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IN OPPOSITION OR IN HARMONY? “Religion and science are opposed…but only in the same sense as that in which my thumb and forefinger are opposed- and between the two, one can grasp everything.” Sir William Bragg
Religion and Science:Two Sides Of One Coin Warm summer evenings in Greece in the 4th century B.C. Democritus¹: 460-370 B.C. “Atomic system” wandering lights in the night sky, (GK. “planetes”, “wanderers”). Stationary grains of sand on the sea shore, (“atomos”, “atoms” meaning “indivisible” or “unbreakable). Aristotle: 384-322 B.C. The father of science. Knowing the physical world inexorable leads to knowing the existence of God & His qualities. (“physika”, “physics”, Gk. “of nature”, “to bring forth”). Four elements, each with their unique place & duty in the universe² Everything held in it’s place, whether fixed or in motion, by eternal natural laws, ordained by God.
Religion and Science:Two Sides Of One Coin I really admire people of strong loyal faith. “No one knows what they do not know” Fred Hoyle. (As scientific facts moved him from atheism to agnostisim to Christianity.) “Who can learn anything knew and not find it a shock” John Wheeler. Some animists reject the germ theory of medicine. It is still true.
DARK MATTER & ENERGY OR SPIRITUAL MATTER & ENERGY? • Whatever one calls it, we now know that @ 96% of the “Stuff”, mass¹ in the universe is not visible to us. We only see the gravitational effects of 23%. • Whatever one calls it, we now know that 73% is energy¹ in the universe that is not visible to us. We know that it is there because at scales larger than galaxies it overcomes Gravity². • It really is meaningless to try to distinguish between physical & spiritual matter & energy. It is a distinction without a difference. This makes them the same⁴. It does not make either of them unreal.
Religion and Science:Two Sides Of One Coin • Peter Abelard: 1079-1142 Si et non. The nature of Canon, (Authority¹) & it’s limits. • William of Occam²: 1285-1349 Occam's two edged Razor, (scalpel) : Canon + reason. • Galileo: 1564-1642 & Isaac Newton : (1642 -1727) Canon + reason + Observation & experimentation. • Robert Boyle, 1627-1691: Experimental epistemology. • John Locke: 1632-1704: Philosophical epistemology. • Immanuel Kant: 1724-1804: Pure reason. • P. P. Pratt: 1855 The key to the science of theology.
Religion and Science:Two Sides Of One Coin A warm summer evening in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, 1665. Isaac Newton Jr. (1642 -1727, noticed an apple fall from a tree. At arms length the apple appeared about as big as the moon appeared that evening¹. Newton wondered why the moon was not also falling². His discoveries changed the world in many ways! His discovery of the Gravitational Force ended the age of materialism³ & randomness. There was more than “atoms and the void.” God did not need myriad angels to push the moon & planets around⁴. Similar natural laws might govern everything, including mankind⁵.
Religion and Science:Two Sides Of One Coin • 57 centuries vs. 3 centuries. • Special & Natural revelation*. • An apparent conflict between them about “what and how” is resolved by Newton, (1642-1727) before it became popular: • The Principia: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1687: Discovering God’s Laws neither limits Him, nor eliminates Him, It gives us deep, profound insight into Him.
Religion and Science: Two Sides Of One Coin The division between physical objects & laws and spiritual objects & laws is a myth, unrecognized by God, & great scientists throughout history! Notice how often symbols of spiritual laws, i.e. “π”,(the compass) “²“, ”³”, “r²”, etc. appear alone, and in combination, within so many, so called “physical” laws, “discovered” millennia after the “spiritual” symbols and laws had been revealed!
EpistemologyWhat is Knowable? • There are eternal, universal, unchanging, objective Truths¹, (Facts)! Everywhere! Always! • Three very different types of Truth (Facts): • Definitional: Bachelors are single because that is how we define the word. Everywhere! Always! • Logical/Mathematical: 2 + 2 = 4! Everywhere! Always! • Empirical/Existential: Water is H² O¹ & it’s triple point is 0° C at one atmosphere of pressure! Everywhere! Always!
