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Vocabulary: Week 1. 10 th Grade NMHS. Abase (verb) “Uh-BASE” . To embarrass or to humble , To make one a disgrace . Barry Bonds was blushing When he couldn’t steal a base. REMEMBER THIS : A baseball player was abased when he couldn’t steal a base.
Vocabulary: Week 1 10th Grade NMHS
Abase (verb) “Uh-BASE” To embarrass or to humble, To make one a disgrace. Barry Bonds was blushing When he couldn’t steal a base. REMEMBER THIS : A baseball player was abased when he couldn’t steal a base. Definition: [trans.] behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade (someone):
Coerce (verb) “Koe-ERSE” Were you harshly persuaded? Then you were coerced. Being pushed into something— My friend, that’s the worst. REMEMBER THIS : Being coerced is the worst. Definition: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats:
Exacerbate (verb) “Ex-ASS-er-bate” When you exacerbate a problem, You only make it worse, Like driving to a funeral, Then smashing up the hearse. REMEMBER THIS : His constant exacerbation caused his Mom’s exasperation. Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse:
Glean (verb) “GLEEN” To collect information, To gather it slowly That is an act we call gleaning. You’re simply discovering, REMEMBER THIS : Try to glean what I mean. Definition: extract (information) from various sources:
Imminent (adj) “IM-ih-nint” It’s just about to happen, It’s impending, it’s near. If you’re in imminent danger, Grab your purse, get outta here. REMEMBER THIS : If it’s imminent, I’m in it. Definition: about to happen
Mitigate (verb) “MIT-ih-gate” To lessen the force or intensity, To ease or to mellow the pain. The brush fires That spread through the Southland Were soon mitigated by rain. REMEMBER THIS : A baseball mitt mitigates the pain. Definition: make less severe, serious, or painful:
Obtuse (adj) “Ob-TOOSE” Very slow to get the point Is a dopey, obtuse fellow. I’d compare his sharpness To a gushy, warm marshmallow. REMEMBER THIS : Obtuse=not too smart. Definition: annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand:
Petulant (adj) “PECH-oo-lent” It’s quickly annoyed and easily grouchy, With irritability factor. The big gossip mongers of Hollywood say Russell Crowe is a petulant actor. REMEMBER THIS : Don’t try to pet a petulant crow. Definition: childishly sulky or bad-tempered:
Recidivist (noun) “Ree-SID-ih-vist” A repeat offender is a recidivist. This guy makes you shake your fist ’Cause you put him away for a crime And then You let the guy out, and he does it again. REMEMBER THIS : Think “recidi-visitor”; A recidivist revisits prison. Definition: a convicted criminal who reoffends, esp. repeatedly.
Stolid (adj) “STOL-id” When your teacher Will not change your grade . . . When her final decision is solid . . . If she just will not budge, Or she just doesn’t care, Good luck, Pal. That teacher is stolid. REMEMBER THIS : Stolid=mentally thick or solid. Definition: (of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
Vocabulary Concept Map Instructions: Create a vocabulary concept map for each vocabulary word.