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Kinematic GPS double-difference phase positioning program developed by Dr. G. L. Mader for precise GPS data processing, with detailed instructions for installation, setup, and operation.
kinpos GPS Kinematic Positioning Program Dr. G. L. Mader G. L. Mader
kinpos K A R S kinematic rapid-static kinpos G. L. Mader
Kinematic GPS double difference phase 2 j + N j = [ ( xj - x ) x + ( yj - y ) y + ( zj - z ) z ] / Dj Ambiguity search: at least 4 dd’s trial suites of N j track rms for each suite double difference bias G. L. Mader
C:\KARS DIRECTORY c: Kinpos.exe ant_info.001 splot.exe dos4gw.exe c:\kars Create the directory c:\kars Copy the above files to this directory G. L. Mader
SYSTEM FILES • Add c:\kars to the PATH in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Go to the c: drive. Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT Add: PATH=%PATH%;c:\kars • Add ANSI character set to the CONFIG.SYS file. Go to the c: drive Edit CONFIG.SYS Add: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ANSI.SYS • Reboot the computer G. L. Mader
kars.ini • The kars.ini file resides in c:\kars • It tells kinpos the path to the current project • Create/modify kars.ini by: edit kars.ini type project path (ex. c:\project\98aug09 G. L. Mader
PROJECT DIRECTORY RINEX Observation and Navigation files and SP3 files Data Project Name 97_252 kinpos.inp param kars.edt phifix 97_253 Create project directory(s) as suggested above Load rover and reference rinex files, orbit files G. L. Mader
Input Files kinpos.inp File specifying start/stop times, location of data files, run options, and plot options. param File containing the numerical values of various parameters. phifix File containing the values of the integer bias, if known, at a particular time to start the phase solution without an otf ambiguity search. This file is optional: a blank or missing file will initiate an otf search. kars.edt File containing edit instructions for the kinpos program. This file is optional and is usually used to delete bad data. ant_info.001 File containing antenna offsets and phase center variations with elevation for a catalog of standard antennas. G. L. Mader
Input Files ****###*.##o Rinex observation files for the rover and reference data. ****###*.##n Rinex navigation file. ***#####.sp3 Standard sp3 format file for satellite ephemerides. This file is optional. If precise ephemeris option is not elected, this file is not read and satellite positions are determined from the broadcast message in the navigation file. G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp start time (ymdhms) stop time (ymdhms) run options plot options rover rinex file path/name rover xyz rover n,e,u [xyz] to ARP T(C), P(mBar), H(%) rover standard antenna name ref rinex file path/name ref xyz ref n,e,u [xyz] to ARP T(C), P(mBar), H(%) ref standard antenna name rinex nav file path/name orbit file path/name antenna file path/name 96 12 03 16 40 18.0 96 12 03 17 48 00.0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 0.000 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BOUY338x.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 2.0625 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96N /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/igs08822.sp3 /mz1/antcal/ant_info.001 G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp The xyz position (m) of the reference station should be as accurate as possible. The vector positions for the rover contained in the psolxyz output file are weakly dependent on this position, but the rover positions are relative to this position. The program needs to know the antenna phase center position. It will obtain this by adding to this xyz position the up component of the eccentricty given here by the user, and the up offset contained in the antenna info file for the antenna named by the user. 96 12 03 16 40 18.0 96 12 03 17 48 00.0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 0.000 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BOUY338x.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 2.0625 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96N /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/igs08822.sp3 /mz1/antcal/ant_info.001 G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp When kinpos is running it will display on the screen the displacement of the rover from this position. It will also produce an output file (psolneu) with the approximate n,e,u displacements of the rover from this position. This position otherwise has no significance for the ambiguity search unless the constrained search position option is selected. In that case this position (plus the antenna reference point eccentricity and antenna offset) becomes the center search position. 96 12 03 16 40 18.0 96 12 03 17 48 00.0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 0.000 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BOUY338x.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 2.0625 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96N /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/igs08822.sp3 /mz1/antcal/ant_info.001 G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp The antenna names that are entered here must be the standard form as found in the ant_info.001 file that may be found at www.grdl.noaa.gov/GRD/ PROJECTS/ANTCAL/. This entry may not be left blank. If no match is found, the antenna offsets and phase variation are set to zero. The user must be cautious how the components of the antenna position are used. 96 12 03 16 40 18.0 96 12 03 17 48 00.0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 0.000 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BOUY338x.96O -2700502.685 -4261785.127 3888805.845 0.000 0.000 2.0625 15. 