Things aren't always what they seem: • What goes up must come down? • The Bigger they are, the harder & faster they fall? • Does the sun rise in the East & set in the West? • Is the chair you are sitting on solid & still? • Are you sitting on it at all? • Are your feet on the floor? • Is grass green? But there are eternal, universal, unchanging, objective Truths, (Facts)! Everywhere! Always!
Objective vs. subjective truth: Thinking, speaking & writing on this subject is often muddled and/or unreasonable. Truth is not subjective if it meets the criteria of slide # 11. Subjective truth arguments are often the victim of circular reasoning. If Relativists claim that all truth is subjective and therefore personal & relative, than this set, “all truth” includes their own claims of universal “subjective relativity” and the rest of humanity has no reason to give any heed to it. Their arguments concerning their universe being without objective truth says nothing at all about my universe! If they have an argument about my universe, (or our universe) that argument would need to be objectively true. If they can objectively know this, (Inductively reasoning from their subjectivity, first to mine, then to universal subjectivity) at least one truth is objectively knowable and other truth may also be knowable.
Objective vs. subjective truth: This would defeat their argument of universal subjectivity! This assertion is also demonstrably false! (see slide # 11) What I know & how sure I am that I know it is the object as well as the subject of epistemology. It is silly nonsense to dismiss as “subjective truth,” truth claims that one has not yet subjected to rigorous tests of epistemological responsibility: “Your belief that a man walked on the moon is only your subjective truth because I don’t know that it’s true? The Nazi holocaust was immoral is only your subjective truth because not everyone agrees?” The whole purpose of epistemology is to rigorously test and determine if one can know things and how certain one can be. To dismiss something as “subjective truth” is to beg the question and to deprive oneself of both the process & the product of knowing! This is surely one of the defining qualities and one of the noblest attributes of humanity!
Epistemology How can I know Truth? “Some ideas are so bad, they are not even wrong.” Enrico Fermi. “It is better to be wrong, than to be vague.” Freeman Dyson. • Sense & Non Sense¹: “Canoes, pancake covered dog houses, and ice cream that doesn’t have legs.” • Dogmatism & sorcery: Repeating things authoritatively doesn’t make them true. • Magical/wishful thinking¹: Much of atheism and materialism is magical and\or wishful thinking. • If you call a dog’s tail his leg²… your thoughts and your words are muddled and wrong. • Falsifiability: The truth claims of Christianity ³are completely factual, testable, provable (Falsifiable).
Epistemology How can I know Truth? • Can I appeal to authority? Relying on a source that we trust is the oldest and still by far the most common way of knowing or making sure. • Can I reason through it? Does 2+2=4? • Can I observe it? • Can I experiment and test it? (Can I make certain it is true?) • Can I “feel it” or “know it in my heart”? • Can God tell me it is true? (Can He make me certain It is true?)
TOLSTOY & BACON “I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth, if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which have been woven, thread by thread into the fabric of our lives.” Tolstoy “The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion…draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects or despises.” Bacon
Uni-verse or Cosmos? • Are There Universal Laws, (Equations)? • Are There Universal Constants? • Are There Universal Elements? • Are There Universal Forces • We do not live in an (exclusively) material world! • We live in a Universe, with Eternal Laws, Constants, Elements, (materials) and Forces. • They are the Typical God: Eternal, unchanging, omniscient, omnipotent, & omnipresent!
Uni-verse or Cosmos? Taken together as a whole, They posses all of the godly qualities such as: The “Omni’s,” Being eternal, unchanging, just, loving, merciful, wise, beautiful, etc. For Christians these truths & Jesus Christ are the typical God! Jesus typifies these truths and they typify Him! Everyone, including Agnostics & Atheists agree these truths are sacred and should be understood, (known) and obeyed! The typical God is an empirical, existential fact! Usually it is only a personal “token” God, and whether He intervenes, that agnostics doubt & atheists deny. The Christian God is also a personal “token” God, who does intervene, but we are already half way to complete agreement! This is enough agreement for everyone to be a religious person of “faith,” and pursue a life-long spiritual journey¹!
There Are Universal Constants! • There are hundreds of precise Fundamental Constants in our universe. They must be EXACT: • Never more. Never less. • No where more. No where less. • Never different. No where different. • “Who can learn anything new and not find it a shock?” John Wheeler • It is helpful to regularly review even our most fundamental understandings in light of our most recent discoveries.
