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Our body requires a number of Vitamins and Minerals in order to keep the growth healthy and to maintain immunity level. Certain parts of bodies, however, have special and different needs compared to the other parts
VITAMINS THAT CAN PREVENT AND REVERSE HAIR LOSS Our body requires a number of Vitamins and Minerals in order to keep the growth healthy and to maintain immunity level. Certain parts of bodies, however, have special and different needs compared to the other parts. Hair is one of those parts that require different sets of Vitamin in order to keep it strong, healthy and to prevent loss of hair and weakening of hair strands.
Hair Loss It is usually a reversible process, there are certain ways it can be reversed or even prevented. HERE IS THE LIST OF VITAMINS THAT ARE NEEDED IN ORDER TO PREVENT AS WELL AS REVER HAIR LOSS: 1.Fish Oil Omega-3 fats, found in oil nourishes and strengthens hair. Fish oil is rich with the vitamin, and is thus one of the most effective solutions in terms of loss of hair. In 2015, a study was published where women who underwent a female pattern baldness participated and went through a 6-month treatment using Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. After six months, the density of hair increased and almost 90% of participants agreed in reduction of hair loss. Eating Omega-3, found in salmon, mackerel, tuna, white fish, sardines, egg yolks, walnuts, hemp seeds and natto can reduce hormonal imbalance, which is known as one of the greatest factors of hair loss. Omega-3 fats could also be found in oil supplement capsules which could be used instead in order to gain the density and improve hair quality. 1.Zinc Zinc has been used from decades to treat hair loss. Zing strengthens hair follicles and benefits its health. An oral zinc sulfate therapy is an effective treatment for those who undergo zinc deficiency which leads to hair loss. A
study was published in 2013, where participants who faced the problem of hair loss were treated and it was found that they lacked zinc compound, which is the reason why they faced loss of hair. These included patients lost hair due to physical or emotional stress, hormonal imbalance and pattern baldness. In 2009, another study was done where the participant who experienced hair loss had low serum zinc level and they were given a treatment of 12 weeks, after which positive results have shown by the oral zinc sulfate therapy. 1.Complex Vitamin B Vitamin B-5, has been proved an essential solution for hair treatment in case of hair loss, and loss of hair density, Vitamin B-5 contains biotin and pantothenic acid which benefits hair shingles that were damaged due to either over shampooing or overheating of hair. It benefits adrenal glands that helps healthy hair growth. A study in 2011 showed that Vitamin B-5 helped in strengthening of hair and gave the hair strands durability and strength to last long without any breakage or damage. The low level of Vitamin B-5 in body could be caused by smoking, or intake of intoxicated products, pregnancy, and could be solved by consuming Vitamin B-5 through meat, eggs, avocado, legumes, chicken, etc. 1.Vitamin C Vitamin C is essential for our growth as well as in order to prevent and protect hair from aging. With growing ge and emotional stress, our hair starts aging too, which leads to weakening of hair strands and further leads
to loss of density and hair loss. Vitamin C has been proved as an effective solution for hair aging. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant and fights the oxidative stress that causes hair growing and aging and so on. Fruits like citrus fruits, lemon, oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, strawberries or food like red pepper and kale have been effective in terms of antioxidant to hair. 1.Iron In the article that talks about causes of hair loss, anemia is one of the reasons which is common reason among the women for hair loss. Iron deficiency weakens the hair and stops it growing as well. A research was carried out in Tehran University where it was found that most women go through hair loss due to an iron deficiency. Thus it is essential to consume iron in terms of pulses and other food items, also iron supplementation is also available as a solution. 1.Vitamin D Vitamin D is a hormone that plays an essential role in the growth of hair follicles. A study has shown that patients who had a low level of Vitamin D go through hair loss. Direct sun exposure is the best way to consume Vitamin D, however there are other terms of hair treatment as well, under light radiants and etc.