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Duracell.com. Eric Gruen. Agenda. Overview of Duracell.com 5 Segmentation Groups Energizer/ Rayovac Analysis Expert Analysis Data Collection Data Analysis Conclusions and Recommendation Next Steps Questions. Overview. Duracell (Procter and Gamble) $2.4B Global Brand ($1B in US)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Duracell.com Eric Gruen

  2. Agenda • Overview of Duracell.com • 5 Segmentation Groups • Energizer/Rayovac Analysis • Expert Analysis • Data Collection • Data Analysis • Conclusions and Recommendation • Next Steps • Questions

  3. Overview • Duracell (Procter and Gamble) • $2.4B Global Brand ($1B in US) • Top Customers (Costco, Walmart, Target) • Current Objectives of Duracell.com • Educate • Sell-In with Buy-It-Now Feature • Drive Awareness • Incremental Purchases • Digital Spend for Brand • 20% of Entire BSA (Brand Spend Authorization) should be devoted to Digital • Developed and Maintained by Digitas, Digital Agency

  4. Target Audience

  5. Competitive Analysis: Energizer Easy to find products Facebook/Twitter Easy Connection Younger Target Audience Rollover Product Information

  6. Competitive Analysis: Rayovac Price Focus Easy to find products Facebook/Twitter Easy Connection Too many subjects to focus on

  7. Expert Analysis: Heuristics

  8. Data Collection • 3 Scenarios, each targeted to different consumer • Purchase AA8 pack of Batteries (Bonders) • Compare Duracell Power Peripherals (Investor) • Find and Use Duracell coupon from PG Brandsavers (Savvy) • Chose Consumers based on preliminary questionnaire that helped drive to targeting conclusions • Do you buy products solely on price (if Yes, then Savvy. If no, could be investor or bonder) • Do you seek as much knowledge or information before buying a product (if Yes, then investor, if no Savvy or bonder) • Do you buy name brand products for most products (if Yes, then bonder) • Do you only buy one type of battery (depending on answer, push towards one of the subgroups)

  9. Data Analysis

  10. Key Conclusions • Challenging to find what is needed • End-Users wanted to leave site • “I would have left a long time ago if I were on my own” • Duracell.com is not showing what is important to the consumer

  11. Key Recommendation

  12. Update Content • Products that not sold are featured • Old Promotions are featured with incorrect data • Must update with correct Information

  13. Home Page Update • Top of page should be simpler • Batteries, Rechargeables, Peripherals, Special Promos, Product Comparison Center and Trusted Everywhere Promos • Color Choices must be brighter • More engagement with videos, commercials that Duracell is known for

  14. Change the Layout • As currently constructed, the layout is very compact and it is tough to focus on one specific thing. • Duracell must reinvent the layout so that the end-user has a simpler time finding what they are looking for. • The site that best brings this to life that Duracell should aim to replicate is Starbucks.com.

  15. Complete Redesign • The above recommendations are all adjusting to the site that is already created. The team needs to take their time and ideate on ways to enhance the site. • Further, with the amount of money that is spent on digital during the course of a year (over $15 million), Duracell must expect their agency to come back with a plan that takes everything that is mentioned above into account. • The most important aspect of the redesign is to ensure that the end-user is in mind whenever any recommendation is given. • During the construction of the current site, it is apparent that the end-user was forgotten. That cannot and will not happen again.

  16. Next Steps • Already discussed with agency need to change certain items (and have already changed some: Twitter/Facebook, Sizing Issues) • Work on Digital Strategy to align Senior Management of the objective/purpose of Duracell.com • Work with agency to develop brief for site • Begin redesign and have fully implemented during F12/13

  17. Questions???

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