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Circular Motion!

Circular Motion!. How does velocity, distance, and acceleration work in a circle? WAITER ’ S TRAY TO SPLASH OR NOT TO SPLASH?. Centripetal Force. Animation. How fast would a satellite need to go around the earth at the radius of the Earth? R earth = 638,000 km. Example 1.

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Circular Motion!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Circular Motion! How does velocity, distance, and accelerationwork in a circle? WAITER’S TRAY TO SPLASH OR NOT TO SPLASH?

  2. Centripetal Force

  3. Animation

  4. How fast would a satellite need to go around the earth at the radius of the Earth?R earth = 638,000 km

  5. Example 1 • A 50-kilogram passenger on an amusement park ride stands with his back against the wall of a cylindrical room with radius of 3 m. • What is the centripetal force of the wall pressing into his back when the room spins and he is moving at 6 m/sec?

  6. Example 2

  7. Example 3

  8. Example 4 (last one!)

  9. ELIPTICAL ORBITS • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3-nQEyBHxg

  10. What is centrifugal force? The force we FEELpushing us out. What are we reallyfeeling?

  11. Centrifugal = Fictitious

  12. Compare/Contrast

  13. Equations

  14. A Geometry Review • Circumference = 2πr

  15. Angular Velocity (ω) • Unit: Radians/Second

  16. Some examples! Siv is standing 4 meters from the axis of rotation and Holly is standing 2 meters from the axis. Calculate each child’s linear speed when the angular speed of the merry go-round is 1 rad/sec. • Two children are spinning around on a merry-go-round.

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