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Road Safety Quiz. Question 1 Which of the following age groups are most likely to be killed or injured as pedestrians in road accidents ?. (A) 3-6 year olds (B) 7-10 year olds (C) 11-14 year olds (D) 15-18 year olds.
Question 1Whichofthefollowing age groups are mostlikely to bekilledorinjured as pedestrians in roadaccidents? (A) 3-6 yearolds (B) 7-10 yearolds (C) 11-14 yearolds (D) 15-18 yearolds
Question 2Ifthere is a roadaccidenton a singlecarriagewayroadwhatshouldyou do first? (A) Makesurethetraffichasstopped in bothdirections (B) Go to help thecasualties (C) Phonetheemergencyservices (D) Drive-by
Question 3 Whatpercentageofroadvictims are pedestrians, cyclists, andmotorycyclists? (A) 50% (B) 10% (C) 80% (D) 30%
Question 4What country has no regulationsonseatbelts? (A) Canada (B) Peru (C) Andorra (D) Bolivia
Question 5Alcohol and driving is a problem because: (A)You might throw up while driving (B) The police might catch you (C) It reduces your reaction time (D) Your brain becomes smaller
Question 6Who shouldwear a seatbelt? (A) Thedriverandanykidsunder 14 (B) Everyone (C) Just the driver (D) The driver andthepassenger
Question 7What does a yellow (amber) traffic light reallymean? (A) Slowdown (B) Stop ifit’s safe to do so (C) Caution (D) Speedupbecausetheredlight’scoming
Question 8In whichofthesecountries canyoudrive whileusingthephone? (A) Switzerland (B) Peru (C) Colombia (D) Isleof Man
Question 9Howold do youhave to be in Brazilto drive a car? (A) 17 (B) 16 (C) 19 (D) 18
Question 10Howmanypeoplewerekilled in accidentsrelatedtousingmobile phoneswhiledriving in oneyear? (A) Around 10,000 (B) Around 3,000 (C) Around 1,000,000 (D) Around 30,000
Question 11What is thepercentageofbikerskilled in 2009 weren’twearing a helmet? (A) 90% (B) 50% (C) 100% (D) 75%
Question 12Statiscally, whichclimate is theworstto drive in? (A) Cloudy (B) Rainy (C) Sunny (D) AllEquallylikely
Question 13Howmanydeathsoccur in roadtraficcrashes per year? (A) 1,300,000 (B) 1,200,000 (C) 2,200,000 (D) 2,300,000
Question 14Using a seatbeltreducestheriskofdeathby: (A) 50% (B) 60% (C) 90% (D) 10%
Question 15Helmets reduce fatal and serious head injuries by up to: (A) 45% (B) 35% (C) 55% (D) 65%
Question 16Howmany 16 yearold drivers haveanaccident in theirfirstyearofdriving? (A) 1/5 (B) 1/3 (C) 1/8 (D) 1/6
Question 17In fatal crashes, 21% ofdistracted drivers are usually: (A) Sleepy (B) Carrying a dog (C)Using a cellphone (D) Changingthe radio station
Question 18Engaging in visual-manual substaskswhiledrivingincreaseriskofgettinginto a crash by: (A) 4 times (B) 3 times (C) 10 times (D) 2 times
Question 19When a driver receives a text message, for how long do his eyes get distracted from the road? (A) 5.2 seconds (B) 4.6 seconds (C) 12 seconds (D) 2.5 seconds
Question 20A driver drivingat 30mph seesanaverageofhowmanypiecesofinformation? (A) 1980 (B) 4530 (C) 610 (D) 1320