar • Tape • Incubator • Thermometer Choice B • Dirty cell phone (1 per person) • Sterile cotton swabs • Beaker of water • Petri dish with nutrient rich agar • Tape • Incubator • Thermometer
Procedure You and your partner will design a testable procedure, based off of your hypothesis. • Must include: • Control • Variable • Specific descriptive details • Disposal of trash • No use of “I” of “we” • Times • Temperatures *Need to be specific. Example: -wet sterile cotton swab -rub on “keyboard” surface -gently roll/slide the swab onto the agar portion labeled “K” for keyboard -Dispose the swab. -Repeat the above (numbered) steps for the screen and the ear piece AND SO FORTH / There should be a minimum of 12 steps.
Data/Analysis You are the scientist that is collecting data. Need to create a large data table to record observations. Focus on quantitative and qualitative observations and characteristics. Make a chart and have column headers and row headers. You need to think of every possibility to collect data which will be used to support or reject your hypothesis. Focus on quantitative and qualitative observations and characteristics. Write an overview of pure observations, no opinions.
Conclusion START WITH: The hypothesis, if ______________________, then __________________, is rejected/supported by the collected results of the experiment. This conclusion is not meant to be a summary of observes results. However, it is used to prove and justify supporting or rejecting the hypothesis. So specifically what from the experimental results cause you to make the decision? Why? Why? Why?
Post Lab Discussion • Procedure Writing: What difficulties did you encounter? If you were to give the procedure to another student not in Biology, is yours acceptable enough to get similar results? Why do you think it is necessary for clear, detailed and precise directions? • Hypothesis Writing: Did you rewrite you hypothesis a few times before finalizing? What made if difficult/simple to write the hypothesis? • Data Table: Why would a data table containing more specific details and observations to record be more effective than a simple table with only columns stating the surfaces swabbed? • Conclusion Writing: How would restating the hypothesis be an advantage to all readers? How did you use the conclusion to prove a rejection or supportive choice in relationship to the hypothesis? • Post Lab Questions: It is natural to have questions or more ideas and interests about ways you could improve the lab or other comparisons to make. State and explain 2 ways your could improve this lab and state and explain 2 others questions you have to take this study one step further.
Final Lab Write-Up Format Name Period Date Cell Phone Lab Creative title for the write-up Problem/Question: (state the problem, then ultimate question) Background Information: (paragraph form) Hypothesis: (If____then____) Materials: (listed, may have columns) Procedure: (number each step) Data/Analysis: (data table, and sketches or images, and analysis review) Conclusion: (support or reject hypothesis and then justify decision using background information and results)