There Are Universal Constants! Just Six Numbers that control our universe! (Sir Martin Rees) • N = EM/G = @ 1x10³⁵: The strength of the electrical mag-netic force that holds atoms in their places within molecules, divided by the gravitational force pulling them together, = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! • ε = 0.007*: Determines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together, how atoms are made, which atoms & how many of each atom are made, & it controls the sun’s power. • Ω = Σm\G = @ .3: The total amount of material in the uni-verse, both what we can see, (stars, planets etc.) and the “spirit-ual” matter, (“Dark matter”) that we cannot see divided by the gravitational force . This balances the gravity, (G) and expansion energy of the universe,(Λ) .
There Are Universal Constants! Just Six Numbers that control our universe! (Sir Martin Rees) • Λ = @ 0.7: The expansion energy of the universe expressed in relationship to # 3¹. This results in a slow steady expansion of 70.4 +/- 1.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec. • Q = Σrme* /G: The gravitational force divided by the expansion energy of the universe, Λ : @ 1x10¯5 = 1/100,000. • D = 3. The number of dimensions in space-time.
There Are Universal Constants! Seven correlate to the Forces that control our universe. • Gravitational: G = 6.6725985 x 10¯¹¹m³kg¯¹s¯². • EM: Elementary Charge: ε = 1.6021773349 x 10¯¹⁹C. 1 eV = 1.6021892 x 10¯¹⁹ J & 1.7826759 x 10¯³⁶ kg. • Week: Ratio: mp/ mₑ = 1836.15152; E=MC² • Strong: Atomic mass unit: amu = 1.6605655 x 10¯²⁷kg. E=MC² Λ: = The expansion energy of the universe. This results in a slow steady expansion of 70.4 +/- 1.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec. • Fc = Equation. • (Agape) = Equation.
There Are Universal Constants! • Speed of Light: C = 2.99792458 x 10⁸ m s¯¹. • Plank’s: h = 6.626075540 x 10 ¯³⁴ Js, or J/Hz. The ratio of the smallest possible unit, (A quantum) of energy, to its frequency: E = hv. • Dirac’s ħ = h/2π = 1.0545887 x 10 ¯³⁴ Js. This derivative of Plank’s Constant is helpful in physics. • Plank’s Length: Lp = √(Għ/C³) = @ 10¯³⁵m. The distance at which quantum mechanics must compliment classical gravity. • Plank’s Time: Tp= √(Għ/C⁵) = @ 10¯⁴³s. How long it takes a photon to travel Plank’s Length.
There Are Universal Constants! • Plank’s : Mass: Mp = √(ħc/G) = @ 10¯⁸kg. The mass of a particle whose Compton wavelength is equal to Planks length. • Permittivity of vacuum: Eo = 8.85418782 x 10¯¹² c²/Jm. F = Q₁Q₂/r²4πεₒ. A ratio of electric displacement, used with insulators. • Permeability of vacuum: µₒ= 1/EoC² = 1.2566370614 x 10¯⁶ H/m = 4π x 10¯⁷ H m ¯¹. A ratio of magnetic flux. • Avogadro’s¹ NA = 6.022136736 x 10²³ mol¯¹. The number of atoms or molecules in one mole of substance.
There Are Universal Constants! • Electron Mass at rest: mₑ = 9.109389754 x 10 ¯³¹ kg. • Proton Mass¹ at rest: mp = 1.6726485 x 10¯²⁷ kg. • Neutron Mass¹ at rest: mn = 1.6749286 x 10¯²⁷ kg. • Atomic mass Constant: mg = 1.6605402 x 10¯²⁷ kg. • Electron charge to mass ratio: ε/mₑ = 1.7588047 x 10¹¹ C/kg. • Bohr Radius: aₒ = 4πεₒh²/ mₑe² = 0.52917706 x 10¯¹⁰ m. A unit of length to measure atoms. • Faraday Constant: ₣ = Nₐε = 9.648530929 x 10⁴ C/mol. The electric charge carried by one mole of electrons.
