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Getting started in Perl: Intro to Perl for programmers. Matthew Heusser – xndev.com - matt@xndev.com Presented to the West Michigan Perl User’s Group. Why use Perl?. Discuss. Getting Perl. www.activestate.com The easy way to get started in Windows
Getting started in Perl:Intro to Perl for programmers Matthew Heusser – xndev.com - matt@xndev.com Presented to the West Michigan Perl User’s Group
Why use Perl? • Discuss
Getting Perl • www.activestate.com • The easy way to get started in Windows • www.cpan.org (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) • If you have Linux, chances are you have Perl • Both support modules for almost everything imaginable.
My first Perl script #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; print "Hello, world\n";
Variables in Perl • Scalars start with a $ ex: $foo • Arrays start with a @ ex: @foo • Hashs (Associative arrays) start with % ex: %foo • By convention file handles are UPPERCASE (no funny character). • “my” gives variable lexical (local) scope. Use this unless you have reason for some other scope.
Scalars • A Scalar begins with a $ • A Scalar holds a single string, number or reference. • Unitialized scalars are undef. • Examples: • my $num = 3.1412; • $str = "This is a string";
Type Safe • Perl is a loosely-typed language • To make a string, evaluate the scalar in string context • Example: if ($a eq ‘Fifty’) { do_stuff($a); } • To make a number, evaluate as a number • Example: if ($a == 50) { do_stuff($a); } • Conversion is like ATOI • To guarantee output, use prinft or sprintf
Some control structures • Use {} (Curlies) to declare what your control strucuture is working with. Like BEGIN/END in PL/SQL or Pascal. • Usual “if”-”elsif” (note missing e), “while”, and “for” structures. • Also supports “unless” (!if), “until” (!while), and foreach strucutures. • “next;” is like “continue;” in C. • “last;” is like “break;” in C.
Boolean context • The scalars: “” (null string), 0, “0”, and undef evaluate to false, everything else evalutates to true. • Lists are put into scalar context, then evaluated for truth value. Zero length lists, and undef arrays evalute to false, all other lists are true.
Some operators • Perl supports the usual +,-,*,/,%,++,-- (add, substract, multiply, divide, modulo, increment, decrement). • . (period) concatenates strings. • C style “+=”, “.=” etc. are supported. • Use ==, !=, >, >=, <, <= to compare numbers • Use eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le to compare strings • All the usual operators are available, but the syntax may be weird.
Basic I/O • STDIN is a file • To read from a file, do this: my $str = <STDIN>; Control-Z is the EOF symbol on windows • To re-direct STDIN from a file, do this: UNIX: perl scriptname.pl < in.txt Win: type in.txt | perl scriptname.pl • To loop until EOF, do this: while (my $str = <FILEHANDLE>) { }
Exercise 1) Write a program to add two scalar variables together and print the total. 3) Write a program to: • Read three numbers from the command line • Add them up • Print the total 2) Mod the program to also print an average
Arrays • Array names begin with a @ • Arrays are composites of scalars that are indexed with numbers beginning with 0. • Arrays are named Lists. Subtle differences exist between Arrays and Lists. • Examples: • my @stuff = (1,2,3); # use @ for the composite • $stuff[0] = 10; # use $ for a single element (scalar) • $stuff[99] = “Numbers and strings can be mixed”;
Iterating over a list for (my $i=0; $i< scalar(@a);$i++) { do_something($a[$i]); } for my $val (@a) { do_something($val); }
Push and Pop my @a; push (@a, 2); push (@a, 3); my $var = pop(@a); • Remember, lists are automatically managed • A stack using arrays is now trivial • I sure wish I had this for the AP computer science A test!
Exercises 1) Write a program to: • Read three numbers from the command line • … Into a list • Loop and re-print the numbers • Print the total 2) Print the numbers in reverse • It’s ok to use a c-style for loop
Hashes • Hash names begin with % • Hashes are composites of scalars that are indexed with scalars. • Hashes are unordered. • Example: my %employee; $employee{"name"} = "Bill Day"; $employee{"SSN"} = "353-27-7625"; print $employee{"name"}, $employee{"SSN"} • - Outputs: Bill Day353-27-7625
Scalar vs List Context • In an assignment, context is determined by left side of equal sign. • An array in scalar context evaluates to length of the array: $len = @stuff; • (parenthesis) will put a scalar into list context: ($thing) = @stuff; # assigns $stuff[0] to $thing. • Psudeo-function “scalar” can be used to to force a list into a scalar. Example: scalar(@stuff);
Quotes in Perl • 'Ordinary quotes' • "Interpolated quotes - $vars exapanded\n", This is my favorite.. • `execute a “shell”` command and return the result as a string. my $var = " test "; print " $var\n", '$var\n'; Outputs: test $var\n
Iterating over a hash #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; ... my $key, $value, %hash; ... while (($key, $value) = each %hash) { print $key $value "\n"; }
$_ is the default variable Example: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my @array = ("a", "b", "c"); # the following 2 loops are equivalent foreach my $element (@array) { print $element; } foreach (@array) { print; } Pronouns in Perl
Regular Expressions • Much like SED • if (/Bill Day/) # evaluate $_, true if it contains string. • if ($var =~ /Bill Day/) # evalute $var for string. • $var =~ s/Bill/William/; # substitue the 1st occurance of “Bill” with “William” in $var. • Lots of special characters: ., ?, *, +, (, ), [, ], | ^, \, {, }, • One of the most powerful features of Perl. • Unfortunately beyond the scope of this talk.
I/O in Perl • open IN, "name"; # open “name” for reading. • open HANDLE, "<name"; # same thing. • open OUT, ">output”; # create or truncate file for output. • open LOG, ">>logfile "; # append or create file for output. • close HANDLE; # When done with file. • All the POSIX “C” style stuff works.
I/O in Perl Continued • <HANDLE> # (diamond operator) to read a line from the file. • print HANDLE "string"; # prints to file. Note: no comma between HANDLE and string. • <> with no handle reads each file given on the command line, else if command line blank STDIN. Just like you want your standard Unix utility to do.
Errors and warnings • die "meltdown in progress"; # message to STDERR for fatal errors (exits program). • warn "your shoe is untied."; # message to STDERR for non-fatal warnings.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; open ORIGINAL, "<original " or die " cannot open 'original': $!"; while (<ORIGINAL>) { s/William/Bill/g; # substitute Bill for William globally print; } close ORIGINAL; Putting it all together
Where to get help • In shell: perldoc perl • In shell: perldoc perlre • www.perl.com • www.cpan.org • www.activestate.com • grand-rapids.pm.org
Review • Perl is the premier open source high performance cross platform enterprise class object oriented language that holds together the world wide web. • There's more than one way to do it – TMTOWTDI (Pronounced “Tim-Toady”) • Perl makes Easy things easy, and hard things possible. • Questions?
Exercises: 1) Create a hash; write a program to loop through a hash and print all hash pairs. 2) Write a program to read some numbers in from STDIN. stopping when the user types in 'quit', and print the total. 3) Write a program to read in some words from the command line, replacing Matthew with Matt, and re-print the words back onto the command line.