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CO-GAME Collaborative cultural heritage video game creation UNIT 1 – Civic Heritage Descriptor

Explore civic heritage through collaborative video game creation in Budapest. Research and filter historical information, identify civic values, and work as a group appreciating diverse backgrounds. Use Europeana and other resources to delve into cultural themes linked to heritage objects.

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CO-GAME Collaborative cultural heritage video game creation UNIT 1 – Civic Heritage Descriptor

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  1. CO-GAME Collaborative cultural heritage video game creation UNIT 1 – Civic HeritageDescriptor 4th meeting, Budapest 25-26.01. 2017 “TRAIN THE TRAINERS” MODULE

  2. Introduction This unit has three learning outcomes (LO) LO1 Research and filter collected information about a specific period from the past, in relation to the chosen civic heritage object inquisitive mindset. LO2 Identify positive civic values represented by or having inspired the heritage object reflexive mindset. LO3 Work as a group and value each other’s different social / economic / cultural background collaborative mindset.

  3. RemarkaboutorganisingtheLO’s Each LO includes individual and groupwork. Thetrainer can decide how to alternatethetaskslistedontheworksheet, dependingonthespecificities of the target group. In bold in thenextslideswill be questions to askthe target group.

  4. LO1. Research & filterinformation Presentation / guided tour  define the precise historicaltimeframeforthenexttasks  What do youknowabouttheheritageobject? Readworksheet& analysisgridwiththegroup Do youunderstandeverything?

  5. LO1. Research & filterinformation 3. Researchthe Internet and resourcesselectedpreviouslybythetrainer, includingEuropeana 4. What are theconcepts, themes, big ideas of the time that are linked to theheritageobject, basedon your research? + Optionalgroupdiscussion

  6. Proposition of definition Civic (or democratic) values are ideally shared by all European citizens. They encompass freedom, tolerance and responsibility, in order to achieve a better, safer life for all, and a sense of community. LO2. Civicvalues  What are civicvaluesaccording to you? Giveexamples and counter-examplesifneeded  Whichvalueswereattached to theheritageobject in thepast and are negativetoday?

  7. LO3. Teamwork Putalltheinformation in common and discuss: Relevantinformation, facts, and imagesforthenextunits Whichcivicvalues to choose  Fill in thedefinitiveanalysisgridthatwill be used in thenextunits !!! Trainermustguarantee a respectfulatmospherewhereallpoints of view are valued and analysed

  8. Resources Forall (images): www.europeana.eu Buda castle: http://budacastlebudapest.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buda_Castle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthias_Corvinus Colosseum: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colosseum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavian_dynasty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Empire Mundaneum: www.mundaneum.org https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Otlet

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