There Are Universal Constants! • Coulomb Constant: C = k = 8.9875 x 10⁹ N x m²/C². • Fine-structure Constant: [μ₀c²/ 4π](e²ħc) = a¯' = 137.0360411. • Muon mass: mμ = 1.8825327 x 10¯²⁸ kg. • Ratio of muon mass to electron mass: 206.7686547. • Bohr magneton: μB = eħ/2mε= 9.274078 x 10¯²⁴ J/T. A unit for measuring very small magnetism. • Molar Gas Constant: R = 8.31451070 JK¯¹ mol¯¹. Relating to the relationship between temperature, pressure, and volume of a gas.
There Are Universal Constants! • Boltzmann constant: kB = 1.38065812 x 10¯²³ j/k¯¹. The ratio of the gas constant to #20. • Gas Volume: Vm = 8.31441 J/mol K. • Nuclear magneton: μN = eħ/2mp = 5.0508248 x 10¯²⁷ J/T. Another unit for measuring very small magnetism. • Free electron g factor: gₑ = 2 x 1.0011596567. Relating to qualities of metals. • Classical electron radius: [μ₀c²/ 4π](e²/ mₑc²) = a³/ 4π R∞.
There Are Universal Constants! • Rydberg: R∞ = 1.0973731 x 10⁷m¯¹, = µₒ²me⁴c³/8h³. Related to the atomic spectra and the binding energy between an electron and a nucleon & related to other Constants. • Loschmidt: L = NA /Vm = 2.68676323 x 10²⁵m¯³. The number of particles per mm³ of an ideal gas at sea level. • Stefan-Boltzmann: σ = 5.6705119 x 10¯⁸ W m¯² K¯⁴. Related to the total amount of radiated heat energy excluding light. E = σT⁴. • Thomson cross section: (8/3)πrₑ² = σₑ = 0.665244833 x 10¯²⁸m². 44-227 for the 184 Elemental Constants, (Atomic weight & number for the 92 natural elements) Etc. Ad infinitum.
There Are Universal Elements! • There are 92 natural elements, distinct atoms, in our universe. They each have their own distinct atomic number and their own distinct atomic weight. • Never more. Never less. • No where more. No where less. • Never different. No where different.
There Are Universal Elements! • Paley¹ observed that if one discovered a watch among iron ore, correctly set & keeping proper time, one would know that a watchmaker had created it. (1802) • Now that we know how God made the elements, 90 of 92 forged in the furnace of giant stars, not only are the “creations” “Paley’s Watch”, but the ingredients used to build the “Watch” are also “Paley’s Watch”. • To discover something brilliantly, even exquisitely designed, creatively and skillfully constructed, currently operating with minutely tuned precision, and think it had no Creator, is as Schopenhauer observed, “Not merely mistaken, but stupid.” (1860)
There Are Universal Forces! The True meaning of Omnipotence: Beyond passive Laws that cannot be broken¹, there are powerful Laws, Forces, that literally, physically force their influence upon us! This is A fundamental misunderstanding of disobedience! We do not ever break God’s laws, we sometimes break ourselves against them! “Obedience” is from a Greek word, ”hpakono”² through Latin, (ob oedire “toward + hearing”) meaning “to listen”. • Gravitational: Newton: G.F. = G x M₁ X M₂ \d². • Electromagnetic ³: Faraday/Maxwell: EM= Δ x E = - ∂B/∂T.
There Are Universal Forces! • WEAK: Bohr, Curies, et. al. : Δm = (mp + mn) – md. X C². • STRONG: Beth, Oppenheimer, et. al. : ¹₁H + ¹₁H → ²₁H + °₁e + v. ¹₁H + ²₁H → ³₂He + ϒ. (followed by either) ¹₁H + ³₂He → ⁴₂He + °₁e + v x C², or ³₂He + ³₂He → ⁴₂He + ¹₁H + ¹₁H x C². • LAMBDA: Λ = @ 0.7: Hubble & Vera Rubin et al.: The expansion energy of the universe. This results in a slow steady expansion of 70.4 +/- 1.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec. • FEIGENBAUM’s Constant of Chaos: (Fc = Equation). • AGAPE (LOVE OF GOD-LIGHT OF CHRIST): (F=L*L₁*L₂/wfv²* if/s²). Where F = force, L = love, wvf = wave frequency variation, if = incidence frequency.
