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The Low Cost Multiplication and Distribution of Improved Sweet Potato Planting Materials in DRC

The Low Cost Multiplication and Distribution of Improved Sweet Potato Planting Materials in DRC. Georges Bouwe Nasona INERA- Mulungu DR Congo. Justification. Sweetpotato ( Ipomoea batatas Lam.) is a major staple crop for millions of people in DRC, mostly in the rural areas.

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The Low Cost Multiplication and Distribution of Improved Sweet Potato Planting Materials in DRC

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  1. The Low Cost Multiplication and Distribution of Improved SweetPotato Planting Materials in DRC Georges BouweNasona INERA-Mulungu DR Congo

  2. Justification • Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.)is a major staple crop for millions of people in DRC, mostly in the rural areas. • Sweetpotatoconsidered as 'small' farmer's crop, provides a stable food source, particularly for low income, resource-poor farmers, and it is also used as a high-energy source of feed for livestock. • In addition, it has high nutritional energy qualities and the leaves are consumed as vegetables

  3. Justification(cont’d) • Despite the clear livelihood and economic, it faces several challenges. • Productivity is hampered by the inadequate good quality planting materials for farmers. Notably, the high prevalence of pest and diseases, inefficient multiplication and distribution systems, have exacerbated the problem. • In addition there is also inadequate information and insufficient public awareness. • Farmers themselves lack adequate or necessary knowledge and skills to maintain planting material clean.

  4. Justification(cont’d) • To enhancedistribution on a large scale, the materialswillbe mass-producedusing the rapidsweetpotato multiplication technique. • To scale-up the impact, the projectwill train scientists, extension officers, and farmers in the issue • This sproject will improve the effective and efficient multiplication and dissemination of improved sweetpotato planting material through the use of biotechnology.

  5. Global objective • The overall objective of the project is to enhance the utilization of tissue culture to provide good quality sweetpotato planting materials to farmers.

  6. Specific objectves • 1)To produce clean planting materials • 2)To strengthen the capacity for tissue culture in DRC

  7. Outputs 1-Clean planting materials of improved sweetpotato varieties produced 2-Capacity of utilization of sweetpotato tissue culture strengthened

  8. Activities • Output 1: Clean planting materials of farmer prefered-sweetpotato varieties produced • Activity 1.1.Propagation in vitro of improved sweetpotato varieties • In vitro multiplication will be done in the laboratories at INERA-Mulungu and INERA-Mvuazi. • The major role of INERA is being the source of foundation seed that is clean. • Through routine inspection INERA ensure the clean status of the planting materials

  9. Activity 1.1.(cont’) • INERA establishes primary nursery sites across the country • INERA inspects the primary nurseries for pests and diseases

  10. Activity 1.2.Rapid multiplication of improved sweetpotatoes in greenhouse and nurseries • NGOs(FH, World Vision, ICRC…) establishsecondary nurseries sites • They are a major link to farmers. • As grass root organizations link to the researchers they use clean planting materials to establish secondary multiplication sites. • They also mobilize farmers for practical trainings on the techniques of multiplying and maintenance of clean planting materials .

  11. Activity 1.2,(cont’d) • Farmers establish tertiary multiplication sites • They practice low cost techniques for rapid multiplication of planting materials.

  12. Output 2: Capacity for utilization of low cost sweetpotato tissue culture innovation strengthened • A number of trainings for lead extensionists will be conducted allowing to manage demonstration plots , monitoring and evaluation. • Backstopping will be provided to a number of organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, which are a major link to farmers

  13. Output 2(cont’d) • Farmers are the central partners in the whole framework. • They have to learn and practice the new techniques ofplanting materialmultiplicationanddistribution. • Thiswillbedonethroughfarming field schools. • Genderanalysiswillbeintegrated in all activities and at all levels


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