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  1. 新世代護理人員對護理長角色期望的探討 • 二十一世紀是數位科技和網路普及的時代,現今的青少年生長環境與過去是截然不同的,因而塑造出不同以往的行為模式與思考角度,形成「X世代」、「Y世代」、「E世代」三個不同色彩的新世代文化。當這一群新世代加入醫療團隊時,他們的價值觀、學習態度、及對主管的認同與期望…等,在在皆影響他們對護理專業工作的忠誠度。大多數的主管在管理這一群價值觀截然不同的新世代員工,一般都會遇到困難,但是不可諱言,這群新世代的年輕人確實也是企業組織活動的主力。以台中縣市執業的護理人員為例大約有7754位,新世代的護理人員有6820位,約佔79%,由此推知,她們在醫療機構的未來發展中將扮演著關鍵性角色。然而她們對護理長的角色期望為何?也是值得加以探討的課題。本研究目的在探討一、新世代護理人員對護理長的角色期望。二、比較新世代護理人員對護理長的角色期望的差異。三、比較不同個人屬性的新世代護理人員對護理長的角色期望的差異。四、比較不同醫院屬性的新世代護理人員對護理長的角色期望的差異。研究採用橫斷式的調查法,以台中縣市區域級以上教學醫院的臨床護理人員為母群體,估計樣本數為377人。本研究採用自擬的「新世代護理人員對護理長角色期望」結構式問卷,於93年10月發出490份,共回收441份,回收率90﹪總計有效樣本419份。本研究結果發現:一、新世代的護理人員對於各類護理長的角色期望,整體而言其總平均值為4.14分,其中以人力資源管理者其平均值為4.39分為最高;其次以人際關係管理者其平均值為4.37分;第三位是領導統御其平均值為4.27分。期望值低於4分者是行銷管理者其平均值為3.85分;其次是環境管理者其平均值為3.99分。二、X、Y與E世代對於護理長在專業角色與管理角色的期望,發現X世代護理人員高於Y世代與E世代。大學(含)以上教育程度對人力資源管理者與人際關係管理者的期望程度較高;小兒科與急診室的護理人員在人際關係管理者的期望程度較高;2-3年與6年年資以上的護理人員對護理長在品質促進者、領導統御者的角色期望程度較高。希望研究結果可以做為未來護理實務上的參考與運用。

  2. The Study of New Generation Nurses’ Expectations Toward the Roles of the Head Nurse • 21th century is an age of digital technology and Internet. Nowadays, the young generation has different patterns of behavior and viewpoint which resulted from different growing backgrounds. Due to these differences, three generations are formed. They are named “X”, “Y”, and “E” generation. While these new generations join the medical team, their royalty are affected by their values, their learning attitudes, and their identities and expectations toward the chief.Most chiefs are in trouble managing these staffs. But these young men are indeed the core of enterprise organizations. Take nursing staffs in Taichung for example, we have about 7754 staffs in total, and there are 6820 new generation ones. Thus we can understand their critical roles played in future development of medical institutions. But what is the expectation toward the head nurse from these young people? That is a question worthy exploring.The thesis have four purposes: (1) exploring the expectative role of Head Nurse from new generation nursing staffs; (2) comparing the different expectations among these new generations; (3) comparing different role expectations due to individual characteristics; (4) comparing those differences resulted from staffs in different hospitals. The population is based on nursing staffs in regional hospitals and medical centers in Taichung. The calculated sample size is 377.Using self-evaluation structured questionnaires, we got 419 valid observations.The study has five major findings. First, the top three role expectations of Head Nurse are human resource management (4.39), PR management (4.37), and leadership (4.27). Second, the X generation has higher professional and managing role expectations toward Head Nurse than Y and E generations. Third, nursing staffs who have university qualifications expect more in human resource management and PR management. Fourth, staffs of pediatrics and emergency room have much expectation in PR management. Fifth, staffs who have 2-3 or 6 years working experience seek for work quality improvement and leadership. Hope these findings will contribute to nursing practice in the future.

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