Gravitational Force F = G x M₁ X M₂ \d². • God uses gravity to hold many things in the universe in their exact proper places, in a very complex interdependent dance. • Man uses gravity to hold satellites in orbit with great skill & exact calculations for a few years. To believe God did not place the earth and moon into a much more precise orbit for billions of years: Now that is an act of Blind faith*! • Where did Newton get this knowledge? According to his testimony, The Christian God revealed this to him! And a great deal more! Newton was perhaps the greatest scientist who ever lived. His Christian devotion is second to none. His discoveries changed the world. Shall we ignore other things he learned, and how he learned them? Is it better to have one article, or continuing access to the Internet?
Gravitational Force F = G x M₁ X M₂ \d². G = 6.6725985 x 10¯¹¹m³kg¯¹s¯². • Sometimes we rebel and disobey gravity, injuring or killing ourselves and/or others. • Sometimes our disobedience makes our burdens greater and our lives harder. • The ‘Thou Shalt not’s’ in scripture protect us from these errors¹. • The lever, pulley & Wheel-barrow are examples of simple obedience to God’s law of gravity that makes our lives easier². • Satellites are an example of a higher order of obedience to gravity, making possible many ‘miracles’ that seem magical to those who do not know these laws or refuse to obey them³.
Electromagnetic Force EM= Δ x E = - ∂B/∂T.¹ • God uses the EM force to hold molecules together and to animate all life. It is the basis of all chemistry! • Man uses the EM force for virtually all of his technology! In one short elegant concept, Michael Faraday, a humble Christian bookbinder, with no formal education, “discovers” the one law that describes both the generator and the motor in a single line! Where did he get this knowledge? According to his testimony, the Christian God revealed this to him! And a great deal more!
Electromagnetic Force EM= Δ x E = - ∂B/∂T. Michael Faraday & James Maxwell were two of the greatest scientists of their generation, two of the greatest scientists of the 19th Century! Their discoveries in physics changed the world! (lights, TV, radio, phones, Computers, Electricity!) Faraday & Maxwell were very devout Christians. They were the pioneering giants of electromagnetism. Christians both, they credit Him, God, with revealing the nature of electromagnetism to them. Shall we ignore both from whom they learned it and how?
WEAK E=MC² • God uses the weak force to hold atoms together. It is also an exactly accurate and eternal time keeping device, (radioactive decay). • Man uses the weak force to keep time in the present, and to date artifacts from the past. • A “type” & “token” of Paley’s Watch¹ is kept by the U.S Navy in Colorado! It is Cesium 133, the “guts” of an Atomic clock! • Man also uses the weak force to generate electricity, in medicine, and to make bombs. • Shall we trust the watch and deny and/or ignore the watchmaker?
STRONG E=MC² • God starts with a variation of this most famous equation: M = E/C². • He takes gas, hydrogen, (Mass, “M”) and using an invention far more ingenious then our Hydrogen Bomb, His sun, He creates light & energy that sustains life on this planet. (Man makes bombs.) • God takes energy, (E) from His sun, and using another ingenious invention, His plants, converts sunlight, (E) back into mass, but not gasses, food for all animals on earth. This application of E = MC², is called: “Photosynthesis”!
LAMBDA Λ = @ 0.7The expansion Force of the universe. • God uses Lambda to balance Gravity on a scale larger than galaxies. This assures that His kingdom will keep growing and never end, expanding eternally at a rate of 70.4 +/- 1.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec. • Λ, Discovered in 1998, has no discernible effect on scales less than a billion light years! • Man does not use this Force.
CHAOS (Fc = Equation) • Called the Constant of “Chaos,” it is in fact the opposite. When all of the facts are known, foreknowledge, (prediction, or prophecy) is possible. • God uses this to accomplish His creating and exalting purposes. • Man plays with it like a toy, but he is starting to use it to predict weather and natural disasters. • This is essential to a true understanding of God’s Sovereignty, omniscience & omnipotence. • The resolution of God’s sovereignty vs. man’s free will.
AGAPE THE PURE LOVE OF GOD • God uses it to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, to bring about man’s three-fold salvation and exaltation, (sanctification). • God uses this to accomplish His creating and exalting purposes. • The q.e.d. of the Atonement. • Man uses it to share in God’s nature, to become one with Him. • Constant: = L=E²*MC² • Equation: (F=L*L₁*L₂/wfv²* if/s²). Where F = force, L = love, wvf = wave frequency variation, if = incidence frequency.
