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LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA METROPOLITAN MEDICAL RESPONSE SYSTEM. Venue-Specific Catastrophic Incident Response Planning Project. Catastrophic Incident Response Planning.
Catastrophic Incident Response Planning • December 2003, Homeland Security Council requests the Department of Homeland Security to develop a mass casualty/mass evacuation focused Catastrophic Incident Response strategy
The Federal Emergency Management Agency was tasked as the lead for this project Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Concept of Operation and Execution Strategy based on as-is capabilities assures that Federal support is provided to an affected venue as fast as possible Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
February 2004, Los Angeles County contacted and asked to participate by developing a Venue-Specific Catastrophic Incident Response Plan Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Goals of Process Identify what exists Identify gaps Validate Federal Plan Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Utilized MMRS planning/documents & National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program documents to provide information for the Catastrophic Incident Response Planning Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Los Angeles Operational Area MMRS • Concept: develop a capability to respond to and manage catastrophic/mass casualty incidents or disasters • Involves coordination of law, fire, and health • Health includes: hospitals, EMS, and Public Health • Approach: planning, training and education, and drills and exercises Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Significant Activities for System Integration and Response (1) • Stakeholders meeting (law-fire-health) 95 • WMD training first responders begins 95/96 • TWG established 96 and TEW 97 • Domestic Preparedness Program to LA 97 • MMST/MMRS Development to LA OA 97 • DP/MMRS WMD training (8hr)of health care begins in 98 (1100 by 99) and (4hr prgm.) for all certified paramedics (2500 by 6/00) • WMD awareness training for all firefighters 98/99 • Frequent HEICS training for hospitals 96-present Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Significant Activities for System Integration and Response (2) • LA DMAT(CA9) 95/NMRTW 96 (CA-2/9) • NMRTW drills frequently with fire & law CA9 & NMRTW are part of a prolonged or pre-staged MMRS response • MMRS Chem FX “Westwind” 3/99: emphasized limited trained fire response for mass casualty decon event & limited force protection (no PPE) • By 2000 DNC 6,000 firefighters (LA Co & City) were trained in mass casualty mass decon (MCMD), programs developed in 1999 • Force Protection Training Program developed & training begins in 2000, taken over by CA State in 2003 Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Significant Activities for System Integration and Response (3) • MMRS Pharm cache at LA+USC MC 1999 • After 9/11/01, LA Bd/Sup allocates funds for special EMS Disaster Unit for trg & resp: 5 additional pharm caches includes radiation decorporation meds & MKI kits for all 260 paramedic units • CDC Bioterrorism Grant to LA Public Health provides further cooperation with law, fire, health –many “benchmarks” similar MMRS Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Significant Activities for System Integration and Response (4) • HRSA Grant to LA EMS provides funds for the hospital component of the MMRS: first year funding of 55 of 81 hospitals to develop mass decon capability with training by Disaster Unit • SNS joint PH & EMS operations with Law assist • Chem Pack operations by EMS • Disaster Unit training of over 3000 health care & 1000 field first responders • Frequent drills with Fire includes Health component Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Significant Activities for System Integration and Response (5) • “Night Hawk” & “Dark Cloud” FEX’s in 2003developed current operations for rapid movementof victims to safety or safe refuge area for decon.Force protection is integral to this response • New MCMD training of all LA City/Co firefighters • Allows for LA OA typing of MMRS mutual aid Strike Team of 5 Engines of 4 firefighters, capable of moving victims or assisting with decon as well as other response activities Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Hospital Decon PPE Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
Rapid Decon Facility Can be used as is or modified for hospital use Catastrophic Incident Response Planning
QUESTIONS?John Celentano, MDKay Fruhwirth, RNLA County EMS AgencyDisaster Medical Management(323) 890-7500 Catastrophic Incident Response Planning