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"The Bet"

"The Bet". By: Anton Chekhov. "The Bet". By: Anton Chekhov 1 2 3 caprice compulsory ethereal

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"The Bet"

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Presentation Transcript

  1. "The Bet" By: Anton Chekhov

  2. "The Bet" By: Anton Chekhov 1 2 3 caprice compulsory ethereal comely emaciated frivolous 4 5 6 illusory indiscriminately posterity implore pluck principally 7 8 9 procured siren speculation renounce spar theology 10 11 treatise zealously trifle

  3. 1 Caprice • An impulsive change of mind. Employees have complained of being at the mercy of the manager's every whim and caprice.

  4. 1 Comely • Pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive • Some……(All) people can describe Megan Fox as comely.

  5. 2 Compulsory required; mandatory; obligatory The ice skater received a higher score on the compulsories than on her freestyle performance.

  6. 2 Emaciated To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation. After being lost on the mountain for two weeks without food, the climber was found, emaciated but otherwise in good health.

  7. 3 Ethereal “She was considered an ethereal beauty.” Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible.

  8. Frivolous The poker player was frivolous with his money and gambled it all away. 3 lack of seriousness

  9. Illusory 4 - causing illusion; deceptive; misleading. The picture on the wall seemed to possess characteristics of illusory

  10. 4 Implore - to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat I implore you, therefore, I need your help.

  11. Indiscriminately - lacking in care 5 I choose my friends indiscriminately.

  12. Pluck courage 5

  13. 6 Posterity • all descendants of one person

  14. 6 Principally • mainly or most importantly

  15. 7 Procured -The monkey procured the Pringles. To obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means.

  16. 7 Renounce To give up or put aside voluntarily. “Your Resume looks great, Mr. Fenster, but you’ll have to renounce disco.”

  17. 8 Siren One of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.

  18. 8 Spar • Nautical . a stout pole such as those used for masts, etc.; a mast, yard, boom, gaff, or the like.

  19. 9 Speculation • a single instance or process of consideration. “I’m tired of all of these speculations about the economy.”

  20. 9 Theology • the study of religious truths. “ He liked learning about Gods, so he signed up for Theology.”

  21. 10 Treatise • a formal work on a subject, concerning principles and conclusions. • A formal agreement or published essay

  22. Trifle 10 • An article or thing of very little value. • A little white lie.

  23. 11 Zealously in a passionate manner; "she worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project"

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