Ordinal Set Theory Mohamed Ali and superlatives: Someone is always “The Greatest”. In any defined group or set, for every measureable quality, one member of that group is “most” or “best”. If qualities can be summed, someone is the overall “greatest.” Of all beings currently conscious, one of them is the greatest, (using the Laws, Constants, Forces, & Elements most effectively to bless & serve others). That being is God. For Christians that living being is Jesus Christ! Agnostics & Atheists have simply not been persuasively or effectively introduced to Him, Yet!
Aquinas’ five proofs for the existence of God: Summa Theologiae 1273 • The Argument from change: God is the first unmoved mover- regression. (Aristotle) (1-3 = Cosmological argument¹,) • The Argument from Efficient Causality: God is the greater uncaused agent (cause) of being; beginning & continuing to be for the entire universe² (effect). • The Argument from Time and Contingency: Something cannot come from nothing, therefore God, as the source of all things is an absolutely “necessary” Being. These 3 are logical facts-Truth!
Aquinas’ five proofs for the existence of God: Summa Theologiae 1273 • The Argument from degrees of perfection¹: (Ordinal set theory.) This is both a logical-mathematical fact and a definitional fact -Truth! • The Design Argument²: Paley’s watchmaker 1802. This is a self-evident Empirical/Existential fact -Truth! • The Kalam Argument: The Universe began to exist, whatever caused that is God.
Kreeft’s additional 15summarized 1994 • The Argument from Contingency: Things cannot bring themselves into being¹. • The Argument from the Universe as an interacting whole² (a single ecosystem). • The Argument from personal miracles³: Who here knows of at least one? The argument from historical, well attested miracles: If materialists could explain them, they wouldn’t be miracles!
Kreeft’s additional 15summarized 1994 • The Argument from consciousness¹-Descartes 1637: Independent and creative ideas, will & desire. I Think, therefore God is. • The Argument from Eternal Truth². All of the qualities of God actually exist: Love, Truth, justice, mercy, beauty, wisdom, knowledge power. Collectively they are God. God is the Source of them and the possessor of their perfection. • The ontological Argument: Anselm 1077. This is a philosophical variant of the “Ordinal set theory” argument.
Kreeft’s additional 15summarized 1994 • The Moral Argument: Moral obligation is an objective fact. Where does it come from? • The Argument from Conscience¹: Kantian Sense of “oughtness”,² or goodness 1781³. (C.S. Lewis 1943, et.al. etc.) This is anEmpirical/Existentialfact, Truth, that each of you experimentally verify throughout every day, both in what you know you “ought,” and in what you know you “ought not,” to do, independent of every other factor, regardless of your needs, wants, safety, comfort, everything! Where does this knowledge come from? It comes from God! “Denial” is not only a river in Egypt! • The Argument from the origin of the idea of God⁴. Descartes 1637.
Kreeft’s additional 15summarized 1994 • The Argument from deep desire or longing: We only deeply desire real things. We deeply desire God¹. • The Argument from Aesthetic Experience- beauty². • The Argument from individual religious experience³: Common & not, (Eye witness testimony). The Argument from group religious experience: Common & not, (Eye witness testimonies).
Kreeft’s additional 15summarized 1994 • The Argument from common consent* -democracy: Consensus of almost all people, of every culture, in every social & educational class, from every era of history that there is a personal or “Token” God who intervenes (answers prayers). • Pascal’s Wager ¹1669.
20 more, 40 in all • The Arguments from Scripture¹ (prophecies, historical accuracies, scientific knowledge, candor etc.). • The Argument from Jesus Christ²: The prophesies concerning Him. His pre-mortal ministry. His Virgin birth. His sinless life. His ransom, vicarious, propitious, atoning, sacrificial death. His literal, physical, historical resurrection. His post-mortal role in, and influence on humanity³! Jesus: Mad, Bad, or God (Lord, Lunatic, Liar, Myth, or guru⁴. C.S. Lewis, Kreeft). • Bayesian or cumulative statistical probability arguments.