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The Writing Tree. Find a small evergreen or skeletal tree and hang these writing prompts from the branches. Change them out each month for a fun variety! Place The Writing Tree at your writing center and use as a literacy center. September.
The Writing Tree Find a small evergreen or skeletal tree and hang these writing prompts from the branches. Change them out each month for a fun variety! Place The Writing Tree at your writing center and use as a literacy center.
September National Grandparents Day is Sept. 8. Why is it important for grandparents to talk about their memories? September is National Piano Month. How do you feel about parents making their child take piano lessons? September is Cable TV Month. What would your family do without a month of TV? World Gratitude Day is Sept. 21. What are you grateful for? Dear Diary Day is celebrate on Sept. 22. If you found your friend’s diary, would you read it? Library Card Sign-Up Month is in September. Have you visited the local library? What do you enjoy about it?
Describe five ways an apple lover could carry a dozen apples without a pail, box, basket or bag. September 22 is National Ice Cream Day. If someone had to describe you by saying an ice cream flavor, what would it be and why? National Dog Week is the last week in September. Name something for each day of the week you could do to show you love dogs. September 9 is Wonderful Weirdos Day. Describe a time when you know you acted a little weird.
October October is National Clock Month. Write about something you think is a big waste of time. National Pet Peeve week is in Oct. What is one of your pet peeves and why? The World Series is in Oct. What do you think about multi-million dollar salaries for athletes? National Grouch Day is October 15. Describe something that is sure to make you grouchy. The first movie with sound was shown on Oct. 26, 1927. What, in your opinion, makes a great movie? Oct. 31 is National Magic Day. If you could magically change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
October is National Dessert Month. Explain why it’s not a good idea to have dessert 5 times a day. Dictionary Day is Oct.16. If you had to put in a good word about yourself to your teacher, what would you say? Oct. 16 is World Food Day. Do you think Americans should do more to end world hunger? Oct. 19 is Evaluate Your Life Day. How do you feel about your life right now? What do you want to change? National Newspaper Week is in Oct. Write a letter to the Editor about something that is important to you.
November Sandwich Day is Nov. 3. If you were asked to make a friendship sandwich, which ingredients would you need? Mickey Mouse’s birthday is Nov. 18. What are some advantages and disadvantages to watching cartoons? November is Aviation Month. What would be more exciting-traveling in a hot air balloon or a jet? American Education Week is in Nov. What do you think would be the best part about being a teacher?
November is National Drum Month. Why do you think drums are so important in music from all over the world? World Hello Day is in Nov. Why do you think it is so hard for some people to smile and say hello? If you could interview your favorite author on Nov. 1, National Author’s Day, what would you ask? For people who hate to hear ‘Have a Nice Day’, there’s ‘Have a Bad Day’ on Nov. 19. What are 10 other ways you could say ‘Have a Nice Day’? National Farm-City Week is in Nov. Would you rather live on a farm or in a city? Why? Rights of The Child Day is Nov. 19. What rights do you think all children should have?
December Walt Disney was born on Dec. 5, 1901. What Disney character is most like you and why? Dec. 21 is Humbug Day. What do you think a humbug is? On Dec. 10, all Nobel Peace Prizes will be awarded. Each winner will receive money. What world problem would you spend your money to solve? Dec. 26 is National Whiner’s Day. Have you ever been a whiner? Has it worked for you? Eat What You Want Day is Dec. 16. What would you eat if you could have anything you wanted? Dec. is Safe Toys month. What toys on the market do you think are unsafe? How would you fix them?
Dec. 3 is the anniversary of the first heart transplant. Do you think it’s important that people donate their organs? Is it necessary to give everyone a gift who gives you a gift?
January The first crayon was invented on Jan. 1, 1924. What color best describes you and why? Mark Goodson, the creator of game shows such as The Price is Right and Family Fued, was born in January. Why do you think game shows are so popular? Gold was discovered in California on Jan. 24, 1848. The secret of this discovery leaked out and started the Gold Rush. Have you ever leaked a secret?
