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Present simple. Questions. Form of the question. How do we form the present simple question ? How do we form the present simple question in case of the 3rd singular ?. Do +. s ubject +. v erb (infinitive) +. …. Does +. s ubject +. verb (infinitive) +.
Presentsimple Questions
Formofthequestion • How do weformthepresentsimplequestion? • Howdo weformthepresentsimplequestion in case ofthe3rd singular? Do + subject + verb (infinitive) + … Does + subject + verb (infinitive) + …
Revision • 1. Rozumíš tomu? _______________________________________________________________ • 2. Kdy (on) chodí do postele? _______________________________________________________________ • 3. Mluví (ona) anglicky? _______________________________________________________________ • 4. Kde studuješ? _______________________________________________________________ • 5. Proč kouří (oni)? _______________________________________________________________ • 6. Co si o tom myslíš? _______________________________________________________________ • 7. Jak často chodíš do kina? _______________________________________________________________ • 8. Proč ti nepomůže (on)? _______________________________________________________________ • 9. Piješ ráno čaj? _______________________________________________________________ • 10. Co se mu líbí? _______________________________________________________________
Solution Do youunderstandit? • 1. Rozumíš tomu? • _______________________________________________________________ • 2. Kdy (on) chodí do postele? • _______________________________________________________________ • 3. Mluví (ona) anglicky? • _______________________________________________________________ • 4. Kde studuješ? • _______________________________________________________________ • 5. Proč kouří (oni)? • _______________________________________________________________ • 6. Co si o tom myslíš? • _______________________________________________________________ • 7. Jak často chodíš do kina? • _______________________________________________________________ • 8. Proč ti nepomůže (on)? • _______________________________________________________________ • 9. Piješ ráno čaj? • _______________________________________________________________ • 10. Co se mu líbí? • _______________________________________________________________ Whendoes he go to bed? DoesshespeakEnglish? Where do you study? Why do theysmoke? What do youthinkaboutit? Howoften do you go to thecinema? Whydoes not he help you? Do you drink tea in themorning? Whatdoes he like?
Evaluation • 10 points – 9 points = 1 (excellentmark) • 8 points – 7 points = 2 (verygoodmark) • 6 points – 4 points = 3 (goodmark) • 3 points – 2 points = 4 (sufficientmark) • 1 point – 0 point = 5 (insufficient/failmark)
Questions • When do weyou use doandwhendoes in thequestion? • Why do not we use theending –s in the 3rd formofthe verb in thequestion? • How do weformthepositive (declarative) presentsimple sentence? • How do weformthenegativepresentsimple sentence?
Answers • We use do in case ofpronounI, you, we, they. We use does in case ofhe, she, it. • We do not use –sendingbecausethereisalreadytheworddoeswhichtellsusitisthe 3rd person singular. • Thestructureofthe positive presentsimple sentence is: subject + verb + … • Thestructureofthe negative presentsimple sentence is: subject + do/does + not + verb + …
Zdroj: http://zaazu.com/155-bye-bye-male-smiley.html, 15. 3. 2012, 12:41