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Leaders in International Health Program Module International Cooperation and Health diplomacy Session 2011. South-South Cooperation in the Global Agenda of Cooperation for Development. Dra . Rebecca de los Rios PAHO - ERP. Topics to be discussed. Some background and historical facts
Leaders in International Health Program Module International Cooperation and Health diplomacy Session 2011 South-South Cooperation in the Global Agenda of Cooperation for Development Dra. Rebecca de los Rios PAHO - ERP
Topics to be discussed • Some background and historical facts • The Guiding Principles • The evolution of the concept and models • SSC in the Cooperation Agenda • SSC in health • The challenges of SSC Pan American Health Organization
History and chronology of events Reports 2008, 2009, 2010 Article from USAM by Alejandra Kern. “Context and Challenges of South-South Cooperation 30 years after the Buenos Aires Declaration”. Pan American Health Organization
Background: Global Context • Cold War and Bipolar World • The response of developing countries: Group G77 and the non-aligned movement • Political Objective: A new international economic order Pan American Health Organization
1st United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD and the G-77 (1964) • Economic Cooperation between developing countries “CEPD” • Stimulus for economic and trade integration processes among developing countries • Plan of Action for priorities related to economic cooperation Pan American Health Organization
1st United Nations Conference of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries TCDC: Buenos Aires Plan of Action(1978) • “The technical cooperation among developing countries has emerged as a new dimension of international cooperation for development, that shows the determination of the developing world to achieve national and collective capacity to stand by itself, and the need to create a new international economic order.” Pan American Health Organization
The focus of “TCDC ” • It was conceived as a diverse and wide-ranging collaboration; when it was confirmed that the TCDC was a “ multidimensional process” and that its extension could be “bilateral or multilateral” and, ‘its nature, subregional, regional or interregional”. • It was defined as “a process through which two or more countries work together to achieve the development of individual or collective capacity with a cooperative exchange of knowledge, abilities, resources and technologies.” Pan American Health Organization
Principles of TCDC • Solidarity • Respect for sovereignty • National ownership “demand driven” • Independence/No intervention/no conditionality • Equity/Mutual Benefit/Partner Relations • Complementary cooperation North-South Pan American Health Organization
The end of the Cold War: A multi-polar and globalized world • An evolution of the concept takes place: from TCDC to South-South Cooperation • High level conferences and debates about the inclusion of other guiding principles of South-South Cooperation take place. • South-South Cooperation is renewed and strongly incorporated in the cooperation agenda for development at global, regional and national levels. Pan American Health Organization
From TCDC to South-South Cooperation UN General Assembly Decision, 2003 “South-South Cooperation has evolved to take a different form, for instance it has become an exchange of knowledge, experiences, innovation, economic, financial and commercial cooperation, political partnerships and associations of different nature.” Special Unit for SSC-UNDP Pan American Health Organization
From a bilateral relationship among governments to a relation with and among diverse actors • The SSC bilateral traditional focus: Government to Government. • Participation of other actors: Local governments, civil society, academia, enterprises. Multiple ways and arrangements for collaboration and cooperation emerge. • Role of traditional donors, multilateral agencies and international development banks (triangular cooperation) • SSC in regional and inter-regional integration and association mechanisms (ASA, ASPA) Pan American Health Organization
SSC in the Global Agenda • High level conferences about SSC: The South Summits (Marrakesh, 2003 y Doha, 2005) • UN General Assembly, 2004 established 19 December as World SSC Day. • SSC in Development Cooperation Forums in the UN (ECOSOC 2008 and 2010) • III High Level Forum about Aid Efficiency (CAD-OECD 2008, Accra Action Program) • I High Level Event SSC, Bogota 2010 (CAD/OECD and SSC Working Group) • XVIII Ibero-American Summit, El Salvador 2008 Ibero American Program of SSC Pan American Health Organization
SSC is installed in the International Agenda of Cooperation for Development • Main donor countries incorporate SSC in their Agendas (Japan, Spain, EU, UK, Germany) and Multilateral Banks. • It is incorporated in the G-20 agenda, IV Aid Efficiency Forum (Bussan, Korea 2011) • SSC is made explicit in foreign policy and national cooperation development policies Multiple forms, mechanisms and funding for SSC Pan American Health Organization
Incorporation of other principles:The debate on applying the efficiency agenda to SSC • More emphasis on ownership (“demand driven”) • Its alignment with development priorities • Harmonization and more integration with other forms of cooperation (North-South) • More transparency and accountability. • Towards a focus centralized in the development of capacities, knowledge networks, building partnerships (sustainability) • More emphasis on documenting experiences, systematizing lessons learned and registering funding flows for SSC Pan American Health Organization
High Level Committee for SSCGoverning Body subsidiary of GA (Resolution 64/222, Nairobi Doc. 2009) Calls Member States and UN System: • To take concrete measures to mainstream South-South and triangular cooperation. • Increasing allocation of resources promoting SSC at National, Subregional, Regional, Inter-Regional • Support initiatives for information and data collection, coordination, dissemination and evaluation of SSC • Conduct research to identify areas where SSC will have the greatest impact Pan American Health Organization
Platforms about SSC With various purposes: marketing, exchange of knowledge and experiences; inventory of projects, estimates of financing flows Pan American Health Organization
SSC in Health • Long history and a lot of experience in the Region: Collaborative work in C&T and control of infectious disease (malaria, yellow fever, Chagas Disease). • The response from PAHO is integrated: The TCC Program (Technical cooperation among countries). More than 300 projects approved. • Budgetary policy supporting sub regional integration processes (2007) • Cooperation in networks intensifies (Pharmaceutical Regulation, Drug Resistance, Milk Banks Network, Observatory of HR, Virtual Campus) Pan American Health Organization
SSC Challenges • Optimize resource use: Better knowledge of capacities and needs. • Search for authentic regional consensus for defining SSC and facilitate its quantification and comparability among countries. • Move from specific technical cooperation actions to projects that have a bigger and broader impact. With a focus on capacity building, knowledge and innovation networks, and scaling up solutions that work. • Sustainability: Move from activities based on specific projects to focusing on agreements and work plans in “partnerships” Pan American Health Organization
SSC in Health moves forward in this direction and shares these challenges • We need to better recognize countries’ capacities and needs, adapt y apply solutions that work. • Registering and systematizing experiences and lessons learned is a priority task • The TCC mechanism is a facilitator or “broker” and does not substitute the efforts of the countries who are the actors in the process. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p696Tul4gBc Pan American Health Organization