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Explore the real threat of chemical and biological terrorism, including historical cases like the Anthrax attacks, Tokyo Subway Attack, and more recent incidents. Learn about the potential agents used, nerve gas poisoning symptoms, and the importance of decontamination and treatment. Understand the characteristics of a biological attack, potential bioterrorism agents, and the need for coordination with authorities in case of an attack. Stay informed and prepared for any eventuality.
Terrorism: Are We Ready? Barbara Russell, RN,MPH,CIC,ACRN
What is Terrorism? • No single definition • FBI: “The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
“Kill 1, Frighten 10,000” Sun Tzu
Anthrax 2001 • 22 confirmed or suspected cases • 11 inhalation (confirmed) • 11 cutaneous (7 confirmed, 4 suspected)
Inhalation Anthrax (11) 9 confirmed - exposed to mail (other 2 possible) 55% (6) survived
Types of Terrorism • Biological • Nuclear • Incendiary • Chemical • Explosive • B-NICE
Target Selection • SSymbolic target to audience or terrorist Economic, political, social or religious value Highly visible and photogenic Random: To create confusion Diversionary Asymmetrical attack
Timing • Anniversary of significant historical event • Highly visible event in the area • Increase in international tensions
Chemical & Biological Terrorism 1984: The Dalles, Oregon, Salmonella(salad bar) 1991: Minnesota, ricin toxin (hoax) 1994: Tokyo, Sarin and attack 1995: Arkansas, ricin toxin (hoax) 1995: Ohio, Yersinia pestis (sent in mail) 1997: Washington DC, “Anthrax” (hoax) 1998: Nevada , non-lethal strain of B. anthracis 1998: Multiple “Anthrax” hoaxes
Tokyo Subway Attack • Odon March 20, 1995, terrorists released sarin, an organophosphate (OP) nerve gas at several points in the Tokyo subway system, killing 11 and injuring more than 5,500 people. • Concealed in lunch boxes and soft-drink containers and placed on subway train floors. It was released as terrorists punctured the containers with umbrellas before leaving the trains. • .On April 19th, 1995 repeat attack in subway which the same terrorist group killed seven and injured more than 200 people.
Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) Lethal CWA’s Nerve gas (Sarin, Tabun, soman, and VX) Organophosphates- anticholinesterase Colorless, odorless, tasteless Cyanides Vesicants (=blistering ) agents – mustard gas
Nerve Gas Agents • All nerve agents belong chemically to the group of • organo-phosphorus compounds. • Stable and easily dispersed, highly toxic and have • rapid effects both when absorbed through the skin • and via respiration. • Nerve agents can be manufactured by means of fairly • simple chemical techniques. The raw materials are • inexpensive and generally readily available.
Chemical • Chemical agents are toxic, but… - They can be detected - You can protect yourself - Victims can be decontaminated • Can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or injected
Nerve Agent Symptoms • Salivation • Lacrimination • Urination • Defecation • Gastrointestinal pain • Emesis • SLUDGE
Decontamination • Removes the agent from the patient • Reduces the chance of secondary spread • Helps the victim psychologically
Eyes: excessive lacrimation and pain. Skin: excessive sweating Muscles: involuntary twitching Respiratory: Mucous secretion, dyspnea Digestive: excessive salivation, abdominal pain Symptoms: minutes to 2 hours Treatment: Atropine, 2-PAM (pralidoxime-2-chloride) Decontamination: Soap & Water, Chlorox Nerve Gas Poisoning
Eyes: reddening, congestion, pain 1/2 -12 hours Skin: itching, burning, erythema, large blisters (1-12 hours) Respiratory: burning throat, cough, dsypnea. (2-12 hours) Digestive: abdominal pain, nausea, blood stained vomiting and diarrhea Treatment: none Decontamination: Soap & Water, Chlorox Care: watch for leukopenia, debride bullae Sulfur Mustard Poisoning
“I’m confident that we can defend against chemical warfare. The one that really scares me to death is biological” Colin Powell - 1993
Characteristics of a Biological Attack: • Civilian Targets Likely. • Possibility of Large Numbers of Casualties. • Symptoms May Not Appear For Days. • Initial Symptoms Likely to be Non-Specific. • Diagnoses Will Depend Heavily Upon Laboratory Tests. • Complex Epidemiology. • Ongoing Need to Care for Large Numbers of Patients • Concerns About Availability of Drugs, Supplies, Staff Members. • Legal Considerations. • Coordination with Local, State, and Federal Authorities.
