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Electrical Retrofitting is an effective and easy way to upgrade an old building with additional benefits. An electrical renovation project provides a much safer surrounding for you and your family. There are a few things you must explore before going for these modifications.
Q U E S T I O N S Y O U M U S T A S K B E F O R E E L E C T R I C A L R E T R O F I T T I N G BEFORE YOU BEGIN AN ELECTRICAL RETRO FITTING PROJECT THERE ARE A SEVERAL CONSIDERATIONS Am I working with HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) units or other equipment which may require additional considerations? Will modernizing wiring and equipment decrease my energy consumption costs? Will electrical retrofitting qualify me for an energy efficiency program or rebate and bring my appliances & machinery up to code? Do I have alternate arrangements for day to day home or business requirements? LEARN MORE AT SALTERELECTRIC.COM! FOR REFERENCE: WWW.ENTREPRISESCANADA.CA