1010. 75. TRM 22020.00 /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/BS06338A.96N /mz3/sfbay/96_338a/data/igs08822.sp3 /mz1/antcal/ant_info.001 G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp L1 phase center offset from ant_info.001 antenna reference point (ARP) up component from user xyz from user G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - run options 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 Controls the source of the position used for the ambiguity search volume. 0=use the pseudorange solution position (normal case for kinematic), 1=use the rover position in kinpos.inp (used for static data). Selects the source of the file for determining satellite positions. 0=use the broadcast ephemeris contained in the rinex nav file (no sp3 file will be read), 1=use a precise sp3 format format specified by the user. Controls if a relative tropospheric scale factor is to be solved as part of the kinematic solution. 0=don’t solve, 1=solve for tropo scale factor. G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - run options 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 Controls if the phase&range widelane will be used to filter integer choices. 0=don’t use this widelane filter, 1=use this filter (recommended response is 0). Controls if the sigma from the widelane phase solution will be used to rescale the integer suite selection process. 0=don’t use, 1=use this rescaling. (recommended response is 1). Controls if the position difference between the widelane phase solution and the L3 solution will be used to rescale the integer suite selection process. 0=don’t use, 1=use this rescaling. (recommended response is 1). G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - run options 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 Controls if the ellipsoid search height during an otf search is to be constrained to the last good phase solution height. Used for ocean surface work. 0=don’t constrain, 1=constrain. Controls the range solution frequency. There are two choices: 1=L1 solution (single frequency), 2=ion free (dual frequency). Controls the phase solution frequency. There are 3 choices: 1=L1 only, 2=L1 and L2 combined as 2 single frequency data types, 3=ion free. G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - run options 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 Controls if a differential pseudorange solution is to be done. 0=don’t do the range solution, 1=do the range solution. Controls if a double difference phase solution is to be done. 0=don’t do the phase solution, 1=do the phase solution. Controls if a widelane phase solution is to be included during the processing. This solution is intended as a diagnostic to evaluate its utility during ambiguity searches. 0=don’t do, 1=do widelane phase solution and include in dif plot file. G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - run options 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 Controls if a global solution for ambiguities is to be attempted. Used when normal otf techniques may not work. If used, data segment must be cycle slip free. 0=don’t do (recommended), 1=do global integer solution. G. L. Mader
kinpos.inp - plot options pmr elv svn rsl psl tsf qck ion wln rrs prs cor dif 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ion residual phase-range widelane # of sv’s range solution residuals range solution phase solution residuals phase solution ion corrections tropo scale factor rng-phs,wln-phs soln diffs rng & phs rdop & rms elevation G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.3 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 30 PARAM Elevation cutoff angle (deg). No observations below this cutoff will be used. L1, L2 wavelength scale factors. A ‘1’ means full wavelength, a ‘2’ means half wavelength (frequency squaring). If either receiver used frequency squaring, a 2 must appear for the appropriate frequency G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.3 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 30 PARAM North, East, Up dimensions (m) of the search volume used for the ambiguity search. This volume is centered on the a priori rover position, which comes from the pseudorange solution or the kinpos.inp file. The true position must lie within this volume. This volume determines the search range for each satellite bias. North, East, Up constraints (m) when using the fixed position option. During the ambiguity search, trial integer suites not yielding positions with these constraints of the position in kinpos.inp will be discarded. Used only when static position is already known. G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.3 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 30 PARAM Dry troposphere scale height (m) used to attenuate the surface value of the pressure with respect to the ellipsoid height. Wet troposphere scale height (m) used to attenuate the surface value of the humidity with respect to the ellipsoid height. Equatorial radius (m) Ellipsoidal flattening The radius and flattening are used only to produce approximate north, east, up displacements from the kinpos.inp rover coordinates for