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APOSTOLIC GOVERNMENT. Restoration of the FIVE FOLD MINISTRY and SAINTS MOVEMENT. The Early Church. - moved in the power and authority through theocratic government (God’s rule), not democracy. Restoration of Apostolic Government.
The Early Church - moved in the power and authority through theocratic government (God’s rule), not democracy.
Restoration of Apostolic Government God wants to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministries which have been lost through religion. (5-fold ministry: Ephesians 4:11) Mobilising the whole body of Christ
Historical Overview Early Church Dark Ages → Revival → End Time Church 5-fold ministry: State Church 5-fold ministry 3-fold ministry apostles apostles prophets prophets evangelists evangelistsevangelists pastors pastors pastors teachers teachers teachers THEOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC THEOCRATIC PENITENCE → REPENTANCE ‘sin conscious’ Denominations → Unity of the Spirit
Church History About every 500 years there is a shift in the Church: AD 0-500 apostolic leadership: anointed, powerful in spreading the gospel • structural church Constantine: State Church Dark Ages false teaching: ‘salvation through works’ 1500-2000 Reformation Martin Luther ‘salvation by faith’ 2000- ‘Third Day’ Church apostolic-to take the End Time harvest Seek the face of God to prepare the Bride of Christ Refining through trials Latter and former rain Kindling the FIRE (Ezekiel 20:46-48) together (Joel 2:23) Refreshing in the FLOOD ( Ezekiel 47)
1400 ‘s John Huss got the bible into the hands of the people He spoke prophetically as he was burned at the stake: ‘You can cook this goose but there is a swan coming whose feathers you will not be able to singe.’ This was fulfilled in1500’s Martin Luther - repentance from dead works
William Tyndale Translated the Bible into English enabling ordinary people to read it for themselves.
The Start the Reformation Martin Luther a Catholic priest, re-discovered Salvation by Faith
The church had to contend for the doctrine of salvation through faith. The mind had to be renewed in order to see truth. • 1800’s John Wesley –‘Holiness Movement’. Joy of hymn singing Spurgeon, Moody • 1900’s Pentecostal Movement Azusa Street. Speaking in tongues. • 1950’s ‘Laying on of hands’ for healing. Charismatic Movement. T.L. Osborne, Oral Roberts etc • 2000’s Resurrection of the dead to be fulfilled by the ‘Third Day church’(Hosea 6:2) • Moving in the Spirit by revelationnot religion. • Seeking the face of God not his hand. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
1800’s John Wesley Preacher and Evangelist Started the Holiness Movement
Old Wine Skin New Wine Skin (Matthew 9:17) • religion freedom of the Spirit • Pharisee mentality people released into their destiny and gifting • legalism operation of the spiritual gifts • tradition new movements • dead works signs and wonders • maintaining status quo flexible • doctrine of man led by God
Restoration of The Five-Fold Ministry 1. Apostles Characteristics: Governing, warring, fathering & mothering, sending, completing, building 2. Prophets nabi– bubble up or stir the river nataph – those that preach or open up the heaven roeh– those that see shamar– those that watch chozeh– vision prophetes– those that foretell the future or expound with wisdom
The Apostle is a church planter, leader and overseer. An apostle operates in all the five ministry gifts.
Characteristics of True Apostles: • glorify God not themselves • long to see the saints equipped for the work of the kingdom • point to God not man • walk in humility and love • are activators- recognise people’s giftings and release into ministries • install government by God
Prophets or Seers-Announce or pour forth the declarations of God.
Seers - announce or pour forth the declarations of God. Ro'eh and hozeh, are used to designate the prophet, both meaning "one who sees," and sometimes rendered "seer." • The three words occur in 1 Chron 29:29. • Ro'eh occurs twelve times (1 Sam 9:11,18-19; • 2 Sam 15:27; 1 Chron 9:22; 26:28; 29:29; • 2 Chron 16:7,10; Isa 30:10, 1 Sam 3:20; 2 Chron 35:18) • Sometimes prophets are called watchmen • sopim - (Jer 6:17; Ezek 3:17; 33:2,6-7); • shomer, a watchman - (Isa 21:11; 62:6); • ro`eh, "pastoral," a shepherd - (Zech 11:5,16).
Prophets experience Dreams and Visions They may hear God’s voice and demonstrate God’s power in miracles or prophetic acts.
Prophets experience A call from God Direct visitations from God Throne Room or heavenly court visitations Dreams, visions Demonstrations of symbolic acts and living parables The working of miracles Divine writing Divine supernatural discernment
3. Pastors The pastoral office is changing drastically in the new wineskin. • Poimen (Greek) • Roeh (Hebrew – the same as one of the prophet characteristics) Pastoral functions: • Doorkeepers • Watchmen • Gentle and affectionate • Called to comfort, exhort and to warn
The role of the pastor is changing in the new wineskin The main function of a pastors is to watch over/protect/care for the flock/church members. Their primary pastoral role is being restored.
Doctrines needed to perfect the Bride of Christ • repentance from dead works • holiness/sanctification • baptism of the Holy Spirit- the power for service • laying on of hands for healing • resurrection of the dead
The End Time Anointing • The Issachar Anointing: • Understanding Times and Timing of Blessing) • The Biblical Calendar • (Breaking into God’s Cycle ) • Developing the One New Man • (Christianity’s Jewish Roots) • The Spirit and the Bride • (A History of the Moves of the Spirit) • Understanding or Enemy • (the Antichrist System)
A New Anointing Is coming to equip the End Time Church
The Key to entering into the New Anointing • embrace transforming New Thought Patterns • forgive those who have attempted to stop your progress • receive God’s Grace to overcome! • ‘So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit-and this power is mine through Christ Jesus-has freed me from the VICIOUS CIRCLE of sin and death’ • (Romans 8:1-2) • Ref: Cal Pierce’s teaching ‘Healing Wells’ , Spokane.