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Recruit, select and induct staff. with Sue Cameron MBA AFAIM TAE Session 2. Agenda Session 2. Revision of course objective and elements Recruit, select and induct staff Definitions The recruitment process Identifying recruitment needs. Revision Q&A.
Recruit, select and induct staff with Sue Cameron MBA AFAIM TAE Session 2
Agenda Session 2 • Revision of course objective and elements • Recruit, select and induct staff • Definitions • The recruitment process • Identifying recruitment needs
Revision Q&A • What are the four elements in this course? • What are literacy skills? • Where could you use these skills – in what industries and what sizes? • What are organising and scheduling skills?
Definitions • Human Resources: Is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organisation, business sector or an economy Reference: Wikipedia website (November 2012) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_resources
Definitions • "Human capital" is sometimes used synonymously with human resources, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organisation
The Key Functions of HR • Compensation (pay) and benefits • Recruiting and staffing • Learning and development (L & D) • Organizational development • Performance management & planning • Succession planning
Definitions • Management: In all business and organizational activities, is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management (January 2011)
Definitions • Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization Reference:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management (January 2011)
Definitions • Recruitment: It is the process of identifying and hiring best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organisation) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner
Definitions • Employment: Having paid work (similar to occupation) or the act of employing someone for a job (similar to recruitment)
Definitions • Dismissal: It is the employer's choice to let the employee leave, generally for a reason which is the fault of the employee. It can be called ‘being fired’ or ‘sacked’ • Termination: Simular to Dismissal, although it can be voluntary or involuntary
Definitions • The Recruitment Process Recruitment can be defined as the process of encouraging people to apply for jobs, hiring the most appropriate candidates and inducting the successful candidate into the policies and practises of the organisation. (‘Human Resource Management’ by Robert Clark ) Hand out on e-learning portal ‘Human resource recruitment flow chart’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmI4ZsNogQ&feature=related (3.35 mins)
Definitions • Forecasting: The prediction of outcomes, trends, or expected future behaviour of a business or industry sector • Personnel: People who are employed by an organisation
Definitions • IT or Information Technology The branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
Definitions • Hardware: Refers to IT objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards and laptops • Software: Computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software e.g. PowerPoint, Word or spreadsheets etc
Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) • HRIS is computer software which assists in managing people in the organisation • Depending on the needs of the organisation they can include payroll systems, recruitment, staff data bases & performance management Video on comparing HRIS Software (July 2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UCiAxgv4qo (2.23 mins)
HRIS • In Australia the 2 major brands are PeopleSoft and SAP • Planning and forecasting for recruitment and how HRIS is used in business video (July 2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP7Q51zHp4I&feature=related
Definitions • Hardcopy: Documents and files usually paper that you can touch (tactile or tangible) • Softcopy: Documents and files on a computer (non- tactile or non-tangible)
Definitions • Strategy Is the direction in which an organisation (business) intents to move to and establishes the framework for the action through which it intends to get there. (Human Resource Management by Raymond J. Stone)
Definitions • Strategic Plan Is an action plan for the company to take it forward into the future or Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal
Definitions • Colleague A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty; an associate (Wikipedia) • Resource Something that one uses to achieve an objective, e.g. raw materials, money or personnel/people en.wiktionary.org/wiki/resource
Definitions • Job Analysis Is the ability to analyse a job based on the job description and person specification
Definitions • Job Description It defines what the job is, by identifying its content, requirements and context It provides a written summary of the duties and responsibilities of the job
Definitions • Job Description continued It helps managers , current and prospective employees understand the job and what is expected
Definitions • Person or Job Specification These focus on the personal characteristics, skills and qualifications which an employee must process to perform the job successfully. (these are often included in the job description)
Definitions • Organisation policy Is the set of polices or rules which govern an organisation or business (such as how it conducts business, provides customer service, looks after their staff etc)
Definitions • Procedure or Practice • a particular course of action intended to achieve a result or • A set of established forms or methods for conducting the affairs of an organized body such as a business, club, or government • Usually goes hand in hand with Policies e.g. Policies and Procedures (P&P)
Definitions • Standard: is an agreed specification or other criterion used as a rule, guideline, or definition of a level of performance or achievement • Can be a measurement or benchmark (point of reference) to compare against others Reference: National Advisory Standards for the Professional Practice of HR in Australian Universities (July 2011) http://www.hrd.qut.edu.au/hrbenchmarking/docs/LearningDevelopmentStandard.pdf
Definitions • Law: The system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition or obligation of penalties • Legislation: The laws and the act of making the laws Reference: Wikipedia - Dictionary.com (July 2011)
Definitions • Industrial Relations: (IR) Is the relationship between owners/managers and their staff or personnel • Discrimination: Treating people differently because they are different • Anti- Discrimination: Anti-discrimination law refers to the law on people's right to be treated equally Reference: Wikipedia (July 2011) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-discrimination_law
Definitions • Strategic: [struh-tee-jik] Important or essential in relation to a plan of action, often long term Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)is all about linking the HR function and all HR activities to your organization's strategic objectives Reference: Strategic Human Resource.com (July 2011)http://www.strategic-human-resource.com/strategic-human-resource-management.html
Definitions • Operational: Of or relating to the routine functioning and activities of a business or organization Reference: Google Dictionary (July 2011) http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&q=operational&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=gmsdTricGI2KmQWf8_TXBw&ved=0CBoQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e5d7addb8e20fe53&biw=1148&bih=644
The Recruitment Cycle • It is the employment cycle which starts with recruitment through to termination
Recruitment Cycle • Identifying the need and what type of person and skills required • Checking the budget and gaining approval • Initiating the search • Determining the selection criteria • Sourcing talent and advertising • Screening • Interviewing • Orientation or induction and training • Reviewing
The role of a Manager • The four major functions of a manager are to: • Plan • Organise • Direct and lead • Control and monitor
Identifying Recruitment (Hiring) Needs How do you know when you need new staff? • When someone leaves • When the business grows • When there is too much work and not enough hours in the day for a staff member to complete their job (not if they are lazy)
What to do first? • Identify short-term recruitment needs based on monitoring of service and efficiency levels of workplace • Consult appropriate colleagues and other stakeholders in relation to staffing needs and job specifications http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP8tgGScmNY&feature=channel (1.11 mins
Identifying Recruitment Needs • Develop clear and concise selection criteria and job specifications • Use job descriptions where appropriate to facilitate the recruitment process • Obtain approval for recruitment according to the organisations recruitment policy
Types of Positions • Permanent • Temporary • Full time • Part time • Casual or contract • Volunteer • Project related (e.g. for an event)
Job Descriptions • A job description is the description of what is required for the job i.e. duties and responsibilities • Also includes the job title, who they report to, and the standard of work required.
Job Specification • This is a list of the type of skills, qualifications, personality type etc which is required for a position (job) • It is like a picture of the ideal person you would like for this job
Recruitment Activity • Firstly get into groups of 3 – 5 • Appoint someone as the note taker • Watch the following videos and the note taker is to takes notes about the videos • Then discuss the following questions • After your 15 min discussion one person to report your discussion
Recruitment Activity • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBy1b5BVeq8&feature=channel (when to hire your first employer – Part - 1 4.45 mins) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iswbl3S2VVg&feature=channel (Part 2 – 3.52 mins) Discussion on when to employ staff When do you know that it’s time to employ? What is a mentor? Who to get advice from? What are some of the things you have to take into consideration when employing in a small business?
Next Session 3 • Revision on recruitment definitions • Job Descriptions • Thank you and have a great week