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Planning a Thematic Unit. Maggie Demarse. Brief description of the strategy. G roup of correlated activities that are designed around a topic or macro theme and cross several areas of the curriculum, such as reading, math, and science.
Planning a Thematic Unit Maggie Demarse
Brief description of the strategy • Group of correlated activities that are designed around a topic or macro theme and cross several areas of the curriculum, such as reading, math, and science. • Diverse learning through environment that promotes and encourages process learning and active involvement of all students. • Teachers determine extent to which curriculum integration is appropriate and manner in which it is achieved.
Brief description of the strategy • Builds on students' interests • Builds on prior knowledge • Various subjects in the curriculum + topics relevant to students' lives = greater awareness • Relate to real-life experiences • Enhances ability to transfer the skills acquired in one subject to another
When is it implemented? Introduce theme before reading has begun for the unit
How would you implement this in your classroom? What would it look like? • STEP 1:Choose a theme • STEP 2:Plan ahead
How would you implement this in your classroom? What would it look like? • STEP 3: Put the plan into action • STEP 4: Evaluate and celebrate!
How would this benefit ELLs? How would you modify it? • Students see the big picture so they can make sense of English language instruction. • Vocabulary is repeated as it appears in the different content areas. • Since themes deal with universal human topics, all students can be involved, and lessons and activities can be adjusted to different levels of English language proficiency. • With conditions that make understanding the curriculum easier, English language learners are more fully engaged and experience higher success. • Use of materials from the cultures of the ELL students in conjunction with English language instruction can be done to further assist in benefitting the ELL student as well as bring awareness to the other students in the class.
Links to internet resources detailing the strategy. • http://www.njtesol-njbe.org/handouts/BridgingtheGap.pdf • http://www.pbs.org/teachers/earlychildhood/articles/integratedunits.html • http://www.pacificedgepublishing.com/pdf/PlanThem.pdf • http://www.readinglady.com/mosaic/tools/Profundity%20Thematic%20Unit%20for%20intermediate%20from%20Jefflong.pdf • http://arts.unomaha.edu/art/NACNEMasters/unitinstruc.html • http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/FrayerModel.html • http://performancepyramid.muohio.edu/pyramid/instructional-activity-design/Thematic_Units/Reasons-to-Use-Thematic-Unit.html • http://center.dordt.edu/266.543units/solarsystem/solar.index.html • http://thematicunits.theteacherscorner.net/ • http://www.storyarts.org/lessonplans/folkthemes/index.html
Works Cited • Barto, Michele. Bridging the Gap for ELL Students in the Academic Classroom. N.p.: Http://www.njtesol-njbe.org, n.d. PDF. • Benson, Tammy R. "Integrated Teaching Units." PBS. PBS, Sept. 2004. Web. 21 June 2012. <http://www.pbs.org/teachers/earlychildhood/articles/integratedunits.html>. • Mumford, Diana, and Stuart Duncan. PLANNING A THEME BASED UNIT. Gabriola, B.C.: Pacific Edge Publishing Ltd., 2000. PDF. • Toepel, Delores, Marcia Paladino, and Jeff Beal. THEMATIC UNIT. Port Huron, MI: Intermediate School District of St. Clair County, 2003. PDF. • Garcia, Anne Upczak. "ELL Integrated Thematic Learning." Editorial. Suite 101. Suite 101, 30 Mar. 2008. Web. 21 June 2012. <http://suite101.com/article/integrated-thematic-instruction-a49271>. • "Frayer Model." Frayer Model. West Virginia Department of Education, n.d. Web. 25 June 2012. <http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/FrayerModel.html>.