estimation and plotting purposes only. G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.3 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 30 PARAM Maximum rms (m) for inclusion in integer search. Integer suites yielding rms’s greater than this value are eliminated. Maximun rms (m) for selecting the successful integer suite. The chosen suite must yield an rms below this value. Contrast (m) required between the lowest integer suite and the next best integer suite. When these 2 conditions are met, the integer search is over. G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.30 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 30 PARAM Center value (cy) for double difference ionosphere delay filter. Used only for initial OTF ambiguity resolution. Window width (cy) for ionosphere delay filter. Used only for initial OTF ambiguity resolution. Factor used the set size of dynamic ionosphere delay window from range of current ion delays. Used for OTF ambiguity resolution after a successful resolution has already been achieved. G. L. Mader
15.0 1 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 8000.000 2000.000 6378135.000 0.00335278 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.30 2.0 0.30 2.00 0.06 300 PARAM Trigger value (cy) for detecting cycle slips from the change in ionosphere delay values for individual satellites. Trigger value (m) for detecting cycle slips from the change in phase-range values for individual satellites. Maximum average (last 10 values) rms (m) allowed before sending the program into cold start mode. Number of seconds to compute each tropospheric scale factor when that option is selected. G. L. Mader
phifix Provides a set of fixed bias’s for selected start time 4 16 -7225411.91 -5630189.05 5 16 -5638456.97 -4393602.09 6 16 367243.07 286164.92 20 16 -2064513.88 -1608712.06 24 16 -4191493.95 -3266099.01 L1 and L2 phase bias for selected start time sv # ref sv # G. L. Mader
kars.edt sv prn number (0=apply to all sv’s instruction start date/time L1, L2 delete instructions 24 1 97 03 13 03 27 32 97 03 13 03 28 45 -9999. -9999. 00 1 97 05 13 05 40 00 97 03 13 05 42 00 -9999. -9999. 17 2 97 05 13 06 17 30 97 03 13 24 00 00 -12345. 0. Station number, 1=rover, 2=ref. Instruction stop date/time L1, L2 add cycles instructions G. L. Mader
Downloading sp3 Files To get a precise IGS ephemeris file: ftp cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov name: anonymous password: your email address cd gps3:[products.0918] (GPS week) get igs09183.sp3 (append day of week, 0=Sunday) G. L. Mader
Output Files psolxyz The primary output file from the bias fixed phase solution. The xyz vector from the reference ‘monument’ to the rover ‘monument’ is given for each solution epoch. The reference ‘monument’ is the reference position given in the kinpos.inp file. The rover ‘monument’ is the rover antenna phase center position minus the antenna offset (from ant_info.001) minus the ARP eccentricity (from kinpos.inp). The reference ‘monument’ position is given at the front of the file. The file contains the date/time the rdop, rms, x,y,z and x,y,z formal errors. All units are meters. psolneu The file giving the neu displacement of the rover ‘monument’ from the rover ‘monument’ position given in the kinpos.inp file determined by the phase solution. These displacements are approximate and are intended plotting or interpretation only. The file contains similar information to the psolxyz file. G. L. Mader
Output Files rsolxyz The output file from the differential pseudorange solution. The xyz vector from the reference ‘monument’ to the rover ‘monument’ is given for each solution epoch. The reference ‘monument’ position is given at the front of the file. The file contains the date/time the rdop, rms, x,y,z and x,y,z formal errors. All units are meters. rsolneu The file giving the neu displacement of the rover ‘monument’ from the rover ‘monument’ position given in the kinpos.inp file determined by the differential paeudorange solution. These displacements are approximate and are intended for plotting or interpretation only. The file contains similar information to the rsolxyz file. G. L. Mader
Output Files integer File containing a history of the integer bias’s determined and used by the program. The complete suite of bias’s is date/time stamped and listed for any change: rising sv’s, cycle slips, new ref sv, cold start etc. kinpos.out File containing summaries of information related to ambiguity searches. Can be used as a diagnostic for unsuccessful searches. G. L. Mader
Diagnostics Why it might not work and what to try when it doesn’t: Correct integer suite was not among suites being tested: 1) Search volume did not contain true position. Improve the a priori position; enlarge search volume in ‘param’. 2) Ion filter eliminated correct suite. Increase ion filter width in ‘param’ G. L. Mader
Diagnostics Correct integer suite was rejected by rms test: 1) Bad data at location of otf. Change start time. 2) rms limits may be set too low for this data. Increase max allowed rms in ‘param’. 3) Widelane solution too different from L3 solution. Turn off widelane options. G. L. Mader
Diagnostics Rising sv does not initialize or initializes incorrectly: 1) Bad data at location of otf. Delete several minutes data in ‘kars.edt’ for this sv. 2) Dynamically determined ion window is too small. Increase ion window scale factor in ‘param’ 3) Contrast parameter may be too small. Increase contrast in ‘param’. G. L. Mader