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Data Aggregation & Products Generation - Results, Strengths, and Weaknesses - EMODnet Chemistry WP2

Summary of results on nutrients, data inventory, regional data buffer, DIVA maps generation, results on other parameters (oxygen and chlorophyll a), contaminants inventory, and strengths and weaknesses.

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Data Aggregation & Products Generation - Results, Strengths, and Weaknesses - EMODnet Chemistry WP2

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  1. EMODnet Chemistry WP2: Data aggregation and products generation - results, strengths and weaknesses - Atlantic Sea Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  2. Outline • Summary of results on Nutrients : • Data inventory • Regional data buffer : time/space distribution • DIVA mapsgeneration • Results on Otherparameters (Oxygen and Chlorophylla) • Data inventory / aggregation / QC • Regional data buffer : space/time distribution by parameter • DIVA mapsgeneration • Contaminants : Data inventory • Strengths and weaknesses Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  3. Nutrients inventory First harvesting Second harvesting Enlarged data coverage Distribution by partners Distribution by parameters Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  4. Regional data buffer - Nutrients - Time distribution Time histograms 1970 1990 1990 1990 Season histograms Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  5. Regional data buffer - Nutrients - Space distribution Station maps Vertical plots 3000m Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  6. DIVA maps generation Nutrients at surface (0m) – summer (0709) - 20002009 Nitrate_plus_nitrite Phosphate Silicate Ammonium Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

  7. Other parameters inventory Distribution by EDMO code Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  8. Other parameters inventory Distribution by parameters Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  9. Other parameters - metadata QC - • ODV files harvested : problemsfaced (1) • 116 empty files • semantic and column headers but no data • 4026 errors on P01 for PH : white spacecharacterinstead of XX • //<subject>SDN:LOCAL:pH</subject><object>SDN:P011::PH ZZXX</object> • 3errorsin columnheader : white spacemissing • Depth [m] QV:SEADATANET DOXY_DOXSEB_NOT_NDT[ml/l] • 33 errors in cruisename • CruiseStation • UPWELLING V CAP 7402 "NAN 00010 • 9 wrongLocal_cdi_id • LIVRA_00400_G02 instead of 898LV12840015 • 44 errors in Local_cdi_id : hyphenmissing • 486PE15101A336881 instead of 486PE151-01A336881 • 92 wrong EDMO codes • 2124 instead of 3288 Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  10. Other parameters - metadata QC - • ODV files harvested : problemsfaced (2) • >1500 Incorrect primary variables (P01) : • - For sediment data, ADEPZZ01 instead of COREDIST • - For ocean data, RECORD numberinstead of ADEPZZ01 • //SDN_parameter_mapping • //<subject>SDN:LOCAL:Record_No</subject><object>SDN:P01::ACYCAA01> • Many Warnings on SDN vocabulary version : • //<subject>SDN:LOCAL:pH</subject><object>SDN:P011::PH ZZXX</object> Use the SDN tool : Change_Vocab_V1toV2 http://www.seadatanet.org/Standards-Software/Software/Change_Vocab_V1toV2 • Solution : feedback loop with CDI partners • Files corrected locally by RL to gain time • Contact with the CDI partner to update the CDI in SDN/Emodnet infrastructure (MARIS CDI support) Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  11. Data aggregation and QC - Other parameters - • Perform QC with ODV • Use only data with Quality Flag = 0, 1, 2, 6 as initial collection to use only good data • Unit conversion and aggregation (P35 vocabs) • Search for out of range values with Flag = 1 • Set a QC for all measurements with Flag = 0 • Set default values with Flag = 0, 1 to Flag = 9 Flag 0 Wrong Flag 9 Write a report on QC and send results to data providers and MARIS Wrong Flag 1 Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  12. Data aggregation Oxygen data SDN:P35::EPC00002: Water body dissolved oxygen concentration [umol/l] Mix of uncalibrated and calibrated measurements

  13. Data aggregation Chlorophyll-a data SDN:P35::EPC00105: Water body chlorophyll-a [mg/m^3] Mix of uncalibrated and calibrated measurements Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  14. Data aggregation and QC Oxygen quality checks – problems faced • LowOxygen profiles • e.g. flaggedsome BODC data to 4 • StrangeOxygen data • e.g. delete PANGAEA profiles because of not calibratedOxygen • Low historic data • French SHOM data flagged to 3 • Oxygen profiles decrease to zero • Russian data flagged to 3/4 Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  15. Regional data buffer Oxygen data Better time coverage 1963 c) Time histogram a) Station map b) Vertical plot d) Data bins e) X/Y distribution f) Season histogram Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  16. Data aggregation and QC Chloroplyll-a quality checks – problems faced • High Chla data at depth Feedback to the CDI partner : calibrated data? correction to apply? Flag to 3/4 ? Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  17. DIVA maps production DIVA maps settings : Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

  18. DIVA maps production Oxygen at surface (0m) – summer (0709) DIVA – 1997/2006 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

  19. DIVA maps production Oxygen at surface (0m) – summer (0709) DIVA – 1994/2003 M36/5 cruise – sept 1996 • Feedback to the CDI partner : calibrated data? shift to apply? Flag to 3 ? • Run DIVA after corrrection/flag of these 57 profiles Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

  20. Contaminants inventory Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  21. Contaminants - metadata QC - • ODV files harvested : problemsfaced • 319 wrong file extension : .txtinstead of .zip • 163 wrongsemantic header • Wrongprimary variable : ADEPZZ01 instead of COREDIST • Warnings on SDN vocabulary version Update of P01/P02/P35 vocabularies before data aggregation Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  22. Strengths and weaknesses • Strengths : • the robust CDI infrastructure • the validation loop for metadata and data QC • improve the data archives by detecting the problems with the metadata and the data, by fixing them and by giving to scientists "good" collections • Weaknesses : • Large number of sources/instruments to measure a parameter makes challenging to obtain consistent aggregated dataset • Time delay in the harvesting and the validation loop • Need more Scientific experts feedback on the products Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  23. Ongoing work • Finish QC on Chlorophyll, PH, … • Re-run DIVA for Oxygen after additional QC • DIVA for Chlorophyll • Contaminants collections • Import aggregated Qced collections and DIVA maps in Oceanbrowser and Sextant catalogue • Send report on metadata and data QC to CDI partners and to MARIS Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  24. Thanks! Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

  25. DIVA validation loop • DIVA maps production Data extraction (and weighting) Parameters optimization Run analysis Additional QC Phosphate Silicate NO3+NO2 Ammonium Oxygen 4D Netcdf files ready Chlorophyll If needed Annual Meeting, June 8-9 2016, Helsinki, Finland

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