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Computer Based Educational Technology: How Is It Changing the Classroom?

Computer Based Educational Technology: How Is It Changing the Classroom?. What is “Educational Technology”. Educational technology includes any mechanical or electronic device that is used to provide, assist with delivery, or enhance instruction in the classroom. Technology Definition.

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Computer Based Educational Technology: How Is It Changing the Classroom?

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  1. Computer Based Educational Technology: How Is It Changing the Classroom?

  2. What is “Educational Technology” • Educational technology includes any mechanical or electronic device that is used to provide, assist with delivery, or enhance instruction in the classroom

  3. Technology Definition • In the “traditional” sense: • Technology is any mechanical device that can be used to assist in the delivery of instruction • 16 mm projector • Overhead projector • Tape player • Slide projector • etc

  4. Technology Definition • In the “modern” sense • Any mechanical, computerized or computer interfaced device that can be used to assist in the delivery of instruction • Computer • Laserdisc • LCD panel • Scanner • Video projector • etc

  5. What are its weaknesses? • Poorly integrated into the curriculum • Cost • Need to retrain teachers • Lack of courseware

  6. What are its benefits? • New Capabilities • Access • Effectiveness • Discipline

  7. Disadvantages of technology in the classroom • Cost of new equipment • For science, much of the “traditional” laboratory equipment is not compatible with computer technology • Major curriculum revisions are needed for smooth integration of technology into existing programs

  8. Disadvantages of technology in the classroom • There are steep learning curves for teachers and students using the new technology • Realistically, technology must be integrated into the curriculum over a multi-year period

  9. Advantages of technology in the classroom • Technology is the way things are done in the real world • Technology has the potential to: • satisfy a variety of learning styles • remove tedium of data treatment and allows students to concentrate their effort on the interpretation of data • make school/learning a 24 hour - 12 month operation

  10. What is its current state? • Endangered technologies • Typewriters • Film strip • 16 mm film • Film loop • Audio tape • Video tape

  11. What is its current state? • Existing technologies • Laserdiscs (videodiscs, CD-audio, CD-ROM, read/write laserdiscs) • Laserdisc players • Computer networks • Scanners • LCD panels • Video projectors

  12. What is its future? • Teacher as a facilitator • True computer managed instruction • Interactive digital video • Large area educational networks • Virtual reality • Instructional systems that adapt to individual learners • Whatever you can imagine!!!

  13. Technology is here to stay but • Education is being forced to adapt to technology faster than any past educational change • Technology advances are outpacing our ability to verify our educational instincts with carefully designed research

  14. Technology is here to stay but • Technology does not guarantee learning • Fancy bells and whistles may produce a novelty effect which may hide the true effect on the learning process

  15. What are the various types of Computer Based Instruction? • Computer Enhanced Instruction (CEI) • Teacher centered instruction in which the computer is used to supplement, but not deliver instruction • Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) • Teacher centered instruction in which the computer is used to deliver a portion of the new instruction

  16. What are the various types of Computer Based Instruction? • Computer Based Instruction (CBI) • Computer centered instruction in which the teacher is a facilitator for, but not the source of instruction • Computer Managed Instruction (CMI) • Computer centered instruction in which the computer is both the source and facilitator of instruction

  17. Classroom Technology - Level I • Classroom Display • Equipment is in prominent view in the classroom • Technology seldom, if ever, is used • Teacher is fearful of “breaking” the “machine” • Technologically untrained and/or unmotivated staff

  18. Classroom Technology - Level II • Teacher use only • Word processing - Exams, Worksheets, Progress Reports, etc • Spreadsheet - Grades, Laboratory Data Treatment, etc • Database - Grades, Student Information, etc

  19. Classroom Technology - Level III • Technology Enhanced Instruction (Computer Enhanced Instruction or CEI) • Teacher centered instruction in which the technology is used to supplement, but not deliver the instruction • Student contact time with the technology is used as a reward for good performance • Little or no emphasis placed on information presented by the technology

  20. Classroom Technology - Level IV • Technology Aided Instruction (Computer Assisted Instruction or CAI) • Teacher centered instruction in which the technology is used to deliver a portion of the new instruction • Student contact time with the technology varies from little to extensive • Information presented by the technology is an integral part of the curriculum

  21. Classroom Technology - Level V • Technology Based Instruction (Computer Based Instruction or CBI) • Technology centered instruction in which the teacher is a facilitator for, but not the primary source of information • Student contact time with the technology is extensive but not constant • Information presented by the technology is a significant part of the curriculum

  22. Classroom Technology - Level VI • Technology Managed Instruction (Computer Managed Instruction or CMI) • Technology operated instruction in which the technology is both the source and facilitator of information • Student contact time with the technology is constant

  23. Classroom Technology - Level VI • Information presented by the technology is the curriculum • Teacher designs the instruction and is used as a resource by the technology • Technology evaluates the learner and modifies the instruction to best meet the learning styles of the student

  24. The future of education is ours to determine. Computer based educational technology will be an integral part of that future.

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