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Explaining Second Language Learning I. Behaviourism Universal Grammar- an innatist perspective Krashen‘s „monitor model“ Cognitivist/developmental perspective Information processing Connectionism The competition model. Behaviourism. Second language applications: Mimicry and memorization
Explaining Second Language Learning I • Behaviourism • Universal Grammar- an innatist perspective • Krashen‘s „monitor model“ • Cognitivist/developmental perspective • Information processing • Connectionism • The competition model
Behaviourism Second language applications: Mimicry and memorization ·Audiolingual methods ·Transfer of habits
Audiolingual methods • -Based on behaviour psychology • -New material presented in form of dialogue: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. • -Language learning is habit formation
Audiolingual methods • -Students are dependent on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over-learning • -Structural patterns are taught by using repetitive drills: the student repeats the utterance adding a few words. I used to know. I use to know him. I use to know him years ago when we were in school…
Audiolingual methods • -Little or no grammatical explanations • -Vocabulary strictly limited and learned in context • -Successful responses are reinforced (praise,…) • -Great care is taken to prevent learner errors
Transfer of habits • similarities of vocabulary that can influence the second language • Transfer structures of the first language to the second language • Translate word by word from the first language
Universal Grammar • Innate linguistic knowledge, which consists of a set of principles common to all languages • Chomsky: children can acquire every language during a critical period of their development >mainly used for first language acquisition
Hypothesis of the critical period • Learning a language after the adolescence is more difficult • Adults that learn a second language show some type of deficit (coverall in phonetics and phonology)
Universal Grammar in L2 • Lydia White: cannot acquire full mastery, but there is still a „logical problem“ • “logical problem“: knowledge which cannot be acquired by the input • Conditions for checking: • No acquisition by simple observation of L2 input • Phenomenon should work differently in L1 and L2
Universal Grammar in L2 • Effect of formal instructions on acquisition: -change only in superficial appearance • Language acquisition based on availability of natural language in learner‘s environment • L2 learners need sometimes explicit grammatical information >errors of L1 transfer • Grammaticality judgements
Krashen’s “monitor model” Based in fivehypoteses: • Acquisition-learning hypothesis: ACQUISITION: itisanautomaticprocess (liketheassimilationprocess of maternal language) Example: immigrants, who arrive at a different country, acquire the local language only with errors. LEARNING: the individual is able to explain the existing rules in the language (conscious process)
Krashen’s “monitor model” • The monitor hypothesis: Thecreativeproductioniscorrectedbythelearner It is possible with these conditions:a) the speaker needs to want to correct himself.b) the speaker mustknowthe rules.
Krashen’s “monitor model” • Natural order hypothesis: Directlyrelatedtotheacquisition and nottothelearning. Order of the acquisition of rules in the second language Some rules are assimilatedbeforeothers Orderisnotnecessarilythesame in thefirst and secondlanguage
Krashen’s “monitor model” • Input hypothesis: The acquisition only occurs when there is a linguistical challenge • Affective filter hypothesis: Affectreferstofeelings, motives, needs, attitudes and emotinalstates If these states affect the learner the input will be unavailable for acquisition
Influenced teaching ideas that focus on meaning of language, rather than on simple memorization • Communicative Language Teaching, including Immersion Programs with content-based instructions • Emphasis on meaning, rather than on grammar or pronunciation • Learning to communicate through interaction in target language
Progress without direct instructions possible • Students can get to a point where guided instructions are necessary for further progress
Cognitivist/developmental perspective • Central role in research in second language acquisition since 1990s • Computer as metaphor for the mind • No specific module for language acquisition >contradict the innate perspective • UG for L1 acquisition, but not for L2 >no provable success for innate perspective
Information processing • Building up of knowledge, which is accessable when necessary • Beginning of learning process: have to pay attention to every aspect of language • “pay attention“: use cognitive resources to process information • Attention limit
Information processing • Aspects become automatic through practice • Proficient learners: context • Non-proficient learners: single words • “practice“: production, exposure to, comprehension of language
Information processing • “skill learning“ (J.R. Anderson, Robert DeKeyser) • Declarative Knowledge: knowledge that • Factual information stored in memory • Example: knowledge that Washington D.C. is the capital of America
Information processing • Procedural Knowledge: knowledge how • Knowledge of how to perform, how to operate • Example: Knowledge how to drive a car >comparable to kind of learning in class room
Information processing • „restructuring“: changes in language behaviour > sudden burst of progress or backsliding • Example: saw + -ed > sawed
Transfer appropriate processing • Information best retrieved in situation similar to the one during acquisition • Memories record context and way of how something was learned • Example: knowledge from drill/rule learning easier to access in non-communicative situations
Connectionism • Based on stimulus- answer • Mental processingdependsondeveloping and usingtheconnections in themind. • Learning is a way to modify the behaviour (reinforcement of the wanted conduct)The wanted conduct cannot be modified using the basic principles of modification of conduct.
Connectionism • Technical to eliminate conducts not wanted in the student: • 1. Reinforcement of the wanted conducts 2. Debilitate the wanted conducts 3. thetechnique of " saturation" : repetitivewayuntilthe individual feelsindifferent of thebehavior.4. Changing the stimulus that influences the individual to take another answer to this stimulus.5. Using punishments to debilitate the conduct not wanted
Thecompetitionmodel • Elizabeth Bates and Brian MacWhinney developed an explanation how monolingual speakers interpret the sentences • Languages emphasize speech: intonation, vocabulary, word order or inflections • If the speaker cannot consider some of these factors he will have problems with the understanding of the language
The competition model • Languageshavetheirownsignals • English has strictstructureslike SVO English: Sheisgoingtothebeachthisafternoon. Spanish: Ella se va a la playa esta tarde. Italian: Lei va allaspiagaquestopomeriggio.
The competition model • Italian or Spanish have flexible grammar • Subject can beomitted • Order of thewords can change (VO/ VOS) Spanish: Se va a la playa esta tarde. Esta tarde se va a la playa ella. (isgoingtothebeachthisafternoon/ Thisafternoonisgoingtobeachshe) Italian: Va allaspiagaquestopomeriggio. Questopomeriggio va allaspiaga.
The competition model • Nativesrecognizethesubject of thesentence • Nativesconcludewiththereasonableinterpretation Spanish: El cerdo quiere al campesino. El campesino quiere el cerdo. (Thepigwantsthefarmer/ Thefarmerwantsthepig.) • For non-native speakers this sentence is confusing.
The competition model • Fourcluesthathelpustoknowthe true subject Word order:English SVO/ Spanish SVO/ VO/VOS. Agreement: subjectagreeswiththeverb: English “He lives” Case: thenounisthemostimportantcluetothesubject: German “IchliebeBier”. Animacy: subject has to be someone or something that is alive.
Question • Krashen‘s Monitor Hypothesis: Do you think that a learner can correct himself while he is learning a new language?