Bacterial Agents Anthrax Brucellosis Cholera Plague, Pneumonic Tularemia Viruses Smallpox VEE VHF Biological Toxins Botulinum Staph Entero-B Ricin T-2 Mycotoxins Potential Bioterrorism Agents Source: U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D.
Biological Agents of Highest Concern • Variola major (Smallpox) • Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) • Yersinia pestis (Plague) • Francisella tularensis (Tularemia) • Botulinum toxin (Botulism) • Filoviruses and Arenaviruses (Viral hemorrhagic fevers) • ALL suspected or confirmed cases should be reported to health authorities immediately
Anthrax - The Weapon • Bacillus anthracis (coal = anthrakis) because of black coal like lesions • Aerobic, gram-positive, spore forming, non-motile bacillus species. • Inhalation Anthrax: • Most morbidity and mortality as aerosolized biological weapon. • Disease occurs 2 to 43 days after exposure.
Anthrax - The Disease • Inhalation anthrax: • Hemorrhagic thoracic lymphadenitis • Hemorrhagic mediastinitis • Hemorrhagic meningitis • Two Stages • 1. Fever, cough, dyspnea, headache, vomiting, chills, weakness • 2. Sudden fever spikes, dyspnea, shock, cyanosis, hypotension • Mortality: 89%!!!!
Anthrax:Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment • CXR: widened mediastinum • Blood culture shows growth after 2-6 hours • Vaccine: Licensed since 1970, 88% effective, not available! • Treatment: PNC, Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin, first generation cephalosporin, vacomycin, clindamycin
What is smallpox? • Serious, contagious, viral disease that causes a fever and distinctive rash • Treatment: supportive • Historically, 30% of smallpox patients died, many developed scars especially on face, some became blind • Prevented by smallpox vaccine (>95% effective)
How is smallpox spread? • By direct, prolonged face-to-face contact • Less commonly, indirectly by contaminated bedding or clothing • Rarely spread by air • Transmission prevented by using airborne and contact precautions in health care settings
What is the risk of smallpox? • 1972: routine smallpox vaccination discontinued in U.S. • 1977: last naturally-acquired case in world • Deliberate release is possible but risk is unknown • Health care workers at higher risk due to exposure to most severely ill patients • In Europe from 1950-71, 50% of smallpox transmission was in hospitals
Treatment • Treatment of smallpox is limited to supportive therapy and antibiotics as required for treating secondary bacterial infections. • There are no proven antiviral agents effective in treating smallpox.
Plague • Found in rodents and their fleas in many parts of the world • Bites from an infected flea • Bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic • Seen in rural areas (US: 10-15 cases per year) • Two recent human cases of primary pneumonic plague contracted from cats
Plague (cont) • US: 390 cases from 1947-1996 - 84% bubonic (standard precautions) - 13% septicemic (standard precautions) - 2% pneumonic (droplet precautions) • Patients may present with GI symptoms (N/V, abd pain) • Treated with antibiotics
Plague (cont) • BBiological terrorism release clues: • - Pneumonic plague outbreak 1-6 days after • exposure • - Initial severe respiratory illness • - Death occurs quickly after onset of illness • - Infection in persons with no known risk • factors
Plague (cont) • BBiological terrorism release clues (cont) • - Occurrence of cases in areas not known to • have previous cases • - Absence of prior rodent deaths (which may • be present after natural disaster) • Plague vs. Anthrax presentation
Botulism • Most potent naturally occurring lethal substance known to man • Possible routes of exposure: Ingestion (food), Inhalation (terrorist), Injection (drug users), dirty wound • In 1999…………. 174 cases • 26 food borne • 107 intestinal / infant • 41 wound
Botulism (cont) • CCardinal Signs • - Fever is absent (unless infection is present) • - Neurological symptoms are symmetrical • - Patient remains responsive • - Heart rate normal or slow • - Sensory deficits do not occur (except for • blurred vision)
Botulism (cont) • IIncubation period • - Food borne: 12-36 hours (preformed toxin) • - Intestinal (Infant): 1-2 weeks • - Wound: 4-14 days