Backwards Day is on Jan. 26. Looking backwards, how have you changed since the first day of school? Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play baseball professionally, was born on Jan. 31, 1919. Would you rather be first at something, or follow in someone’s footsteps? Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is Jan. 22. What would your pet say if it could talk?
Jan. 4 is the birthday of Louis Braille, who invented a reading system for the blind. What would you invent to make life easier for someone? Elvis Presley was born on Jan. 8. What are some of the disadvantages to being as famous as Elvis? National Handwriting Day is Jan. 23. Who would you most want a handwritten letter from?
February Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of Little House on the Prairie, was born on Feb. 7. If you could go back in time, what time period would you choose? Feb. is National Children’s Dental Month. How do you feel about visiting the dentist? Feb. 7 is Read to Your Child Day. If you could choose only one book to read to a younger brother/sister/friend, what would it be? President’s Day is the third Monday in Feb. What advice do you think Lincoln or Washington would offer our current president? Rosa Parks, a civil rights leader, was born on Feb. 4. She refused to give up her seat because she was an African-American. Would you be willing to go to jail because you thought a law was wrong? February is National Heart Month. What do you wish for most, from the bottom of your heart?
Be An Encourager Day is Feb. 1. Who gives you the most encouragement in your life? Who can you give more encouragement to? On Feb. 2, 1936, Babe Ruth was voted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Who would be in your Hall of Fame? What would you do if you accidently dropped your Valentines in a mud puddle on the way to school?
MarchHang little ‘tails’ from them with string and seed beads. TV Turn Off Week is the second week in March. Why do you think people watch so much TV? National Pig Day is March 1st. If you could go to any restaurant and pig out for free, where would it be?Why? Pocahontas died on March 21, 1617. How do you think she would have felt about the Disney movie made about her? Dr. Suess was born on March 2. His first book was rejected 27 times before being published. Have you ever been persistent about something that paid off?
National Save Your Vision week is in March. What do you see more clearly now than you use to? March is National Frozen Food Month. Have you ever been ‘frozen’ with fear? Frankenstein was originally published in March. Do you like scary movies? Why or why not? On March 20, the pencil with an eraser attached was invented. What mistakes have you made that you would like to erase?
April April is Listening Awareness Month. Describe a time when you should have listened better. April 1st is April Fool’s Day. What is the difference between a good prank and a bad prank? Arbor Day, celebrated on the last Friday of April, reminds us of the importance of trees. Why are trees important to you? What does Earth Day mean to you? April is Keep American Beautiful Month. If a law banned using paper and plastic of any kind, how would this affect your family? In honor of National Humor Month, name 10 benefits to laughing.
April is Math Education Month. Name 5 things you could not do without numbers or math. April is known as a rainy month. What would you like to see pour out of the sky?
May The first Tuesday in May is National Teacher’s Day. If you were to give a speech about your teacher, what would you say? No Socks Day is May 8. Create your own holiday named No _____ Day and describe it. May celebrates Mother’s Day. Whose mother-besides your own-do you admire the most? Older Americans Month is in May. What is the most important thing an older person has taught you? May 3rd is National Tuba Day. Do you think all students should be required to take music lessons? Why or why not? May is National Moving Month. If you could move anywhere, where would it be and why?
On May 1st, 1884, construction began on America’s first skyscraper. Do you think there should be a limit to how tall buildings can be? No Homework Day is in May. Should your school celebrate this holiday? Why or why not? National Backyard Games Day is in May. What is your favorite backyard game and how is it played?
June National Little League Baseball Week is in June. Do you think there is too much pressure on kids to excel at sports? June is National Pest Control Month. Have you ever been a pest? June is National Dreamwork Month. People are encouraged to pay attention to their dreams. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? June 21st is the first day of summer. What do you hope to accomplish over the summer? International Volunteers Week, the first week of June, honors volunteers. What would you like to volunteer for? National Forgiveness Day is June 24th. Who would you like to forgive, or ask forgiveness of?
Ice cream was first advertised and sold in the USA on June 8, 1786. What flavor best describes you? Why? Flag Day is June 14. What does the USA’s flag mean to you?