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The Faculty of Medicine needs YOU! -How and why the Faculty of Medicine works with science communication 04.04.2013

The Faculty of Medicine needs YOU! -How and why the Faculty of Medicine works with science communication 04.04.2013 Anne Steenstrup-Duch, Head of Communication,DMF. instagram , twitter , facebook : #SMED8005 # NTNUmedicine. Programme update. How?. Twitter.com/ NTNUmedicine.

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The Faculty of Medicine needs YOU! -How and why the Faculty of Medicine works with science communication 04.04.2013

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  1. The Faculty of Medicine needs YOU! -How and why the Faculty of Medicine works with science communication 04.04.2013 Anne Steenstrup-Duch, Head of Communication,DMF

  2. instagram, twitter, facebook : #SMED8005 #NTNUmedicine • Programmeupdate

  3. How? Twitter.com/NTNUmedicine flickr.com/NTNUmedicine Researchers’ night Facebook.com/NTNUmedicine ntnu.no/dmf Forskningstorget Brochures The deans blog Soon: Medical Museum

  4. Media, TV and newspapers

  5. How? • http://blog.medisin.ntnu.no/

  6. Why part 1? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xq3lab_paradise-hotel-einstein_shortfilms -Listen! That f***ingEinsting. Me and Iselin had a f***ing talk about him, and that he was so f***ing smart. (…) Whatdid he invent? - Einstein? Pregancy?* When he sat under theapple-tree and theapple fell down. - No, thatwas Adam. - Was it? - Yes, Adam and Eve youknow! - What?!? Adam?!? - That is noinvention, that is Bible…. - Haha. Butthat Frank… No, Einstein. Did he inventthewheel? *Norwegian: Graviditet=pregnancy vs. tyngdekraft=gravity From realityshow Paradise Hotel, TV3, 2012

  7. Why part 2?

  8. Why part 3:Weworkverydeliberately on communicatingwiththe public becausewebelieve it paysoff: 1. It informsthetaxpayerswhopay for our research – and meansthatweareinvolved in the public debate in a goodway. 2. Being openwithour research findings in a positive wayaffectsdecision makers whochoosewhich research getsfunded. 3. Being in themedia helpsbuild group pride. Ulrik Wisløff, leader CERG

  9. Why part 4: “It is important to for HUNT to be visible in the media, primarily because it builds awareness and knowledge on research in society. At the same time, media shapes the opinion of the public and can build trust, which is vital for public and political support for research and new health studies in the future.” Steinar Krokstad, Head of HUNT, NTNU

  10. Why part 5: ”For medical research (…) public communication is key. People are engaged in their own and their family health (…)” • From Publisere & Presentere, Magne Nylenna

  11. The Faulty of Medicine needs YOU!

  12. You on the web • www.google.com • Update • http://www.ntnu.no/ansatte/trude.flo

  13. Who canhelpyou? • Anne Steenstrup-Duch • Hanne Strypet • More help: http://www.ntnu.no/dmf/adm/dmf/formidling

  14. New blog: http://blog.medisin.ntnu.no/ 04.04.2013 Anne Steenstrup-Duch

  15. Blog? Target groups • http://blog.medisin.ntnu.no/ • Norway: • Potential students + parents • Journalists • Politicians • General public, interested in medicine and research • International • Journalists • Potential job applicants

  16. Blog? Why? • More readers • More journalists pick up stories • A library • More stories, more voices • Lower threshold • Opportunity to elaborate • Learning process • Distribution

  17. Get blogging! Contact: • Anne Steenstrup-Duch • Hanne Strypet

  18. Jøte Toftaker, NRK • The journalist’s perspective: How we see scientists, and what we expect from them. • http://tv.nrk.no/serie/kveldsnytt/nnfa23030613/06-03-2013#t=0s • http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/nrk_trondelag/1.10938809

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