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Vojtěch malina

Formal Information about the Project International Cooperation at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU. Vojtěch malina. Project : International Cooperation at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU Registration number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0093

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Vojtěch malina

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Formal Information about the ProjectInternational Cooperation at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU Vojtěch malina

  2. Project: International Cooperation at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU Registration number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0093 This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic.

  3. Beginning • Theprojectwasapplied on august 2010 • Therealizationstarted on July 2011 • The end oftheprojectrealizationwillbe on October 2013 • Project grant 17 291 505,66,-CZK 668 141 Euro

  4. Project goals • Partnershipbetween CTU – FBI and Norway and sweedenscientifikworkplaces • Research and development in telemedicin • Internships • Project Website • Transfering R & D intoeducation

  5. Realization1st workshop

  6. Internships

  7. Website - http://mezspol.fbmi.cvut.cz

  8. documentation

  9. The end

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