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GIS SOA 與雲端架構

GIS SOA 與雲端架構. 蔡博文 台大地理環境資源學系 中研院地理資訊專題研究中心. PC hardware MS Window. Desktop. Internet GIS WAN. Internet. Open GIS SDI. Mobile OS Wireless & Mobile communication. Mobile. Web Service. 地理資訊系統的發展. Mainframe. 單機系統 (自給自足). Desktop. 網路系統 (資源分享). Internet. 網路系統 (資源共享). Mainframe.

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GIS SOA 與雲端架構

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  1. GIS SOA與雲端架構 蔡博文 台大地理環境資源學系 中研院地理資訊專題研究中心

  2. PC hardware MS Window Desktop Internet GIS WAN Internet Open GIS SDI Mobile OS Wireless & Mobile communication Mobile Web Service 地理資訊系統的發展 Mainframe

  3. 單機系統 (自給自足) Desktop 網路系統 (資源分享) Internet 網路系統 (資源共享) Mainframe Web Service

  4. Internet GIS Server Database 資源分享 • Internet GIS • 集中式資料庫 • 主從式架構(client-server) • 資料項目、內容受制於伺服端

  5. 使用者 Map Server Map Server Map Server 資料庫 資料庫 資料庫

  6. 分散式架構(distributed architecture) 通透使用(interoperability) a property referring to the ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together 開放性架構(Open Architecture) 設備對設備的通透性(資料、系統…) Open GIS Internet GIS Server Database .jpg .shp 資源共享

  7. Open GIS開放標準 • ISO (International Organization for Standardization) (http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm) • 1947年成立於日內瓦 • 標準制訂的基本原則 • 共識性(consensus) • 通用性(industry-wide) • 自願性(voluntary) • TC 211 (technical committee) • ISO 19100 series

  8. ISO TC 211 specifications • ISO 19123 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions • ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components • ISO 19125 - Simple feature access – Part 1-3 • ISO 19126 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary • ISO 19127 - Geodetic codes and parameters • ISO 19128 - Web Map Server Interface • ISO 19129 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework • ISO 19130 - Sensor and data model for imagery and gridded data • ISO 19131 - Data product specification • ISO 19132 - Location based services possiblestandards • ISO 19133 - Location based services trackingand navigation • ISO 19134 - Multimodal location based servicesfor routing and navigation • ISO 19135 - Procedures for registration ofgeographic information items • ISO 19136 – Geography Markup Language (GML) • ISO 19137 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas • ISO 19138 – Data quality measures • ISO 19139 - Metadata - Implementation specification • ISO 19140 - Technical amendment to the ISO 191** Geographic information series of standards for harmonization and enhancements • ISO 6709:1983, Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations • ISO 19101 - Reference model • ISO 19102 – Overview • ISO/TS 19103 - Conceptual schema language • ISO 19104 - Terminology • ISO 19105 - Conformance and testing • ISO 19106 - Profiles • ISO 19107 - Spatial schema • ISO 19108 - Temporal schema • ISO 19109 - Rules for application schema • ISO 19110 - Feature cataloguing methodology • ISO 19111 - Spatial referencing by coordinates • ISO 19112 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers • ISO 19113 - Quality principles • ISO 19114 - Quality evaluation procedures • ISO 19115 – Metadata • ISO 19115-2 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data • ISO 19116 - Positioning services • ISO 19117 – Portrayal • ISO 19118 - Encoding • ISO 19119 - Services • ISO/TR 19120 - Functional standards + Amendment 1 • ISO/TR 19121 Imagery and gridded data • ISO/TR 19122 - Qualifications and certification of personnel

  9. Open GIS開放標準 • OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) (www.opengeospatial.org/)

  10. 服務導向架構 • SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture ) • 以服務為基礎的分散式處理架構,由服務提供者、服務需求者、及服務仲介者來達成任務需求 • 特性 • 分散式架構 (distributed) • 鬆散耦合的界面 (loosely coupled) • 依據開放的標準 (open standard) • 以流程為核心 (process centric) • 實踐 • GIS Web Service

  11. GIS Web Service • 一種軟體元件,它透過Web 通訊協定及資料格式的開放式標準來為其他的應用程式提供服務 • 使用者在任何地方都可以使用瀏覽器發出服務需求並獲得服務 • 特點 • 開放標準為基礎 • 互通性(Interoperability) • 提供服務元件

  12. GIS 網路服務架構 • 應用服務(Application Services) • 目錄服務(Catalog Service) • 資料服務(Data Services) • 功能服務(Processing Services) • 繪圖服務(Portrayal Service)

  13. Data Services資料服務 • Feature Access Service (WFS) • Coverage Access Services (WCS) • Sensor Collection Services (SCS) • Image Archive Services • Location Services (OLS) • Directory Services • Geocoding Services • Navigation Services • Gateway Services

  14. GML • GML (geography markup language) • an XML encoding for the transport and storage of geographic information, including both the spatial and non-spatial properties of geographic features.

  15. Portrayal Services繪圖服務 • Map Portrayal Service (WMS) • Coverage Portrayal Services (CPS) • Mobile Presentation Services

  16. WMS (web map service) • 從多個雲端異質資料來源(heterogeneous sources)產生並展現空間對位(registered)且可以套疊的GIS圖形 • 提供三種操作 (GetCapabilities, GetMap, and GetFeatureInfo)

  17. RITI Online

  18. RITI Online 中研院 QuickBird影像 行政界 網際網路

  19. Local data Web data service

  20. Processing Services功能服務 • 從網路上獲得事先程式化的GIS功能,對GIS資料進行處理或分析 • 處理或分析所需的資料可以從網路上獲得,或與功能包裹在一起 • 例如 : • Coordinate Transformation Services • Image Processing Services • Geospatial Analysis Services • Gazetteers

  21. Web Processing Service

  22. 河川 門牌 路網 空間查詢 其他 地籍 座標轉換服務 詮釋資料 地址對位服務 資料目錄 路網 門牌 地址對位 座標轉換

  23. Client/Server mainframe Desktop GIS的發展

  24. Web Service Cloud Web Service

  25. 雲端服務

  26. 雲端服務 • 軟體服務(SaaS) • 應用雲 • Software as a Service • comprises end-user applications delivered as a service rather than as traditional, on-premises software. • Google Docs、Gmail,微軟的Live Mail,Amazon EC2 • ArcGIS Online

  27. 雲端服務 • 平台服務 (PaaS) • 平台雲 • Platform as a Service • provides an application platform, or middleware, as a service on which developers can build and deploy custom applications. • iPhone的App Store、Google提供Android平台、GeoWare • Google Map API、ArcGIS Server Flex API、 ArcGIS Server SOAP API

  28. 雲端服務 • 設備服務(IaaS) • 基礎雲 • Infrastructure as a Service • encompasses the hardware and technology for computing power, storage, operating systems, or other infrastructure, delivered as off-premises, on-demand services. • Amazon.com、貨櫃電腦 • ArcGIS Server HA configuration

  29. Data Service Portrayal service AP Catalog Service Processing Service 服務導向雲端GIS SaaS PaaS IaaS

  30. 第二代GIS Web Service 結 語 SOA Open GIS 雲端架構

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