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慈禧太后的私房密器 Dowager Empress’s Belongings, Ching Dynasty

慈禧太后的私房密器 Dowager Empress’s Belongings, Ching Dynasty . Oct.18-09 Produced by Katherine Lai Kit Li 李麗潔改编 中譯英 廣 東音樂 Cantonese Music : CD 11 (3) 旱 天 雷 4.45 (9) 漢宫秋月 4.23 …………………………………………. 慈禧太后的私房密器 Dowager Empress’s Belongings. 1834 – 1909

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慈禧太后的私房密器 Dowager Empress’s Belongings, Ching Dynasty

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  1. 慈禧太后的私房密器Dowager Empress’s Belongings, Ching Dynasty Oct.18-09 Produced by Katherine Lai Kit Li 李麗潔改编 中譯英 廣東音樂 Cantonese Music : CD 11 (3) 旱天雷4.45 (9)漢宫秋月4.23 …………………………………………

  2. 慈禧太后的私房密器Dowager Empress’s Belongings 1834 – 1909 Ching Dynasty’s last Dowager Empress. in power for 48 years with 3 Emperors under her thumb. 整理 : koping 2007. 06 .16

  3. 慈禧像 ㄧ九零零年 1900 Picture of Dowager Empress CheeHay

  4. 慈禧 便服像 Informal Picture of Dowager Empress CheeHay

  5. 銅鳳 女人慈禧心中的吉祥鳥 Bronze phoenix Was Dowager Empress’s symbol of luck for women

  6. 頥和園沁慶壽圖A Birthday Celebration 頥和園沁慶壽圖 Birthday Celebration

  7. 頥和園沁慶壽圖A Birthday Celebration 頥和園沁慶壽圖 Birthday Celebration

  8. 蘭兒冊封為妃的 “懿妃”冊HerCertificate of being chosen as Royal Concubine

  9. 慈禧執政的”同道堂”. “御賞”印Royal Seals given by dying Emperor – power to Co-rule

  10. 慈禧正式場合用的 [ 慈禧端佑皇太后之寶] Dowager Empress’s Formal Seal

  11. 慈禧正式場合用的”慈禧端佑皇太后之寶” Dowager Empress’s Formal Seal

  12. 慈禧象徵權力用的”慈禧端佑康頤昭豫誠莊壽恭欽獻崇熙皇太后之寶”

  13. 玉如意 Jake Staff

  14. 白玉嵌寶石五蝠如意 White Jade & Jewel Staff

  15. 礬紅青花百蝠筆 Brush

  16. 鏤雕松柏人物白玉筆架 JadeBrush Rack

  17. 雙面貼壽字卷軸筒式紙包ARoll of writing paper

  18. 掐絲琺瑯海水江崖雲龍暖硯盒 Chinese ink-stone warmer (keep ink from frosen)

  19. 紫檀百寶嵌福祿壽文具盒 Sandal wood stationary box

  20. 皇帝大婚喜轎 Queen’s wedding sedan

  21. 宮中掐絲琺瑯 纏枝蓮座萬壽字雲龍燭台

  22. 樂壽堂慈禧太后寢處Dowager Empress’s bed

  23. 澡盆 Bath Tub

  24. 便盆 Toilet

  25. 青玉靈芝洗 LinGee-shaped Jade Hand Basin

  26. 清同治皇帝登基時穿石青緞小朝靴Worn by Emperor ToanGee on ascend to throne

  27. 貴妃鳳冠 KwaiFai’s Hat. KwaiFay is one of many ranks of Royal Concubines Initially Dowager Empress was in the rank of “KwaiFay”. ……………………………….

  28. 清同治時緙絲明黃地彩雲金龍女龍袍 Empress’s Robe worn in ToanGee Emperor period

  29. 杏黃綢氅衣

  30. 明黃綢繡彩雲金龍女朝袍

  31. 清宮女子花盆底鞋Shoes worn by women lived in Ching’s Palace.

  32. 織錦多格梳妝盒Cosmetic Box

  33. 象牙雕花鏡粧 Ivory cosmetic box

  34. 銅粉盒 Bronze powder Box

  35. 畫琺瑯花卉粉盒Powder Box 漢宫秋月 4.23

  36. 琺瑯瓜形胭脂盒Powder Box

  37. 銀粉盒Silver Power Box

  38. 緞綴花銅鏡套 ABag for Bronze Mirror

  39. 銀鍍金嵌珠雙龍點翠頭簪Hair Jewelry

  40. 銀鍍金東升簪Hair Jewelry

  41. 金鑲東珠耳環Ear rings

  42. 碧玉朝珠 Official Dress-up Jade necklect

  43. 珊瑚朝珠 Official Dress-up Coral necklect

  44. 伽楠香木嵌金壽字手串 Sandal Wood bracelet with Longevity characters

  45. 明黃綢 手串袋 Bracelet And Storage Bag

  46. 金 鏨古錢紋指甲套 Gold finger cover

  47. 五毒袋

  48. 折花壽字鈿子

  49. 畫琺瑯開光花鳥手爐Portable heating device

  50. 蟠桃爐 Heating Stove

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